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    Twenty years with Rev. William A. Sunday gives me the right to say that I knew the real Billy Sunday, not the man publicity created but the flaming apostle of Christianity. He was too real to be pictured by any of the labels mistakenly put on him. So a friendship born of a score of years gives birth to this book. It is the attempt to suggest a true picture of his personality. His simplicity was so genuine, his utter devotion to his work so complete, and the results so far-reaching that I feel this generation should have a record of his dynamic personality from one who knew him. Such is the basis for the chapters which follow.

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    I wanted to see what God did with this common man who was totally yield to his Lord Jesus Christ.

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    What does it look like to live a life fully committed to God and his kingdom? Despite having different callings in ministry, Charles Spurgeon, George Müller, and Hudson Taylor all stand as titans of faithfulness — trusting in the sovereignty of God in the midst of affliction, hardship, and loss — and their examples of steadfast confidence in God continue to motivate and inspire God’s people, even today. The seventh book in John Piper’s popular The Swans Are Not Silent series, A Camaraderie of Confidence highlights how the amazing lives and legendary ministries of these three men continue to illustrate what it means to hold fast to the promises of God.

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    A Great Cloud of Witnesses Volume 1 has 20 biographies

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    A Great Cloud of Witnesses Volume 2 has 20 biographies

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    A paper missionary sounds a most unlikely medium for a sophisticated age. The “Every Home Crusade” uses three tons of paper every day, to produce millions of gospel publications in multiple languages every month, and has hundreds of distributors in more than 100 countries to whom the literature is sent freely.

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    In his book, A Scottish Christian Heritage, Iain Murray describes how for 300 years the school of evangelical Christianity changed Scotland as a nation. Passing on the evangel of the Reformation, and growing stronger in persecution, it turned a people to the Bible, and finally gave many of its best sons and daughters to the ends of the earth. For fidelity, joyful perseverance in hardship, and improbably advance, the record remains a witness to the faith that overcomes the world.

    The compelling interest of this account lies in the way it draws on contemporary records-many of these Christian leaders being authors as well as men of action. Murray’s narrative explores this rich heritage and underlines its remarkable relevance for our own day. While not a Scottish church history, this is a gripping introduction to the many glorious successes, and some of the painful failures of the church, from the days of John Knox to those of Horatius Bonar. Explaining this panoramic tapestry are the words of Knox’s own commentary, ‘God gave his Holy Spirit to simple men in great abundance’.

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    The thrilling account of the life and work of Ulster’s best-known evangelist, the Rev. William Patterson Nicholson. It was a sad day for the devil and a glorious one for the Kingdom of God when W.P. Nicholson was converted and called to do the work of an evangelist.

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    Life events and ministry of the famous preacher.

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    The Extraordinary Story of Joy Davidman, Her Life and Marriage to C.S. Lewis

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    Andrew Bonar (1810-1892) was a Scottish preacher and author. He was a great friend of R.M M’Cheyne, whose memoir he wrote. After ministries in Jedburgh and Edinburgh, he was ordained at Collace, Perthshire, and remained there after the disruption, preaching in a tent until a free church was built.

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    Born in South Africa (1828-1917), Andrew Murray was sent to study in Scotland and Holland. When he returned to South Africa as a pastor and evangelist, he led a revival that shook the country. Murray was the most influential leader of his own church in the 19th century and a model of faithfulness for ours.

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    The story of the life and ministry of Archibald G. Brown

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    This book contains a wide variety of gripping testimonies, as told to the author by the converts themselves. They come from all walks of life, revealing the reach of Ian Paisley’s ministry.

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    This book tells the story of how God gave Chris Killen a new life in Christ, and a new challenge on earth. It is to see other addicts rescued from the peril he had once been in – snatched back from the brink, as he had been. For good. And for God.

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    Fresh off a farm in east Texas, living halfway around the world with the U.S. Air Force, Bob Hughes fell in love with the Filipino people and became burdened to share with them the Saviour they so desperately needed. He returned to that Asian nation and was used of God to build one of the most incredible mission works of the 20th century in less than 20 years. A man whose influence in world missions is still felt on both sides of the Pacific more than three decades after his death, Bob Hughes was a servant of the Lord and has been an inspiration to countless Christians. This book, which includes firsthand accounts by dozens of people who knew Bob personally, will allow a new generation to become acquainted with a man who truly believed that, with God, nothing is impossible.

    Author Monroe Roark

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    No Reserve. No Retreat. No Regrets.

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    The true story of a modern-day Apostle Paul G.S. Nair, the Missionary-Entrepreneur of India

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    Here is a man who knows his Bible inside out, whose fresh and vivid use of words can make an old truth new.

    Author Harold Murray

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    Billy R. Toler’s Personal Reflections of Dr. Harold B. Sightler

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    Modern day youth have been misled throughout their educational careers with the false notion that science must be based entirely on naturalism and that the Bible is not relevant. The truth is that most of the great founding fathers of modern science were Bible-believing men and practicing Christians. Eleven of these great men are profiled in this book.
    In these short biographies, we have presented a distilled version of each man’s scientific accomplishments as well as the evidence of his Christian faith. These testimonies demonstrate that true scientists can also be genuine Christians, and that faith in God and in the authority of the Bible is not a sign of inferior intellect. 

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    The biography of Dwight L. Moody

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    This book is the record of the outworking of the grace of God in one whose self-description has long been, ‘Not a profitable servant, but a pardoned sinner.’

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    B.B. Warfield stands as one of the greatest of Reformed theologians. He taught for over thirty years at Princeton Seminary, achieving an enormous output of learned and massive books and articles in defense of historic Calvinism.

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    It was the increasing conviction that martyrs, though dead, can still speak to the church, which led Bishop J.C. Ryle to pen these pungent biographies of Five English Reformers last century.

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    The story of 5 great missionary servants of God: The stories of David Brainerd, William C. Burns, John Eliot, Henry Martyn and John G. Paton.

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    The touching story of one of England’s favorite hymnwriters

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    Morning Devotions by Susannah Spurgeon

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    George Muller’s life may be described as a primer on the miracle of answered prayer. When Muller felt called by God to care for orphans, he had only a few cents in his pocket. Without ever asking anyone other than God, he received over $7,200,000 dollars (in 1800’s money) through prayer alone.

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    In this her debut publication, Mary Kate Gygax captures the true story of Alberto and Norma Garcia, Mexican nationals who followed God’s call to become missionaries in Equatorial Guinea, West Africa. Within these pages, the miraculous nature of God’s handiwork and provision despite hardships, poverty, and tragedy is more than evident as the author recounts the story of the Garcia family and their decision to follow God’s will even if it meant ministering on the other side of the earth.