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Here is a man who knows his Bible inside out, whose fresh and vivid use of words can make an old truth new.
Author Harold Murray
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Every expectant parent has a mind full of dreams for his child. These dreams are either realized or shattered during the teen years, making for pleasant or bitter memories after the child is grown.
By Jack Hyles
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How to use the Student Text; Charts for Keeping Goals; Objectives for Each Chapter; Suggested Memory Verses; Background for Each Chapter; Guide for Class Discussions; Answer Keys for all Exercises; Answers for Chapter Questions; Practical Appendix Material.
100 Pages
By Gary Maldaner$12.00
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Lessons on the Holy Spirit through Bible study .
Paperback 242 Pages
Jack Hyles
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Treatment and proper handling of human relationships and the proper priorities concerning them.
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Dr. Rice gives proper answers to questions about church organization, the independent church structure, and missionary emphasis for the church. Above all, he exalts the power of Spirit-fullness for service and exhorts every believer to realize that
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Catch a glimpse into the heart and mind of Dr. Jack Hyles, Pastor of First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, home of America’s largest Sunday School. Dr. Hyles shares some of the deepest philosophies and principles of his life and ministry. This book is a treasure chest of spiritual truth.
Paperback 192 Pages
By Jack Hyles$12.00
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A devotional commentary on the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. A return to Zion was indeed a forlorn hope. And yet, in three dramatic movements, God overruled their plight and brought them home.
By Samuel Carson
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This book is simply an attempt to put in brief and direct form some significant and useful lesson plucked out of the heart of each Psalm. This book is for the wayfarer who has not the time nor the opportunity for expository or exegetical studies–a wayfarer among men, a lover of his country and of his church and God.
By John MacBeath
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An exposition & exhortation – A prayerful life is always a powerful life; and a prayerless life is always a powerless life.
By W Graham Scroggie
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Every married couple ought to read this book thoroughly to gain from the experienced insights of a pastor, Dr. Jack Hyles.
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“This overcoming hurts of the past is all about God, not about you. He has a way of making the things right that are a problem for us to overcome.” Invisible Hurts offers help to those who have been abused or experienced other deep hurts.
By Loretta Walker
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A Practical and inspirational guide to saving money while serving God.
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After nearly five decades in the ministry, Dr. David Sorenson recounts numerous incidents where men in spiritual leadership have experienced moral failure.
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Stay in the Castle series Volume 1 through 4
Jerry Ross
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After the author’s famous book, Blue Denim and Lace was published, readers began asking for more.
25 in stock
Written by a spiritual giant of the 19th century church, the book contains much-needed advice and clear guidance on how we should visit the sick, and what we should say on our visits to them.
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This selection of ten of Edwards’ sermons provides a fine sample of the God-centredness of his ministry.
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With simplicity and vigour, he traces the lives of the eleven Christian leaders who ‘shook England from one end to another.
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It was the increasing conviction that martyrs, though dead, can still speak to the church, which led Bishop J.C. Ryle to pen these pungent biographies of Five English Reformers last century.
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CHARLES HADDON SPURGEON was a man captivated, comforted, and revolutionized by Christ: here you’ll see why. He brings home what it means for the believer that Christ is the End of the law, the Conqueror of Satan, the Overcomer of the world, the Maker of all things new, the Spoiler of principalities and powers, the Destroyer of death, and the Seeker and Saviour of the lost.
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A history of the Baptists in Kentucky … The First Fifty Baptist Churches in Kentucky” provides a chronological history of the early Baptist churches located within the boundaries of the Bluegrass State. Regular Baptists and Separate Baptists
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More than sixty years after his death B.B. Warfield’s witness remains a powerful influence in main-stream Christianity simply because no successor has attained to his eminence as a biblical theologian.
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‘This book is well worth reading, … the merits of the study are that it is biblical–usually there are plenty of references to support an assertion, and the book proceeds by exegesis of verses and passages; it is practical, the aim being so to expound the doctrine as to promote the experience; it is well set out with headings and sub-headings, so that the substance is not lost in vagueness, and the reader is not lost in complexity…’ — J.A. MOTYER
4 in stock (can be backordered)
Thrilling to the heart to add depth to the reading of the Word of God.
Author: Andrew Telford
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Titus outlined and the Saviour revealed.
Author: Andrew Telford
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Jesus, pictures and types, found in the Old Testament Tabernacle.
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Commentary Outlines from the General Epistles – James thru Jude
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Outlines from Daniel & Revelation
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Commentary Outlines on 1st & 2nd Chronicles