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1 in stock
The Bible plan is for fathers to lead spiritually, financially, physically, and emotionally in the home. The father’s role is explained and detailed in clear measure. Here you will see a picture painted of a dad as God intended him to be seen. God expects men to lead; this book will help show you how to do so.
Hardcover 249 Pages
By Curtis Hutson$14.95
2 in stock
During His earthly ministry, Jesus gave but one description of Heaven-in John 14. Yet He spoke of Hell on no fewer than fourteen occasions. In this book you will find a literal Hell where literal fire torments the damned for a literal eternity. You will also find the way of escape God has prepared, and you will be burdened to warn others of the frightening reality of coming judgment.
Hardcover 249 Pages
By Curtis Hutson$14.95
2 in stock
Revival should be our prayer, our passion and our priority. It should be the normal state of things in every church what should be, could be and will be when we believe God as we should and give ourselves devotedly to His cause. In this volume we have included great sermons from men who experienced great revivals. May you read these sermons with a prayer in your heart for God to ignite the fires of revival in your own soul.
Hardcover 249 Pages
By Shelton Smith
1 in stock
Great messages on patriotism by a group of mighty men of the past and present.
1 in stock
The Cruden’s Complete Concordance has been a help to many through the years. It is a beautiful hardback binding and is a sure help to anyone’s Bible study library.
Available on backorder
Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, a Christian classic, tells the stories of brave men and women who were martyred for their faith in the fourteenth through sixteenth centuries.
By John Foxe
1 in stock
Complete and unabridged–a classic. A book that we ought to cherish as one of the treasures of our spiritual heritage.
By John Bunyan
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Zechariah is pre-eminently the Prophet of Hope. In this book, F.B. Meyer gives the features and lessons of each chapter in a manner which will attract many to study the prophet whose message carries a call as clear and eager today as when it was first spoken.
158 Pages
By F. B. Meyer$14.95
3 in stock
The story of two wars–one in the heart of General Richard Stoddert Ewell, and the other on the battlefields of Manassas and Bull Run. The film traces the influence of General Stonewall Jackson’s vigorous faith upon the profane, unbelieving Ewell. When Ewell meets God on the battlefield, he learns that surrender to God brings true victory.
1 in stock
What is the measure of a man’s ministry?–his faithfulness? the geographical extent his ministry covers? Can a man’s ministry be measured? Yes, it can. Never was there such a compassionate soul winner as Jesus. How Paul wept over sinners! D. L. Moody may well have been the greatest soul winner and evangelist of all time. He was sold out to soul winning.
Hardcover 254 Pages
By Curtis Hutson
1 in stock
This true, up-to-date medical missionary story DVD presents God’s way of salvation clearly and dramatically.
1 in stock
“Family Favorites” by the “Walters Sisters” is a delightful CD with 15 songs. This CD was produced in 2003 and will surely be a blessing to you.
1 in stock
“It Is Well” by Jonathan & Nathan Reed is a very nice Piano & Violin CD. 10 of your favorite hymns done on the piano and violin.
3 in stock
Living in an Imperfect World addresses the oft-repeated cycle of helplessness and provides a scriptural approach to unlock the flow of God’s blessings.
1 in stock (can be backordered)
Paul Chappell walks verse by verse through the book of Galatians. These are perfect for sermon preparation or personal Bible study.
3 in stock (can be backordered)
Designed as a practical study help to pastors, teachers, and any Christian who desires to study God’s Word.