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3 in stock
The life story of Robert and Trudie Neighbour reads like a novel. This autobiographical account is the story of the miraculous deliverance of these pioneer missionaries during the Colombian Revolution in 1949. Again and again, God directly intervened to save their lives. This is a story that will strengthen your faith!
Paperback 165 Pages
1 in stock
This is the Trio’s 4th project recorded in 2005. This CD features songs such as Lord, I Need You, God’s Way is The Best Way, I Want To Be There and 8 more titles.
1 in stock
This book will bring your favorite Psalm alive to you in a way you have never known before. Reading it will enlighten your mind, warm your heart and draw you closer to the Saviour-Shepherd known and described so vividly by David all those centuries ago.
By Timothy Cross
25 in stock
Pasteur had the courage to look into the unseen world and his perfected vaccines are his gifts to mankind.
1 in stock
Meditations in Isaiah 53. Dr. Ironside said: “Few men have the winsomeness and tenderness, combined with sound scriptural teaching that characterises the ministry of my friend Dr. Robert L. Moyer. I recommend this volume.”
By Robert Moyer
6 in stock (can be backordered)
The Only book Billy Sunday ever wrote.
1 in stock
This is one of the most amazing stories of faith, love and courage ever told. Dr. Tom Williams testimony of the tragic illness and miraculous recovery of his wife is astounding. He truly loved her back to health.
1 in stock (can be backordered)
In this pamphlet, Dr. McDill examines some of the prominent trends in today’s preaching; and he compares what is going on to the example that is set in the Bible. This work contains great information regarding whether or not a preacher is best served by using screens and dramatic media devices to enhance his sermon.
1 in stock (can be backordered)
Learn what satanism is like from someone who was on the inside.
1 in stock (can be backordered)
A Devotional, practical, and Christ-centered look at the book of Luke.
2 in stock (can be backordered)
A practical study help to pastors, teachers, and layleaders who are eager to delve into God’s Word verse by verse.
4 in stock
This is Dr. Rice’s largest commentary and one of the very best.
1 in stock (can be backordered)
Unlike most hymnals, Majesty Hymns is written with congregational singing and playing in mind. The pages are set in a large, easy-to-read format; and the arrangements feature special transitions and introductions. With over 600 hymns, gospel songs, choruses, choral descants, medleys, and codas, Majesty Hymns offers a great selection. Valuable for family worship or practice, Majesty Hymns is a perfect tool for leading a congregation or your family to a fuller use of the godly songs in our Christian heritage.
2 in stock (can be backordered)
Majesty Hymns is written with congregational singing and playing in mind.
Available on backorder
Spurgeon’s sermons on the passion and death of our Lord.
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OUT OF PRINT & OUT OF STOCK!!! Majesty Praises Volume 1 & 2 contains a number of hard to find songs that are faithful to the Word of God
Available on backorder
Majesty Priases Volume 3 contains another group of God Honoring songs.
1 in stock
Features beautiful melodies that will bring peace to your spirit and joy to your heart.
Original price was: $14.98.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
67% Off
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A fully-orchestrated instrumental collection featuring beautiful melodies and inspiring songs.
4 in stock
The life God planned for each of us to live is supposed to be simple and happy, but to have a simple and happy life involves making right choices.
3 in stock (can be backordered)
A Study Of The Early Christians In The Book Of Acts
1 in stock (can be backordered)
A Study Of The Early Christians In The Book Of Acts
3 in stock
Learn to take advantage of the various means of publicity available to your local church with the details, instructions and suggestions in this book. Make the most of your publishing and advertising budget by working smarter, not harder.
Paperback 85 Pages
By Lindsay Terry
3 in stock (can be backordered)
Bible Principles for Raising Children and Building Families
4 in stock (can be backordered)
A compilation of heartwarming and passionate lessons learned from the life of Marlene Evans.
1 in stock
The Leonard Family is serving the Lord in Guyana, South America. This latest CD by Michelle and the family will be a blessing to you as it has many original songs by Michelle.
1 in stock
The Leonard Family is serving the Lord in Guyana, South America. This latest CD by Michelle and the family will be a blessing to you as it has many original songs by Michelle.
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This edition out of print.
We often have a copy of this book in our used inventory for very reason pricing so please contact us at or call 812-867-9700 Monday thru Friday in the afternoon.