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1 in stock
This compilation of sermons by famous preachers of the past provides for us a rich source of material on one of the best loved texts of the Bible, John 3:16. Martin Luther, the great reformed, described it as the gospel in a nutshell.
By Stanley Barnes
1 in stock
All sermons by C. H. Spurgeon dealing with the subject of Miracles in the scriptures.
1 in stock
Sermons by C. H. Spurgeon which all deal on the subject of Parables found in the scriptures.
1 in stock
Sermons by C. H. Spurgeon all dealing with the subject of prayer in the scriptures.
1 in stock
Sermons by C. H. Spurgeon which deal with the Psalms of the scriptures.
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Sermons by C. H. Spurgeon that deal with the subject of prayer and revival in the scriptures.
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This volume presents sermons preached on special occasions to congregations ranging in size from 1000 to 15,000 people. They span a unique part of the 50 years of Ian Paisley’s ministry.
158 Pages
By Ian Paisley$8.99
2 in stock (can be backordered)
This book is full of examples and exhortations inspiring excellence. It is motivation full of meaning. The Greek physician Hippocrates described four basic temperament types. For a truly happy life add a fifth: a servant temperament.
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Alliterate, Expository Messages on Seven (7) Cries of Jesus Christ from the Cross.
25 in stock
The object of this book is to set forth the principles of the art of teaching.
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Practical Advice for Both the Knight in Training and the Princess in Waiting.
Jerry Ross
3 in stock
Let this little booklet show you how you can lead a happy, prosperous Christian life, highlighting these 7 things: Assurance of Salvation, Baptism, Church Membership, The Bible, Prayer, Giving and Soul Winning.
Booklet 64 Pages
By John Rice$10.00
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In The Seventh One, a fiction by Elizabeth Yates, Tom Wilson passes through life possessing in turn seven dogs. Each of these “best friends” comes with its own gift, such as comfort when Tom feels
4 in stock (can be backordered)
Well done book containing 292 pages and with each of the 75 problems representing a chapter. This book has been recommended by several well known Baptist Preachers.
By Lloyd Streeter
3 in stock (can be backordered)
A study in the book of Revelation. Book Available in Limited Quantities
2 in stock (can be backordered)
Sheffey Commemorative Edition BLU-RAY + DVD – Brother Sheffey rides again! The true story of an unusual servant of God has been digitally remastered for HD on Blu-ray and DVD.
This is a Godly movie that captures the Spirit of God and will speak to the heart of the entire family.$7.19
2 in stock (can be backordered)
Familiar on a day to day basis with the all-round care of the sheep and skills of shepherds, the author is equipped to use these experiences in the illustration of spiritual lessons.
By Robert Gamble
2 in stock (can be backordered)
The song of songs has always been a special book for believers of all ages, yet few fully understand the hidden meaning of the book. In this devotional commentary, Brian Green seeks to show that the love story is not just about two people, but about three–the Shulamite, King Solomon, who does everything to win her heart, and the Shepherd of the Hills who is her true love.
By Brian Green
4 in stock
The scene is Waterstop, Wyoming, about 1870. Bret Jensen and his parents have ridden the trail west in search of a new life.
1 in stock
The young detectives find themselves in a life-or-death race for time as a countdown threatens the life of a kidnapped young heiress. Sherlock’s brainpower is put to the test as he searches for lifesaving clues in the intricate world of computer technology. For he-and he along-is left to unlock the secrets upon which Lisa Diamond’s life depends.
1 in stock
The summer day held little promise fro anything extraordinary when Penny Gordon and her friend-called “Sherlock”-set out to put their hard-earned cash in the only bank in Willoughby. However, not only do they happen on a robbery in progress, but also a good friend ends up being blamed! Naturally, nothing in the case gets past detective Sherlock. The hard part always seems to be convincing the grown-ups in charge that Sherlock is right!
Out Of Print
Becoming a Man of God. The great need of the hour is for Christian men to become godly men—for their daily walk to reflect the life of Christ. But just how does one become a “man of God?”
1 in stock
Innera carries a message that will signal the end of the long war between the kingdoms of Sarda and Kapnos. But which side will be victorious? Throughout her dangerous journey, Innera must search her own heart for hope and courage.
Original price was: $2.00.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
50% Off
12 in stock
Read “Short People Need Tall Trees” and learn what strange and wonderful things happened to Zacchaeus because he was short.
By Ruth Scarff
1 in stock (can be backordered)
More and more Christians are choosing to obtain tattoos. Is this something that can be done to the glory of God? Does it even matter to God if His people place permanent markings on their bodies? Where did tattoos come from and what does God say about them? This booklet will give you a biblical course of action regarding this current trend that is growing in popularity among people who believe the Bible.
By Paul Chappell