Spiritual Growth



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  • $6.99

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    Because prayer is so vital to your faith, it is essential that you comprehend God’s methods of hearing and answering prayer. R. A. Torrey shares spiritual guidelines to prayer learned from years of seeking God and receiving answers. All who put his lessons into practice will find their prayer lives permanently altered.

    153 Pages

  • $7.99

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    “The intelligent child of God must be driven to say, ‘I must pray, pray, pray. I must put all my energy and all my heart into prayer. Whatever else I do, I must pray.'”

  • $8.99

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    There is no doubt in faith.

  • $6.99

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    When Jesus “made himself nothing … taking the nature of a servant,” He modeled for all believers true humility. Murray calls this “our true nobility” and “the distinguishing feature of discipleship.” In twelve brief but powerful chapters, Murray journeys through Scripture and Christ’s life, underscoring the utmost need for humility—as opposed to pride—in the Christian’s life. With insightful, penetrating clarity, Murray calls all Christians to turn from pride, empty themselves, and study the character of Christ to be filled with His grace. Often called the best work on humility ever written.

  • $3.59

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    The joy of being like Christ. As Thomas A’ Kempis, a serene and devoted man of God, walked in the Lord’s presence, he discovered priceless steps to becoming more like Christ daily. In Of the Imitation of Christ, which has been translated into more languages than any other book except the Bible, the author presents timeless principles for living the Christian life, including how to: Hear God’s voice–Turn adversity to good–Overcome temptation–Have perfect love–Find lasting peace

  • $4.00

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    Christians cannot escape trials, but our Lord gently guides us when life presents times nearly too hard to bear. The pages of this booklet are designed to remind you of God’s strength during your midnight hour.

  • $10.00

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    Biblical separation is necessary for the salvation of this civilization. The doctrine of separation and its practice by God’s people is necessary for the preservation of the nation and for the avoiding of the judgment of God. When the believer for any purpose sits side by side with the unbeliever, he will find his cheering for Jesus gets a bit quieter, his zeal is lessened, and soon his testimony will be silenced!

    Paperback 136 Pages
    By Jack Hyles

  • $10.99

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    You can have an exciting relationship of intimate communion with Christ.

  • $5.95

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    This encouraging book for spiritual leaders explores the lives of three great Bible leaders and how they made an eternal difference. Your heart will be challenged by the vision of Joshua, the passion of Nehemiah, and the faith of Joseph.

  • $16.95

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    This book is a source that will help leaders evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, and it will give them clear methods for improving their effectiveness. In this book you will learn: How to organize, How to get a job done, How to deal with government, How to deal with disgruntled people, How to deal with employees.

    Hardback 176 pages
    By Jack Trieber

  • $17.10

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    Have you ever wondered, “Is there a God?” or “Where did I come from?” or “Is there life after death?” This book answers all these questions and many more. Through these Life Lines, Dr. Holmes provides straightforward answers in easy-to-read language. This book enables you to find solid life principles based on Scriptural directives that provide positive encouragement for every day living.

    By Robert Leslie Holmes

  • $14.95

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    OUT OF STOCK & OUT OF PRINT … the student book is available and the spiral teacher book is available
    Braving Adulthood with Biblical Passion

  • $9.95

    1 in stock

    You will see the sorrows and joys of a woman whose husband is in the ministry. Your heart will be touched, and you will be encouraged to lift up the hands of the ladies who are serving with their husbands in your churches.

    Paperback 242 Pages

    By Beverly Hyles

  • $20.00

    11 in stock (can be backordered)

    This refreshing book contains principles for lasting joy, especially for ladies. This book contains 10 units of revitalizing truths, including a unit written specifically for preachers’ kids.

  • $6.95

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    God has revealed himself to us in scripture by a number of characteristic names, and each one reveals to us something unique and wonderful about His personality and attributes. So it is with God’s people. Not only do these names reveal to us what we are, they also challenge us and teach us to be what we should be. Join us in this exciting study and learn what it means to be Living up to Your Name.

    Paperback 62 Pages
    By Dennis Corle

  • $11.99

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    We often hear about the compromise life and the question comes up What lies at the root of it? What is the reason that so many Christians are wasting their lives in the terrible bondage of the world instead of living in the manifestation and the privilege and the glory of the child of God? And another question perhaps comes to us: What can be the reason that when we see a thing is wrong and strive against it we cannot conquer it? What can be the reason that we have a hundred times prayed and vowed, yet here we are still living a mingled, divided, half-hearted life? To those two questions there is one answer: it is self that is the root of the whole trouble.

    By Andrew Murray

  • $6.26

    1 in stock

    Humorous illustrations from the first 20 years of family and ministry.
    82 pages
    By Bryan Sharp

  • $14.95

    6 in stock (can be backordered)

    A spiritual self-help book which will equip the reader to disciple others.

  • $11.99

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    Only through intercession can the church continue the work of saving souls. Andrew Murray shares how to make prayer a ministry that will impact your friends, family, nation, and world. Nothing will so test and stimulate the Christian life as the honest attempt to be an intercessor. 

  • $12.00

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    After nearly five decades in the ministry, Dr. David Sorenson recounts numerous incidents where men in spiritual leadership have experienced moral failure.

  • $19.99

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    More Like the Master teaches us how to reflect Christ’s character in daily living, attempting to bridge the gap between doctrine and everyday life. This is done through word studies on terms like grace, love, and righteousness, with application to Jesus and how these terms apply to us.

    This book shows the unity between the Old Testament and New and demonstrates how Israel should have known God and recognized Him in the person of Jesus. Dr. Jaeggli seeks to answer questions such as: Do we seek to worship the true God? Or do we merely worship our own concept of God?

  • $19.00

    1 in stock

    Spending time with God at the start and the close of each day will bring a new joy in your life. You will come to appreciate Spurgeon’s emphasis on the importance of abiding in Christ and meditating on God’s Word. Through the trials and triumphs of the year let his timeless wisdom and counsel provide a guide.

    Paperback 751 pages
    By Charles Spurgeon

  • $16.00

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    A Twentieth Century Allegory by William Shuler Harris. If you enjoyed The Pilgrim’s Progress, you will find this to be another great book of vivid imagery detailing the lives of two people on the path toward eternity. Experience with them the trials and testings along the road.

  • $5.95

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    Understanding and Applying the Amazing Power of Godly Music

  • $7.20

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    This collection is unique in that most of them have been passed down from grandfather, to father, to himself, and each one illustrates some aspect of his spiritual pilgrimage. The author reminds us that God frequently raises up a man or woman for a particular time.

    By Eric Hayden

  • $8.99

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    “Indeed we cannot say all that the mysterious word God means to us until we know more about Him.”

  • $4.99

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    A Pastor and His Prodigal Son

  • $0.00

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    OUT OF PRINT – OUT OF STOCK The joy of being close to God.

  • $4.00

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    In this brief pamphlet, he gives a clear summary of what the Bible teaches about giving. The most common objections some people have about tithing are effectively answered.

  • $4.19

    1 in stock

    Do you want to see God do great things in your life? Spurgeon reveals how you can be the recipient of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit Himself, in addition to the love and joy that He freely gives. Find out how you can experience the Spirit’s miracle-working power in your life today.

    176 Pages