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  • Original price was: $15.95.Current price is: $13.95.

    13% Off

    1 in stock

    When the day is done, Blanket of Stars helps everyone to settle down and rest in God’s care. Selections include: A Blanket of Stars • I’m Special to Jesus • God Sees the Heart • I Just Wanna Be a Sheep • God’s Night Light • Keep Following the Savior • I Pray to the Lord • I Am Your Creation • Bedtime Lullaby • Here Am I, Lord • We Thank Thee • Shepherds to Kings • He Takes Care of Me • How Can I Fear • One Little Sparrow • Father, Lead Me • I Give It Back • My Quiet Time • Always the Same • Servant’s Heart • Sailin’ Home • Our Prayer

  • $2.95

    6 in stock (can be backordered)

    Change can be frightening, exciting, and very unexpected. Though life is not always easy, you can rest assured that God’s plan is perfect.

  • $49.99

    7 in stock (can be backordered)

    The Bible, a collection of 66 books written over centuries, is the unified Word of God. The Open Bible provides a clear and comprehensive navigation through Scripture’s interconnected themes and teachings, supported by a complete reference system trusted by millions. Enhance your study with book introductions and outlines that offer context and themes from start to finish. Black Leathersoft. See More Below….

  • $2.95

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    A Verse by Verse Study of the Book of Philippians

  • $12.00

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Fresh off a farm in east Texas, living halfway around the world with the U.S. Air Force, Bob Hughes fell in love with the Filipino people and became burdened to share with them the Saviour they so desperately needed. He returned to that Asian nation and was used of God to build one of the most incredible mission works of the 20th century in less than 20 years. A man whose influence in world missions is still felt on both sides of the Pacific more than three decades after his death, Bob Hughes was a servant of the Lord and has been an inspiration to countless Christians. This book, which includes firsthand accounts by dozens of people who knew Bob personally, will allow a new generation to become acquainted with a man who truly believed that, with God, nothing is impossible.

    Author Monroe Roark

  • $10.00

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Mrs. Glorianne Gibbs explores some of the more prevalent issues of the tumultuous teen years in Choices Matter!

    Train teens to make good choices

    Glorianne Gibbs

  • $29.00

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Although much has been written on the evangelical revival of the 18th century, J. C. Ryle’s Christian Leaders of the 18th Century remains the best popular introduction to this great spiritual era.

  • $109.99

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    The Bible, a collection of 66 books written over centuries, is the unified Word of God. The Open Bible provides a clear and comprehensive navigation through Scripture’s interconnected themes and teachings, supported by a complete reference system trusted by millions. Enhance your study with book introductions and outlines that offer context and themes from start to finish. Brown Genuine Leather. See More Below….

  • Original price was: $12.99.Current price is: $8.99.

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    Finding just the right music to support your sermon is easy with this shape note hymnal.

  • $19.95

    5 in stock

    This is the only manual you will need to strengthen your personal evangelism or start a soul winning class in your church
    Buy the Manual and request a free copy of the Teacher’s Manual as long as supplies last. Five Tips for witnessing from the book below:

  • Original price was: $6.95.Current price is: $3.99.

    43% Off

    1 in stock

    This shape-note songbook is arranged in four-part harmony. There is no separate piano accompaniment, just hymnbook style vocal arrangements

  • Original price was: $8.99.Current price is: $5.00.

    44% Off

    1 in stock

    The animal world is full of marvels attesting to the wisdom of its creator, and the world of bees is no exception. Learn about the intricate details of their life as you see them work and communicate in their orderly fashion; then find out why God’s system for humans is so incredibly different than His one for bees. Spanish track included.

  • $16.00

    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    The author presents a real-world perspective of fundamentalist institutions and individuals who are considering merging into the evangelical mainstream or have already done so.

    The book is a wealth of church history of the 20th and 21st centuries, particularly as it relates to the fundamental, independent Baptist movement.

    The reader will also find insightful chapters on Christian music as well as why institutions shift from a fundamentalist to an evangelical position.

