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1 in stock
19 chapters – Old Paths presents doctrine from the inspiration of the Bible to the Holy Spirit and much more. Excellent hardback book with attractive dust cover.
Original price was: $69.99.$49.99Current price is: $49.99.
29% Off
4 in stock (can be backordered)
The Old Scofield® Study Bible, KJV, Standard Edition Bonded Leather
*Authorized King James Version text
*Introduction to each book of the Bible
*English equivalents for Hebrew dates
*16 pages of full color Oxford Bible Maps, money, weights and measures, with index
*Red letter text$61.00
2 in stock (can be backordered)
The Old Scofield® Study Bible, KJV, Standard Edition Bonded Leather
Authorized King James Version text
Introduction to each book of the Bible
English equivalents for Hebrew dates
16 pages of full color Oxford Bible Maps, money, weights and measures, with indexOriginal price was: $74.00.$64.95Current price is: $64.95.
12% Off
1 in stock (can be backordered)
The Old Scofield® Study Bible, KJV, Standard Edition
Authorized King James Version text
Introduction to each book of the Bible
English equivalents for Hebrew dates
16 pages of full color Oxford Bible Maps, money, weights and measures, with index$74.00
4 in stock (can be backordered)
The Old Scofield® Study Bible, KJV, Standard Edition
*Authorized King James Version text
*Introduction to each book of the Bible
*English equivalents for Hebrew dates
*16 pages of full color Oxford Bible Maps, money, weights and measures, with index
*Red letter textOriginal price was: $89.99.$79.99Current price is: $79.99.
11% Off
2 in stock (can be backordered)
The Old Scofield® Study Bible, KJV, Large Print Edition (Black Bonded Leather)
Clear, readable 10-point typeface
16 pages of full color
Oxford Bible Maps, with index
Red letter textC I Scofield
Old Scofield Study Bible
Original price was: $88.00.$79.99Current price is: $79.99.
9% Off
4 in stock (can be backordered)
The Old Scofield® Study Bible, KJV, Large Print Edition (Burgundy Bonded Leather)
Clear, readable 10-point typeface
16 pages of full color
Oxford Bible Maps, with index
Red letter textC I Scofield
Old Scofield Study Bible
6 in stock (can be backordered)
The Old Scofield® Study Bible, KJV, Large Print Edition (Black Genuine Leather)
Clear, readable 10-point typeface
16 pages of full color
Oxford Bible Maps, with index
Red letter text$120.00
8 in stock (can be backordered)
The Old Scofield® Study Bible, KJV, Large Print Edition (Burgundy Genuine Leather) Indexed
Clear, readable 10-point typeface
16 pages of full color
Oxford Bible Maps, with index
Red letter text$24.95
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The classic KJV Bible in a feature-packed edition that won’t break the budget, but still has a clear, large type
2 in stock (can be backordered)
The Old Scofield® Study Bible, KJV, Large Print Edition (Black Genuine Leather)
Clear, readable 10-point typeface
16 pages of full color
Oxford Bible Maps, with index
Red letter text$49.95
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This light and sturdy reference Bible is printed in a easy to read 10-point type
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Original price was: $30.00.$19.99Current price is: $19.99.
33% Off
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This Standard Text Hardback edition of the Cambridge Bible offers the text of the KJV in an exceptionally clear and readable type.
Available on backorder
Cambridge KJV Pocket Reference Bible with Flap Fastener is a new addition to the Cambridge catalogue but it actually represents a familiar edition – the elegant KJV Pitt Minion – in a very compact and portable format.
Original price was: $75.00.$69.95Current price is: $69.95.
7% Off
Cambridge KJV Pocket Reference Edition includes the Old and New Testaments, supported by the Cambridge bold-figure cross-references, together with a pronunciation guide and glossary in beautiful French Morocco Leather
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Old Scofield Wide Margin Bible call 812-867-9700
2 in stock (can be backordered)
The Old Testament History Guidebook is a 310 page hardback book with an attractively-designed cover illustrating Old Testament history. Used by many colleges, Christian schools and churches.
3 in stock (can be backordered)
Student workbook to Old Testament Bible History Guidebook
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R. M. M’Cheyne sermons from the Old Testament
25 in stock
Old Testament Times deals in a non-technical manner with the broad social and cultural context in which the events recorded in the Bible took place.
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This CD is still available in the 2 CD Set “Old Time Gospel Singin” Volume 1 & Volume 2Sacred Heritage Quartet
18 in stock
Sacred Heritage’s Old Time Gospel Singing Volume 1 & 2 set Quartet Music at it’s BEST!
See also:$15.95
1 in stock
Songs included are: Since Jesus Came into My Heart, When the Roll Is Called up Yonder, The Old Rugged Cross, Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho, Keep on the Firing Line, What a Friend We Have in Jesus, Hymn Medley, At the Cross, Jesus Is Coming Again, Goodbye World, Goodbye, Just a Closer Walk with Thee and Invitation Medley.
1 in stock
The Epley Family continues to produce some of the best Gospel Music Available. The Epley’s attend Dr. Larry Brown’s church in Washington, Iowa. This project has several of our favorite patriotic songs which are She’s More Than Just Another Flag and America.
3 in stock (can be backordered)
This book presents fourteen Old Testament sermons delivered at the First Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas, of which he was pastor for forty-seven years.
4 in stock (can be backordered)
Most of these sermons were preached in the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London to over 6000 people. We count it a privilege to make these sermons available to print once again. We hope that they will continue to be a blessing and a help to all those who read them.
1 in stock
Golden State Baptist College presents the Voices of Praise. This is a wonderful CD by this college group from Dr. Jack Trieber’s college in California. This one will surely become a favorite in no time.
1 in stock
Golden State Baptist College presents the Voices of Praise. This is a wonderful CD by this college group from Dr. Jack Trieber’s college in California. This one will surely become a favorite in no time.