Spiritual Growth



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    From the Scriptures, Murray can show you how to find peace in every day.

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    Unfailing Power for Unlikely People: A dark horse is an underdog—someone no one even knows about, let alone expects to succeed—who makes a surprising win. Do you ever feel unqualified? Unlikely to do something truly great for God? Unknown and insufficient? That is where all dark horses start.

  • $9.95

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    Relax in the love and care of a tender Father who will never leave you or forsake you! He is not going to leave you in the dark! See how His Word clearly shows you exactly what to do!

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    Making Right Choices in a World Full of Wrong

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    What Most Religions Don’t Tell You about the Bible

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    Examine the most commonly experienced emotional extremes of life and how to cast your emotional burdens upon the Lord

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    A selection of his more recent addresses.

  • $8.99

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    You wake up, and your mind is already racing. Your schedule is packed with all that the day holds. In the jumble of carpools, projects, dinner, work, and time with your family, God is often pushed to the side–or out of the picture completely.
    Matthew Henry was a man who awoke to thoughts of God, went to bed with God on his mind, and filled every hour in between with the same godly focus. Despite hardships, his life was fulfilled and joyful. Learn from him the importance of godly conversation, true devotions, and effective communication, and find a life that is completely pleasing to God.


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    No case is too desperate for God. There is no problem He cannot overcome.

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    Keep the Fire Burning!

  • $3.00

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    A volume that answers many of the most common questions that believers may have such as, “Am I truly converted?”, “And If I do Backslide?” and many others.

  • $5.39

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    These stories are the result of much meditation of the Word of God. It’s not the characters who are magnified, but the grace of God in them. We are encouraged to discover that the same grace is available to us.

    By William Gilmore

  • $24.95

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    Clear presentation of the Salvation message

  • $9.89

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    “We can no more take in a supply of grace for the future than we can eat enough today to last us for the next six months… We must draw upon God’s boundless stores of grace From Day to Day, as we need it.”

    Here in 365 carefully chosen selections that reflect the very best of D.L. Moody’s active ministry, you will experience for yourself the clear and direct voice of God, giving you guidance.

    By D. L. Moody

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    A Collection of Writings That Shaped One of the Most Influential Pastors of the Twentieth Century

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    A collections of stories of how God is good in our lives

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    You’re Lovely. In the middle of a crowded world, jostled by other people’s lives, you feel alone. It’s not companionship you lack, it’s love. God’s love. Charles Spurgeon describes a love so warm that the sun cools by comparison.
    By Charles Spurgeon

  • $10.99

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    By faith, we all have access to the storehouse of God’s promises. Find out how to receive the many gifts that God has made available for every one of His children. Power and victory are yours through Him!

    189 Pages
    By Charles Spurgeon

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    Salvation Explained

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    Enjoy a refreshing break each day with these heartwarming devotional readings.

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    Are we letting His power shine forth in our lives?

  • $4.79

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    All of creation finds its happiness in the will of God. When we live in that will, our spirits find their strength, joy, fruitfulness, and everlasting blessedness. Discover why the one thing that every child of God needs is to prove that his life is the manifestation of God’s blessed will.

    By Andrew Murray

  • $15.00

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    Andrew Bonar was a man who lived to bring people back to the gospel and to focus their attention on what matters most.  It is not hard to see why his preaching and writing was so used of God–his sermons are full of Christ.  In sixteen brief chapters, Bonar deals with a wide range of important subjects related to the Christian life, such as, coming to Christ, growing in grace and holiness, and serving the Lord in the work of the gospel.

  • $8.99

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    In this book we look at some of the agonizing and distressing issues people fact today: Rebellion is heart of Africa threatens missionaries; bomb tragedy in Omagh kills 29; earthquake in Japan destroys the heart of Kobe; bad news from the doctor is frightening, etc.

    By Victor Maxwell

  • $9.00

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    This work of Thomas Brooks, first published in 1654, deals with all of these aspects of assurance in a way that is both biblical and pastoral. Brooks ‘scatters stars with both his hands’ wrote C.H. Spurgeon. His teaching is clear, thorough and greatly needed in the present spiritual climate. Brooks both explains what true assurance is and guides the reader in how it may be fully experienced.

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    For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. – Romans 6:23

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    Guidance and Strength for the Christian’s Life Journey.

  • $6.99

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    The miraculous new life of the early Christians amazed the world and turned it “upside down.” You can experience the same kind of newness and power in your walk with God. The Holy Spirit can be an ever present, loving Friend and mighty Helper to you today.

  • $1.95

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    This little booklet produced by Dr. Wood is an excellent starter workbook for the new Christian. The book has a one page explanation of 12 different topics in regard to the Christian life, with a page following each topical chapter in which the the new convert is tested on the knowledge he has just obtained. The new Christian can write his answers directly in the book, which of course aids in comprehending. The twelve topical chapters concern the Bible, Salvation, Assurance, Bible Study, Confession of Sin, Church Attendance, Public Profession, Baptism, Prayer, Witnessing, Giving and Faithfulness.

    By David Wood

  • $6.95

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    As a Christian, you are the most important person in the world today, performing the most critical task in the world, that is, pointing people to Christ. Read this book and Dr. Rice will challenge you to reassess your personal spiritual growth. Read every heart-warming word and begin now to make a grand success of your Christian life.

    Paperback 234 Pages
    By John Rice