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  • Original price was: $14.95.Current price is: $9.99.

    33% Off

    12 delightful arrangements of hymns and gospel songs

  • $15.95

    1 in stock

    Recorded at Faith Music Missions in 2005, the Marion Avenue Boys are a favorite of many. Songs include “Good Old Gospel Singing”, “What a Day That Will Be”, “Standing on the Promises” and 7 more.

  • $15.95

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    Recorded at Faith Music Missions in 2005, the Marion Avenue Boys are a favorite of many. Songs include “Good Old Gospel Singing”, “What a Day That Will Be”, “Standing on the Promises” and 7 more.

  • $9.90

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    For over 60 years, the Rev. Nicholson traveled the world preaching the Gospel. Like John Wesley, he cried ‘the world is my parish.’ He was a contemporary of R. A. Torrey, Billy Sunday, J. Wilbur Chapman and Charles Alexander. His sermons were often an hour long, and people listened with the most eager interest. These evangelistic sermons read easy, challenge the heart, and have been used to the salvation of souls. Includes 12 soul-stirring messages including: Saved and Sure, Cross-Bearing, Hell, Heaven, The Great Judgment Day and 7 others.

    By W. P. Nicholson

  • $15.95

    1 in stock

    The most recent recording by the Thren Family.

  • $15.95

    1 in stock

    The most recent recording by the Thren Family.

  • Original price was: $15.95.Current price is: $9.95.

    38% Off

    4 in stock

    Goodness and Mercy … 10 songs 41 minutes of great Christian music!

  • $15.00

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Andrew Bonar was a man who lived to bring people back to the gospel and to focus their attention on what matters most.  It is not hard to see why his preaching and writing was so used of God–his sermons are full of Christ.  In sixteen brief chapters, Bonar deals with a wide range of important subjects related to the Christian life, such as, coming to Christ, growing in grace and holiness, and serving the Lord in the work of the gospel.

  • $7.95

    25 in stock

    Arranged especially for youth choirs and small children!

  • $3.95

    4 in stock (can be backordered)

    Contains 4 songs arranged for SABT Chior. Easy to Moderate.

  • $3.95

    4 in stock (can be backordered)

    Contains 4 songs arranged for SABT choir. Easy to Moderate

  • $4.95

    Available on backorder

    Contains 4 songs arranged for SABT choir. Easy to Moderate

  • $3.75

    1 in stock

  • $15.95

    25 in stock

  • $11.99

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    An autobiography on John Bunyan

  • $12.00

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    After the author’s famous book, Blue Denim and Lace was published, readers began asking for more.

  • $11.95

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Allowing God’s Grace To Produce a Godly Life

  • $15.95

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    Evangelist Darcel McCoy and Family present this beautiful CD with 10 of Brother McCoy’s most requested songs. Songs are “What a Day that Will Be”, “We Have Come Into His House”, “Until Then”, “His Eye is on the Sparrow”, “Grace Greater Than Our Sin with Amazing Grace”, “In The Valley”, “He Included Me”, “No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus”, “When We See Christ” and “My God Is Real”.

  • $10.79

    1 in stock

    Marolyn Ford has taken the opportunity to write about her past while extremely uncertain about her future. I always felt like she belonged more to God than she belonged to me. I love her deeply. In our wedding vows in August, 1962, “For better, for worse,in sickness and in health,” I must say God is being more glorified now by giving her Grace to Endure than when he opened her blind eyes–Acie Ford.

  • $6.95

    2 in stock

    Volume ten in the Fundamentals for Kids series. A full color storybook teaching that sin hurts others and must be paid for.

  • Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $6.49.

    19% Off

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    Grandpa’s Gizmos is an easy-to-read picture book written by John Menken and illustrated by Tim Davis.

  • $12.95

    1 in stock

    Learn from these twenty-one adventurers about the world God made.

  • $19.95

    1 in stock

    How God used ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary tasks–This book enables you to learn to conquer life’s daily struggles through a greater understanding of God’s power in your life.

    242 Pages

    By Alan Stringfellow

  • $8.99

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    A summary of the life and conversion of spiritual giants of years past. Augustine, Luther, Latimer, Calvin, Henderson, Cameron, Bunyan, Wesley, Whitefield, Brainerd, Carey, Livingstone, Spurgeon, and others.

    By Frederick Leahy

  • $10.99

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    Background knowledge on the great hymns we sing and love greatly increases our enjoyment of them. This book contains a wealth of information on the great hymns we all sing and love so well.

  • $5.00

    27 in stock

    As a master of biographical preaching, Dr. Clarence Macartney captures the personal struggles, failures and spiritual victories of the New Testament characters. The messages in this volume examines individuals who came in personal contact with Jesus during His earthly ministry. There is a wealth of illustrations and quotations that will deepen the reader’s insight and appreciation of biblical truth.

  • $13.95

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Prayer is undoubtedly the most important ministry for our churches, our homes, our marriages, our families, and our country. Why? Because prayer moves the heart of God, and only God can save a dying world or change the outcome of a situation. In Great Prayers in the Bible, Dr. Jack Trieber highlights powerful prayers found in Scripture and urges every Christian to develop a stronger relationship with Christ through the avenue of prayer.

  • $9.95

    71 in stock (can be backordered)

    Dr. Arnold describes great men of God that he has met, known and worked with during his 75 years of ministry.

    Louis Arnold