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  • $14.99

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    Stepping out in faith.

  • $10.00

    2 in stock

    In Search of Honor is historical fiction by Donnalynn Hess set in the late 1700s during the violent days of the French Revolution. In Search of Honor is the story of this young man’s struggle for justice and truth.

  • $11.95

    5 in stock

    Just as Jesus’ first disciples of long ago desired to follow in His footprints, so Christians today ought to pattern themselves after Christ.

  • $4.00

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    Christians cannot escape trials, but our Lord gently guides us when life presents times nearly too hard to bear. The pages of this booklet are designed to remind you of God’s strength during your midnight hour.

  • $10.00

    1 in stock

    Book 3 in “The Young Refugees” series.

  • $15.95

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    Patch the Pirate and his crew are taking a break at the IncrediWorld Theme Park – a place filled with great rides and awesome reminders of God’s work of creation

  • $11.00

    25 in stock

    Like an experienced general, Owen sets out the strategy and tactics of indwelling sin with unrivalled insight and clarity.

  • $3.95

    20 in stock (can be backordered)

    What does God expect a mother to be? Explore the ingredients of seven godly mothers in the Bible!

  • $4.45

    2 in stock

    Here are ten chapters with ample suggestions and illustrations so any motivated pastor can follow this “recipe” for church growth.

  • $9.00

    5 in stock (can be backordered)

    A vital Sunday school program can revive a church, reach countless souls for Christ, and instill the truths of God’s Word into the hearts and minds of God’s people.

  • $15.95

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    Patch the Pirate! Theme: The Importance of the Bible

  • $8.99

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    The texts of these messages are like the star which the wise men followed–pointers at the beginning of each year directing onwards to the millennium to come. They not only point to Christ, but seek to reveal some aspect of His ministry, inspiring us to follow hard after Him.

    Ian Paisley


  • $12.00

    4 in stock (can be backordered)

    “This overcoming hurts of the past is all about God, not about you. He has a way of making the things right that are a problem for us to overcome.” Invisible Hurts offers help to those who have been abused or experienced other deep hurts.

    By Loretta Walker

  • $8.00

    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    To J. C. Ryle, the inspiration of the Scriptures was ‘the very keel and foundation of Christianity’, the underpinning without which Christians had no warrant for doctrine or practice, ‘no solid ground for present peace or hope, and no right to claim the attention of mankind’.

  • $8.95

    5 in stock

    The signs of decay are everywhere. In our homes and churches, our courts and schools, we have turned from God. Austin Sorenson compares America to past world empires which rose and then fell. He tells us how we came to where we are, and what we can expect to see in the future.

    Paperback 250 Pages
    By Austin Sorenson

  • $5.95

    2 in stock

    Lessons for teen girls.

  • $15.00

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    This book gives teachers practical ideas for effective teaching, particularly in the area of awakening the minds of students with the kind of effective questioning that builds excellent reading comprehension.

  • $8.00

    27 in stock (can be backordered)

    Jesus is seen so clearly in the pages of this book.

  • $9.95

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    This book exposes the true attitude and intents of Islam concerning the west and the entire world.

  • $9.95

    4 in stock

    Dr. Shelton Smith examines the religion, its history, its philosophy, its teaching and its practices.

  • $29.95

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    This Teacher’s Pack combines the full-length book, study guide, and teacher’s guide. This is an ideal package for any Sunday School teacher of Bible study leader.

  • $9.00

    1 in stock

    What are the characteristics and secrets of this great church? What are the keys to building an old-fashioned church in the midst of the high-tech world of the Silicon Valley? This book explains the great work of North Valley Baptist Church and offers encouragement to Christian leaders everywhere. Limited Copies Available.

  • $12.00

    3 in stock

    The Wonderfulness of Christ

  • $14.95

    1 in stock

    “It Is Well” by Jonathan & Nathan Reed is a very nice Piano & Violin CD. 10 of your favorite hymns done on the piano and violin.

  • $15.95

    1 in stock

    Jeremy Hutson’s first recording with Faith Music Missions. Songs Include: But Still He Loved Me, O Rejoice in the Lord, O Glorious Love, and more.