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This easy-to-use handbook quickly point to the Scriptures that answer the questions and settle the doubts of people who have not yet met Christ.
Paperback 112 pages
By R. A. Torrey
1 in stock
A spiritual biography of the “father of modern missions,”
1 in stock (can be backordered)
James Hudson Taylor (1832-1905) was a Christian missionary to China and founder of the China Inland Mission (renamed Overseas Missionary Fellowship). He served there for 51 years, bringing over 800 missionaries to the country and personally baptizing an estimated 50,000 converts.
2 in stock (can be backordered)
James Hudson Taylor (1832-1905) was a Christian missionary to China,and founder of the China Inland Mission (renamed Overseas Missionary Fellowship).
2 in stock
This story is set in New Hampshire in the 1830’s. HUE & CRY takes its name from a historic band of men who dedicated themselves to work with the sheriff in bringing horse thieves to justice.
For ages 12 and up.
6 in stock (can be backordered)
A well researched study of the godless and atheistic monster that our American public education system has become.
Original price was: $0.15.$0.13Current price is: $0.13.
13% Off
32 in stock (can be backordered)
The story of Scrooge-with one vital twist – he gets saved! An unforgettable salvation message.
By Jack Chick
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When Jesus “made himself nothing … taking the nature of a servant,” He modeled for all believers true humility. Murray calls this “our true nobility” and “the distinguishing feature of discipleship.” In twelve brief but powerful chapters, Murray journeys through Scripture and Christ’s life, underscoring the utmost need for humility—as opposed to pride—in the Christian’s life. With insightful, penetrating clarity, Murray calls all Christians to turn from pride, empty themselves, and study the character of Christ to be filled with His grace. Often called the best work on humility ever written.
1 in stock
Humility is the essence of a glorious, blessed spiritual relationship with God. Few authors have the courage to approach the subject, but Murray makes the Bible’s teaching on humility perfectly clear.
106 Pages
By Andrew Murray$15.95
1 in stock
12 songs in all featuring some of our favorites such as “In My Heart There Rings A Melody”, “I’ve Got That Old-Time Religion in My Heart”, “I’m Glad I Know Who Jesus Is”, “Saved To The Uttermost” and “It is Finished”.
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The inspiring true stories behind
101 Favorite Hymns.By Kenneth Osbeck
Original price was: $15.95.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
69% Off
2 in stock
I Am Accepted The Dearest Friend I Ever Had Call Me Blessed, and many MORE!
Original price was: $15.95.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
69% Off
3 in stock
This new listening CD from the John Marshall Family is part of their Marshall Family Reunion Collection featuring members of the extended family.
The John Marshall Family
Original price was: $15.98.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
69% Off
1 in stock
Jesus Paid My Debt – There Is Grace – He Paid It All, and MORE!
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This best-selling book has been used of God to help women face the all-too-common problem of not liking themselves.
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GRACE BAPTIST COLLEGE TOUR GROUPS featuring “I Found Grace”, “I Feel Like Traveling On”, “I Like the Old Time Way” and 7 more.
Original price was: $15.95.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
69% Off
3 in stock
10 songs by Hyles-Anderson College Ladies’ Tour Groups.
Hyles-Anderson College