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An excellent resource for personal study and spiritual growth.
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This book chronicles the life of John Bunyan, the famous author of Pilgrim’s Progress, The Holy War and several other titles. These timeless works are still popular today due to the spiritual fervor and compelling style in which they were written. This book gives a closer look into the life of this great dreamer.
1 in stock
The most comprehensive collection of Calvin’s writings translated into the English language. Over 10,000 linked footnotes. Tens of thousands of Hyper Linked Bible references.
Original price was: $3.97.$3.50Current price is: $3.50.
12% Off
2 in stock
The Church was in a terrible state. John Calvin hoped to return it to a state of grace.
Original price was: $5.95.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
16% Off
5 in stock (can be backordered)
For fearlessness and faithfulness, the name of John G. Paton stands in the front rank of missionary biography. As a poor boy, John Paton heard the call of Good to seek the lost. And the years of his long life were spent in giving diligent heed to that call.
25 in stock
The great and lasting value of this work comes from Owen’s obvious desire to promote ‘delight in Christ, thankfulness unto him, and the keeping of his word’, in all who partake.
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Plain advice for plain people–“Every minister has put his hand to the plough, and it is his business to break up the fallow ground. That I have written in a semi-humorous vein needs no apology, there is no particular virtue in being seriously unreadable.”
By Charles Spurgeon
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This book paints a vivid picture of Wesley’s spiritual journey – his active life and the message he preached.
9 in stock (can be backordered)
The indwelling Presence of God in the heart of the individual is essential if America is to keep on the course set by the Founding Fathers.
Original price was: $5.99.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
17% Off
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3 in stock
An unforgettably beautiful picture of the Lord is drawn here for God’s people.
4 in stock (can be backordered)
Jonah: Alliterated studies – The principle theme and thrust of the book of Jonah is the works of the Sovereign.
Paperback, 180 pages, 17 chapter
Bob Sanders
Sonlight on …
Son Rise Publsihing
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Volume 13 in the FUNdamentals for Kids Series
Backsliding and disobeying the command of God will only get you into trouble.$33.00
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This outstanding study is not only an exceptional biography; it also serves as a classic illustration of how the church today can and should learn from its past history.
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This selection of ten of Edwards’ sermons provides a fine sample of the God-centredness of his ministry.
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Jonathan Edwards gives his account of the Revival of religion at Northampton, Massachusetts (1735)
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Two great books in one! You will be surprised to discover how relevant Joseph’s life is to the nitty-gritty of yours. You can learn and be inspired to go on for God just like he did. The story of Ruth begins with tragedy, but out of the womb of all tragedy there comes something beautiful, which, if the tragedy had never occurred, would never have been seen. Such is the case with Ruth.
By Derick Bingham
Available on backorder
The writings of Josephus-the first-century Jewish historian-are indispensable to a proper understanding of Jewish thought, background, and history up to and around the time of Christ. Here’s what makes this one-volume edition the best available.
3 in stock (can be backordered)
This is an expositional study on Titus and Philemon. Within the book of Titus, Paul will deal with the servant; his commissioning and his challenge, and the saints; their character, their chastening, and their conversation. Titus will set forth the qualifications for leadership while magnifying the qualities that are to be prevalent in laity. The book of Philemon is a personal letter written by the Apostle Paul to Philemon, a friend and companion in the work. The purpose of the letter is to help reinstate Philemon’s rebel servant, that has been converted and desires to be in a proper relationship with his master. The letter pictures for us the work of Christ to reconcile rebellious sinners to a proper relationship with a Righteous and Holy God.
Bob Sanders
Paperback, 196 Pages, 15 Chapters
Sonlight on…
Son Rise Publishing
Original price was: $15.95.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
69% Off
3 in stock
Beautiful God Honoring Piano Duets
Mac & Beth lynch
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You can have an exciting relationship of intimate communion with Christ.
3 in stock
Joyful Giving is not about fund-raising. It is about developing the Christian grace of giving. When giving of our material possessions becomes another way of serving the Savior, it is indeed a “joyful” experience