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Original price was: $1.95.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
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It’s an adventure full of suspense and surprises! And lessons to be learned!
Original price was: $2.25.$1.25Current price is: $1.25.
44% Off
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His face marred by racial violence, Kruma grew up full of hate. But when a strange man saves his life, he learns that God loves everyone, regardless of skin color.
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This is a magnificent two-volume set, calculated to stir the soul and to find a place of honour and affection in every Christian who loves to read the thrilling history of the Scottish church!
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Audio King James Bible read by Alexander Scourby
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Reading the Bible is easy when you used the daily devotional book.
Scott Hanks
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“Search the Scriptures” is a devotional book designed to establish a pattern for the Christian (6-12 yr. old) to read through the Bible in one year
The 2024 Kids devotional is “That I May Know Him”
Scott Hanks
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Search the Scriptures is a devotional book designed to establish a pattern for the Christian to read through the Bible in one year.
3 in stock
Important Bible lessons for young people are woven throughout the text of this very entertaining story in which Dillon and Kyle discover the “Secret on Broad Mountain.”
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Have you ever met someone who stands out from the crowds? They are strong, confident, and full of peace. Even though they face the same stresses and difficulties as others, they have a joy the others don’t have. They have found peace in a chaotic, violent, and stressed world. No matter what the opposition, they seem to pull through with power. What is their secret? This book will show you how to find the power of the Holy Spirit.
Original price was: $7.50.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
33% Off
5 in stock (can be backordered)
Whitefield was not only the greatest preacher and orator of the eighteenth century, he was also one of its most saintly characters, if not the saintliest of all. Certainly there was no more humble or lovable man amongst them. What can be more profitable, next to the Bible itself, than to read something of the life of such a man and to read his own words!
1 in stock
Various groups of the Gospel Light Baptist Church of Hot Springs, Arkansas. This is the church that Pastor Eric Capaci pastors. Excellent recording! Songs include: Jesus Hold My Hand/This World Is Not My Home Medley, He’s All I Need, Out of His Great Love, Oh, I want to Know You More, and Many more.
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A Biblical Handbook for New Testament Missions
Authors: Paul Chappell and Dwight Tomlinson
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A vivid and gripping account of old times and customs and of the author’s fight with alcohol addiction before finding lasting peace.
By W. “Speedy” Moore
35 in stock (can be backordered)
This book is an effort to show why and how Christians should live for Christ.
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Over 1,000 powerful precepts for practical living.
3 in stock
This book of Sermon Starters is just what the title implies. It contains texts, titles, outlines, quotes, and illustrations that will be useful in preparing sermons.
Louis Arnold
Paperback 206 Pages
1 in stock
Whether used by families as a devotional tool to be used during quiet time in the home or by pastors & students, these sermons will provide insight to Spurgeon, the man, and also lift up on high the Christ of the scriptures.
By Charles Spurgeon
3 in stock (can be backordered)
No Christian can read the biography or Sermons of Robert Murray M’Cheyne without realizing that the true measure of life is not its length but its usefulness. He ministered but a short seven-and-a-half years, and died at the age of 29, yet the fruitfulness of that brief life remains to this day.
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A collection of sermons by C.H. Spurgeon, as preached and published in newspapers in England as well as the U.S.