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Original price was: $21.99.$18.99Current price is: $18.99.
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Life was bleak for Naomi. Her husband was dead, as were her sons. She found herself in a foreign land with only one friend-her daughter-in-law Ruth. But as she returned to her hometown of Bethlehem, a ray of divine hope broke through the dark clouds of providence. It was the barley harvest, and she wasn’t alone. This cycle of poems by John Piper tells the story of God’s care for Naomi and the love affair between Ruth and Boaz through the eyes of their son, an aged Obed, as he narrates the account to his eight-year-old grandson David, the future king of Israel. Through this creative work, readers will walk with Boaz from promise to fulfillment, with Ruth from widowhood to motherhood, and with Naomi from death to life.
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For the Christian, here is a rich source of material for meditation and Bible study … for the lost, here is an invitation to accept salvation.
8 in stock (can be backordered)
This Bilingual Gift and Award KJV Bible is a great way to reward young people at church, in VBS, in Sunday School, or at home.
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High Quality Bonded Leather King James Version, Red Letter Edition
Original price was: $2.25.$1.25Current price is: $1.25.
44% Off
3 in stock (can be backordered)
For thousands of years, Satan has tried to discredit God’s Word. Bible schools are now teaching that the Bible does not contain God’s word. When the Crusaders help a former Bible student whose life had been shattered by this lie, they take him to meet a man who will introduce him to Bible History 101. See the struggle through the ages to keep God’s Word pure, and learn which Bible can be trusted…and why!
By Jack Chick
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A Briefing for Baptist Parents and Leaders
Original price was: $15.95.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
69% Off
3 in stock
Sailin’ On, and 12 other songs.
9 in stock
Volume 1
The most important message in the world is the Gospel. When Jesus instructed his followers to go into all the world and preach, He did not leave them on their own to choose their message. The Gospel is salvation by grace through faith in Christ and His finished work–plus nothing, minus nothing. We need to make it plain to men how they are to be saved.
By Curtis Hutson
Hardback 334 pages
6 in stock (can be backordered)
There is but ONE plan of salvation, and that every age was overshadowed by the focal point of history, which is the cross of Calvary.
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So, you’ve trusted Jesus as your Savoiur. Is that the entire reason Jesus came and died on the cross? Is there more to salvation than just missing Hell? These questions and more are answered in this unique book.
Paperback 151 Pages
By Jack Hyles$6.95
13 in stock
Sam Jones the man was a trophy of the grace of God. His salvation experience is the definition of Psa. 40:2. He preached to an estimated twenty-five million people in his lifetime with 500,000 being saved.
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Should marriage be “gender-less”? Or should marriage strictly be between a man and a woman?
Author: Paul Chappell
Original price was: $3.97.$3.50Current price is: $3.50.
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No one would believe the adventures of nineteenth-century missionary Samuel Morris, unless they believe in a God of compassion and grace.
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In 1906 this classic book documents Sankey’s ministry alongside D. L. Moody including their starting work together, stories from their evangelistic campaigns in America and in Europe, the great Chicago fire, and many other exciting accounts.
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This story tells of little Sarah’s bravery, her father’s faith, and the miracle that reunited the Whitcher family.
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Sarah’s Long Ride is the story of a girl facing her grief and finding strength to follow her dream.
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Satan’s Bid for your child a classic message by Dr Jack Hyles on Satan’s attack on our children
Jack Hyles
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Marion Avenue Boys features Jonathan Epley, Samuel Epley and Dr Larry Brown’s son of Marion Avenue Baptist Church, Washington, Iowa. Songs include: Just a little While, His Name is Wonderful, Saved, At The Midnight Cry, Just A Little Talk With Jesus and more.
1 in stock
Marion Avenue Boys features Jonathan Epley, Samuel Epley and Dr Larry Brown’s son of Marion Avenue Baptist Church, Washington, Iowa. Songs include: Just a little While, His Name is Wonderful, Saved, At The Midnight Cry, Just A Little Talk With Jesus and more.
Original price was: $1.55.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
35% Off
2 in stock
A beautiful song about God’s amazing grace! Writer: W. Elmo Mercer Arranger: W. Elmo Mercer Difficulty: Easy
Original price was: $1.95.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
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These stories he told resulted in a series of children’s books. This pamphlet was the first in the series and makes for an excellent bedtime story for the little ones. Little Scamper Squirrel only gets into more and more real trouble as his one small sin snowballs into an avalanche of sins. Stealing leads to lying; and his lying might help Freddie Fox get his next meal: Grandma Goose! And then more lies until the wrong criminal is almost arrested for Scamper’s “nutty” crime. Read “Scamper Squirrel” to find out how Scamper settles his account with the law and learns that the Bible is always right: “Be sure your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23).
By Hugh Pyle
Original price was: $7.95.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
37% Off
4 in stock
Scamper Squirrel will have a lot of fun this summer at camp, although if he knew the trouble that Calamity Catie and the sea monster would cause, he might not be so happy about going.
Paperback 72 pages
By Hugh Pyle