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OUT OF STOCK – OUT OF PRINT!!! SEE 135 Edition!!!
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THIS BIBLE IS OUT OF PRINT AND OUT OF STOCK! Stunning 400th Anniversary Edition of the King James Study Bible .
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Riplinger’s detailed and scholarly responses – unanswerable by skeptics like Hunt, Cloud, James White, Hanagraaff, House, Morey, Passantino, Robert Thomas of Master’s Seminary and S.E. Schnaeter of Bob Jones University.
By Gail Riplinger$19.95
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The King James Bible book
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Meditations on the 23rd Psalm.
David has had his share of trial and trouble–deep, poignant, tragic. But through all the changes of his career he had found God protected him and provided for him. He had found God’s kindness and love never failed. “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.”By J. D. Jones
2 in stock (can be backordered)
Join Patch the Pirate in lands of old, as he teaches Prince Timothy the importance of putting on the armor of God.
Original price was: $7.99.$6.99Current price is: $6.99.
13% Off
4 in stock (can be backordered)
KJV Baby’s New Testament, White Imitation Leather
Make a promise to the new baby in your church family, and share God’s Word with them. There’s not a more thoughtful gift! This red-letter edition New Testament also includes Psalms and is perfect for presentation on baby dedication day. Gift-boxed with silver page edging.$2.99
25 in stock
Priced to buy in quantity for organizations on even the smallest budgets, this red-letter New Testament is specifically designed for outreach and evangelism. Contains the New Testament and Psalms.
1 in stock (can be backordered)
KJV Giant Print Reference Bible, Black Leathertouch
Red Letter, Ribbon Marker, Smythe-Sewn, Two-Column Text, Concordance, Presentation Page, Full-Color Maps, Easy-to-Read Font Size
When you want to study the Word of God in a big way, turn to this giant print edition.$79.99
1 in stock
KJV Giant Print Reference Bible, Brown Genuine Leather
Red Letter, Ribbon Marker, Smythe-Sewn, Two-Column Text, Concordance, Presentation Page, Full-Color Maps, Easy-to-Read Font Size
When you want to study the Word of God in a big way, turn to this giant print edition.$7.95
24 in stock (can be backordered)
A best-selling gift & award Bible! Perfect for graduations, presents, and new converts. Call 812-867-9700 for ordering a case at a discount. Available in Black, Blue or Burgundy. If not specified we will select a color for you.
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PICTURED COLOR SOLD OUT … Only 2 left in Lilac
An amazingly affordable gift for special occasions. LIMITED STOCK. ORDER NOW TO ENSURE YOU GET THE BIBLE YOU NEED.
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KJV Holman Hand Size Giant Print Reference Bible Black Bonded Leather
Easy to read and easy to carry, the KJV Hand Size Giant Print Reference Bible features as many helps as other editions twice its size$24.99
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KJV Holman Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible Black
High quality binding and easy to read$24.99
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KJV Holman Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible Burgundy
High quality leather touch binding and easy to read$120.00
2 in stock
Cambridge large Print
Cambridge large Print with black letter text Black French Morocco Leather Bible is a favorite for Bible reading and with our supporters that enjoy a large print.$210.00
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Cambridge Turquoise the text is presented in a large, bold, traditional typeface, with cross-references and the words of Christ while on Earth are printed in red. For this edition the concordance has been freshly typeset, and it also includes a map section and the Translators’ preface.
Available on backorder
Blue bonded leather edition with Magnetic Flap.
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This KJV Personal Size Giant Print Bible offers large clear print for easy reading in an imitation Leather binding
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Bonded Leather Bible by Baker Publishers under the Pilot Bible line
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In this red-letter King James Version study Bibles designed especially for them, boys can discover God’s truths and how to develop true Christian character. This Bible features study notes, profiles, and devotions designed for boys ages 8-12.
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In this red-letter King James Version study Bibles designed especially for them, boys can discover God’s truths and how to develop true Christian character. This Bible features study notes, profiles, and devotions designed for boys ages 8-12.
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In this red-letter King James Version study Bibles designed especially for them, boys can discover God’s truths and how to develop true Christian character. This Bible features study notes, profiles, and devotions designed for boys ages 8-12.
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In this red-letter King James Version study Bible designed especially for them, girls can discover God’s truths and how to develop true Christian character. This Bible features study notes, profiles, and devotions designed for girls ages 8-12.
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In this red-letter King James Version study Bible designed especially for them, girls can discover God’s truths and how to develop true Christian character. This Bible features study notes, profiles, and devotions designed for girls ages 8-12.
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In this red-letter King James Version study Bible designed especially for them, girls can discover God’s truths and how to develop true Christian character. This Bible features study notes, profiles, and devotions designed for girls ages 8-12
Original price was: $89.99.$79.99Current price is: $79.99.
11% Off
2 in stock (can be backordered)
KJV Super Giant Print Reference Bible, Black Genuine Leather
Red Letter, Ribbon Marker, Smythe-Sewn, Two-Column Text, Concordance, Full-Color Maps, Easy-to-Read Font Size
Ideal for pulpit use or the vision impaired, this easy-to-read edition includes type twice are large as most standard Bibles.