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Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, a Christian classic, tells the stories of brave men and women who were martyred for their faith in the fourteenth through sixteenth centuries.
By John Foxe
1 in stock
After studying in England and Germany, Miss Havergal became a brilliant singer and pianist, and a great career in society was open to her. But she considered her talents to be only loans from the Lord, to be used in His service. In 1874 she wrote the beautiful hymn, “Take My Life And Let It Be.”
By Esther Enock
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Margaret Stringer bravely enters a land where cannibalism runs wild.
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“We can no more take in a supply of grace for the future than we can eat enough today to last us for the next six months… We must draw upon God’s boundless stores of grace From Day to Day, as we need it.”
Here in 365 carefully chosen selections that reflect the very best of D.L. Moody’s active ministry, you will experience for yourself the clear and direct voice of God, giving you guidance.
By D. L. Moody
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Angela is from the Fellowship Baptist Church in Roanoke, Virginia. 12 songs that include: My Jesus, I Love Thee, Saved medley, Wonderful Grace of Jesus, Heaven Medley, When the Roll
is Called Up Yonder, My Tribute, I Must Tell Jesus, From My Heart Medley, The Prettiest Flower, Christ the Lord is Risen Today, There is a Fountain and Anne’s Theme.$15.95
1 in stock
Angela is from the Fellowship Baptist Church in Roanoke, Virginia. 12 songs that include: My Jesus, I Love Thee, Saved medley, Wonderful Grace of Jesus, Heaven Medley, When the Roll
is Called Up Yonder, My Tribute, I Must Tell Jesus, From My Heart Medley, The Prettiest Flower, Christ the Lord is Risen Today, There is a Fountain and Anne’s Theme.$22.50
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A documented account of a man who has proved the truth that you cannot outgive God!
7 in stock
Evangelist Joe Boyd was All-American tackle at Texas A&M College. He had big plans in business, but God kept after him until Bro. Boyd said “Yes” to Him. God has helped him to win thousands of souls.
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A Collection of Writings That Shaped One of the Most Influential Pastors of the Twentieth Century
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Trophies Of Grace Quartet/Because Of Love have produced another very well done CD. You will love the song selection – I Will Have A New Life, If The Lord Wasn’t Walking By My Side and many more
5 in stock
Full of the rich remembrances of a life well-lived, this journal of an evangelist’s days is warm and funny, keen and human, upbeat and nostalgic all at once. It lends a personal, and sometimes surprising, perspective on both world and local history.
25 in stock
No other missionary spokesman has been used of God to challenge as many churches and individuals regarding worldwide evangelization as Dr. Don Sisk.
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Experiencing the Fruit of the Spirit in our Daily Lives. Student Edition
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Experiencing the Fruit of the Spirit in our Daily Lives. Teacher Edition
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Learn about the Fruit of the Spirit that God commands each Christian to have.
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This volume contains 21 new and exciting puzzles, games and activities for children of all ages. Like Volume I, this makes a great gift for children.
48 Pages
By John & Brenda Stancil$1.75
1 in stock
This volume contains 21 new and exciting puzzles, games and activities for children of all ages. Some are educational and some others are just for fun. Some are simple and on some others you may have to strain your brain. Like Volume 1, this makes a great gift for children.
By John & Brenda Stancil
1 in stock
The Walkers have produced a very delightful children’s CD. Songs include: “Be Thankful”, “I’m Happy Today”, “Gabby Learns Proverbs 15:3”, “It’s Not “Finders Keepers” and 12 more.
Original price was: $15.95.$3.00Current price is: $3.00.
81% Off
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Gabby Rides Again – Songs, Skits and fun for Children
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Galatians Exposition & Commentary Chapters 1 & 2. The Pauline Epistles were specifically written to New Testament Christians and their churches that the emphasis will be primarily on what Paul says, and secondarily on what the rest of the Bible has to add about any particular subject.
Laurence M Vance
Paperback 154 pages
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Paul Chappell walks verse by verse through the book of Galatians. These are perfect for sermon preparation or personal Bible study.
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This volume pioneers a field which has not been cultivated by many students of the Bible. It is rich in type and truth. Its eye is on the wonderful Savior who wore these wonderful clothes.
By Ian Paisley
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Bishop Taylor never wrote a book. But he left behind a legacy to the whole Church of God–his wide margin Bible. It is from the notes in his much-marked Bible that this book is compiled.
By John Taylor Smith
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This biography is about one of the most remarkable men of faith and prayer known outside of the Bible. But Mr. Mueller would want neither praise nor attention. He would want all the glory to be given to God.
25 in stock
Complete & Unabridged – George Müller is an example of what God can do through prayer and faith.