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1 in stock
An overview of Psalms 42-89: “Exodus Psalms” and “Leviticus Psalms”
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Lectures on Calvinism offers a timeless exploration of the theology and thinking of key reformer John Calvin.
These six classic lectures by distinguished scholar Abraham Kuyper (1837–1920) on the key figure in Reformation theology were delivered at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1898. Kuyper introduces Calvinism as a life-system, discussing its relationship to religion, politics, science, and art. According to Kuyper, Calvinism seeks to unify the cosmos under universal laws. For instance, he states that predestination proves that a set of laws exists to govern the world, and science is merely trying to figure them out. Kuyper defends Calvinism in the realm of art as well, providing a thorough and elegant explanation of this outlook on life. The collection is called Lectures on Calvinism and not lectures on Christianity because Kuyper believed that Calvinism most truthfully and most completely articulates the Biblical Christian faith.
25 in stock
This unabridged edition of 28 of Spurgeon’s classroom discourses on homiletics overflows with practical wisdom, discerning wit, and sage advice.
6 in stock (can be backordered)
Being a good help meet starts long before marriage. It is a mindset, a learned habit, a way of life established as a young unmarried girl—or at least that’s the way it should be. It is the older women who have experienced the joys of a good marriage whom God has appointed to pass along his instructions.
1 in stock (can be backordered)
To speak of not to speak, that is the question?
25 in stock
A friendly talk with seekers concerning faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
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A guide to membership in the local church
2 in stock (can be backordered)
Against the war – many of these essays reference contemporary events, the principles discussed in all of them are timeless: war, militarism, empire, interventionism, the warfare state, and the Christian attitude toward all these things. It is the author’s contention that the Christian enthusiasm for the state, its wars, and its politicians is an affront to the Saviour, contrary to Scripture, and demonstration of the profound ignorance many Christians have of history.
Laurence M Vance
Paperback 418 pages
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This book goes through every Psalm, outlining each verse and referencing other correlating verses in the Bible.
4 in stock (can be backordered)
“Seeker-sensitivity” sounds noble, but its roots are corrupt, and in today’s church it is coming at the expense of the truth!
3 in stock (can be backordered)
This book chronicles the life of John Bunyan, the famous author of Pilgrim’s Progress, The Holy War and several other titles. These timeless works are still popular today due to the spiritual fervor and compelling style in which they were written. This book gives a closer look into the life of this great dreamer.
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Includes 6 sizzling hot Chick tracts tackling six of the hottest issues of our time
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Over 1,000 powerful precepts for practical living.
25 in stock
This compact book by Torrey is perfect for soul winning, exhortation and reference.
25 in stock
Prayers offered during services at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, London, England
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Christ-honoring music performed by the West Coast Baptist College Streams in the Desert Trio.
Streams in the Desert Trio
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This excellent devotional for teens is fun and fundamentally grounded.
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This excellent devotional for kids is fun and fundamentally grounded.
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Use this devotional book to help you stay on track by answering a question from each chapter of the Bible and jotting down a thought for each day.
2 in stock
Coloring book of nature pictures with a Bible verse for each picture.
Original price was: $15.95.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
69% Off
4 in stock
13 songs by Hyles-Anderson College
Hyles-Anderson College
Original price was: $15.95.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
69% Off
2 in stock
The Clark Family has been a blessing to many.
1 in stock (can be backordered)
A Guidebook for Pastors and Christian Leaders