    David H. Sorenson


  • $5.00

    15 in stock

    Warren Wiersbe has compiled meaningful sermons from the church’s great preachers in this topical series. Filled with illustrative materials for pastors. Also an excellent resource for personal devotions.

  • Original price was: $0.16.Current price is: $0.13.

    19% Off

    67 in stock (can be backordered)

    When Cleo is rescued from the animal shelter, her owner learns how Jesus redeemed us.

    Author Jack Chick

  • $14.99

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    Instructions, forms and helps for conducting the many ceremonies a minister is called upon to direct.

  • $10.00

    6 in stock (can be backordered)

    America is the greatest nation on earth. Its formation, prosperity, liberty, spirituality, and military might didn’t come to be by mere accident. What made this nation great was the Gospel of Jesus Christ. No other group, religious or non-religious, had a greater impact on making America the greatest than the Baptists. Without the influence of the Baptists, America would not be the America we know and love today.

    Author: Andrew Telford

  • Original price was: $1.55.Current price is: $1.00.

    35% Off

    1 in stock

    Your choir will love this upbeat song with the familiar hymn Higher Ground interwoven with a great new song by Brett Bedwell. Writers: Charles Gabriel, Johnson Oatman, Jr. & Brett Bedwell Arranger: W. Elmo Mercer Difficulty: Moderately Easy

  • $12.00

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    The true story of a modern-day Apostle Paul G.S. Nair, the Missionary-Entrepreneur of India

  • $5.95

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    The message of this title is-keeping a warm heart toward God.

  • $10.00

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    A Treatise on the Blood of Christ

  • $7.00

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    Come Down, Lord! is a succinct, readable and biblically-based treatment of the vital theme of revival

  • Original price was: $1.55.Current price is: $1.00.

    35% Off

    1 in stock

    An easy-to-learn anthem encouraging others to praise our wonderful Lord. Words & Music: Byron Foxx Arranger: W. Elmo Mercer Difficulty: Moderately Easy

  • $4.95

    5 in stock (can be backordered)

    Has “politically correct” history robbed you of some very important lessons?

    Author Phil Stringer

  • Original price was: $1.55.Current price is: $1.00.

    35% Off

    1 in stock

    A powerful medley of well known hymns. Arranged by: Larry Brubaker & W. Elmo Mercer Difficulty: Moderately Easy

  • Original price was: $15.95.Current price is: $5.00.

    69% Off

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    Back by popular demand! Announcing the re-release of a favorite piano production. The hymns and gospel songs in this collection are sure to move your heart. These stirring duo-piano and orchestra arrangements convey the abiding love for the Lord Jesus in the hearts of these two talented musicians.

  • Original price was: $1.55.Current price is: $1.00.

    35% Off

    1 in stock

    BY HIS BLOOD In a day and age when people are trying to lessen the value of the precious blood of Christ as the sole cleansing agent from sin, Bro. Foxx reminds us that it is By His Blood our sins are forgiven.
    Writer: Byron Foxx
    Arranger: Glenn Christianson
    Difficulty: Moderately Easy

  • $15.95

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    A beautiful full-length Bible study book is published for each 13-week series. Class members may desire to obtain this book for further reading.

  • $8.95

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    From the dying lips of an unknown leper, “Lord, if Thou wilt…” to the humble whisper of a prestigious king, “Grant me wisdom…,” prayer is that common thread that binds the human heart to its Creator. Throughout the millenniums, people from all cultures yearn to speak with that Someone greater than the problems of this life. Even Scripture eternally recorded for us the petitions of those that looked to the God of Heaven for an answer. He is the same God now as He was then; He still desires for His people to call upon Him.

  • $4.95

    7 in stock (can be backordered)

    The Study Guide is to be used by each student in the Sunday School class. It contains helpful summaries of each lesson and provides the student with a place to take notes while the lesson is being taught. Also provided are daily Bible readings and questions to help the student prepare for next week’s lesson.