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    This book tells the story of how God gave Chris Killen a new life in Christ, and a new challenge on earth. It is to see other addicts rescued from the peril he had once been in – snatched back from the brink, as he had been. For good. And for God.

  • $9.90

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    Think of the Maze Prison–what memories flood your mind? Can anything good ever come out of the Maze? If nothing else, there is one person, Thomas Martin. This book recounts a thrilling story of transformation. Martin is now a happy man, involved in a busy ministry for God.

  • $12.99

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    C. H. Spurgeon is commonly called the Prince of Preachers, a title he rightly deserves. At the height of his ministry in the heart of London during the 19th century, his sermons were published in daily newspapers both in England and the U.S. Now 100 years later after his death, this book gives an indepth look at Spurgeon and incorporates many of his own writings in this book.

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    The thrilling account of the life and work of Ulster’s best-known evangelist, the Rev. William Patterson Nicholson. It was a sad day for the devil and a glorious one for the Kingdom of God when W.P. Nicholson was converted and called to do the work of an evangelist.

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    A summary of the life and conversion of spiritual giants of years past. Augustine, Luther, Latimer, Calvin, Henderson, Cameron, Bunyan, Wesley, Whitefield, Brainerd, Carey, Livingstone, Spurgeon, and others.

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    May the reading of these biographies inspire and inform you so that you may follow in their footsteps and reach out to people still without a knowledge of Jesus Christ, the only Saviour.

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    Life events and ministry of the famous preacher.

  • $11.95

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    Andrew Bonar (1810-1892) was a Scottish preacher and author. He was a great friend of R.M M’Cheyne, whose memoir he wrote. After ministries in Jedburgh and Edinburgh, he was ordained at Collace, Perthshire, and remained there after the disruption, preaching in a tent until a free church was built.

  • $14.99

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    Born in South Africa (1828-1917), Andrew Murray was sent to study in Scotland and Holland. When he returned to South Africa as a pastor and evangelist, he led a revival that shook the country. Murray was the most influential leader of his own church in the 19th century and a model of faithfulness for ours.

  • $10.00

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    The biography of Dwight L. Moody

  • $10.79

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    This book contains a wide variety of gripping testimonies, as told to the author by the converts themselves. They come from all walks of life, revealing the reach of Ian Paisley’s ministry.

  • $10.79

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    The Rev. Dr. Henry Cooke dominated Irish Presbyterianism for more than forty years. He emerged to fame as a “Mr. Valiant for Truth,” a champion of orthodoxy in his debates with Rev. Dr. Henry Montgomery in the Arian Controversy, which brought about the expulsion of those who held Unitarian beliefs.

  • $8.99

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    A paper missionary sounds a most unlikely medium for a sophisticated age. The “Every Home Crusade” uses three tons of paper every day, to produce millions of gospel publications in multiple languages every month, and has hundreds of distributors in more than 100 countries to whom the literature is sent freely.

  • $14.99

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    Modern day youth have been misled throughout their educational careers with the false notion that science must be based entirely on naturalism and that the Bible is not relevant. The truth is that most of the great founding fathers of modern science were Bible-believing men and practicing Christians. Eleven of these great men are profiled in this book.
    In these short biographies, we have presented a distilled version of each man’s scientific accomplishments as well as the evidence of his Christian faith. These testimonies demonstrate that true scientists can also be genuine Christians, and that faith in God and in the authority of the Bible is not a sign of inferior intellect. 

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    A Great Cloud of Witnesses Volume 1 has 20 biographies

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    This is the story of J. Hudson Taylor’s life

  • $4.95

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    This book chronicles the life of John Bunyan, the famous author of Pilgrim’s Progress, The Holy War and several other titles. These timeless works are still popular today due to the spiritual fervor and compelling style in which they were written. This book gives a closer look into the life of this great dreamer.

  • $17.95

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    The Extraordinary Story of Joy Davidman, Her Life and Marriage to C.S. Lewis

  • $19.95

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    Hendrickson Classic Biographies presents a one-volume abridgement of Wesley’s multi-volume journals. The Heart of John Wesley’s Journal presents a remarkable life, recorded and examined in real time by Wesley himself.

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    James Hudson Taylor (1832-1905) was a Christian missionary to China and founder of the China Inland Mission (renamed Overseas Missionary Fellowship). He served there for 51 years, bringing over 800 missionaries to the country and personally baptizing an estimated 50,000 converts.

  • $12.00

    The story of 5 great missionary servants of God: The stories of David Brainerd, William C. Burns, John Eliot, Henry Martyn and John G. Paton.

  • $16.00

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    The Life of John Brown is the story of an orphaned shepherd boy who rose to become the revered minister of Haddington in south-east Scotland and the theological professor of his denomination. Though his life’s labours were inextricably linked with one town, the influence of John Brown of Haddington spread worldwide through his writings, especially his Self-Interpreting Bible. This book contains his own account of his life. To this, his youngest son, Dr. William Brown, has added family recollections, letters and some of his father’s choicest short writings.

    As he drew near the end of his life, John Brown exclaimed, ‘Oh! What must Christ be in Himself, when He sweetens heaven, sweetens Scriptures, sweetens ordinances, sweetens earth, and sweetens even trials! Oh! What must Christ be in Himself!’ Modern readers will taste some of the same Christ-derived sweetness as they meditate on The Life of John Brown with Select Writings.

  • $14.00

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    This is the moving story of God’s redeeming and restoring grace to one who wrote the following epitaph for himself: John Newton, Clerk, Once and infidel and libertine, A servant of slaves in Africa, was, by the rich mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, preserved, restored, pardoned, and appointed to preach the faith he had long labored to destroy. Formerly published as But Now I See, this biography contains much valuable first-hand material from Newton himself. Indeed, considerable use is made of his Diary and Letters. His pre-conversion days, his call to the Christian ministry, and his time at Olney and St. Mary Woolnoth are all covered. This is no arid record of the past. Besides being a worthy memorial to the life and work of John Newton, this biography will also encourage those who love the gospel to consecrate themselves to the Master’s service as Newton did.

  • $29.00

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    The Diary and Life of Andrew Bonar gives a panoramic view of one of the most fascinating periods of Scotland’s church history.  But foremost it is the record of God’s work in the life of a man who represented all that was finest in the evangelical life of that country.

  • $29.00

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    The story of the life and ministry of Archibald G. Brown

  • $13.00

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    Andrew Bonar’s biography of M’Cheyne conveys the fragrance of his life that no later writer could ever recapture.  Being dead, M’Cheyne yet speaks and it may be doubted whether any Christian can seriously read these pages without having an example of the power of godliness stamped upon their conscience in a manner that will remain with them for all their days.

  • $16.00

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    A man of brilliant intellect, Duncan is often only known today by the anecdotes which memorialise the eccentricities which marked his life- as is often true of men of genius.

  • $28.00

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    Iain Murray writes on a number of Christians he specially admires.

  • $33.00

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    This outstanding study is not only an exceptional biography; it also serves as a classic illustration of how the church today can and should learn from its past history.

  • $27.00

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    John Wesley – Oxford don and itinerant preacher, intellectual and evangelist, author and man of action, upholder of the Church of England yet founder of another world-wide denomination, disagreeing with George Whitefield, yet preaching his funeral sermon-truly a many-sided man.