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This giant-print edition, with its exceptionally large and clear type, brings the New Testament to many who might not otherwise be able to read it because of failing eyesight. An essential resource for a church or a thoughtful gift for an individual.
Original price was: $24.99.$19.95Current price is: $19.95.
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Cambridge KJV Transetto Text Edition is not only a new Bible but is a unique book concept. These smart, ultra-modern books are very compact, but nevertheless clear and easy to handle and read. They use lightweight paper and an innovative binding style to include a large amount of reading matter into a small, supremely portable and easy-to-handle format.
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Gift Bible Hardcover Black
The Royal Ruby setting is a classic and long-standing Cambridge edition of the King James Version of the Bible, in a pocket-sized form. This Bible includes a presentation page for personalization and is perfect for gifts, awards, and ceremonial events. Compact and portable, the Bible is typeset in a clear and readable modern font. It is bound in black hardback.
1 in stock
Cambridge Pitt Minion Bibles are notable for their style and of readable text, in compact form and have been a feature of the Cambridge list for over 70 years. This Bible is bound in brown calf split leather and has gilt edges.
Second Edition:
*newly typeset
*paragraph style
*red-letter text$60.00
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Cambridge Personal Concord Reference Black & Green Imitation Leather the classic Concord Reference Bible, now in a smaller in lighter size. Comes in a stylish smooth and flexible faux two tone leather.
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Personal Size Deluxe Cambridge Bible with all the Concord features in a French Morocco Leather binding!
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OUT OF PRINT! Please see available Cambridge Bibles
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Wedding Bible
This compact white Bible makes an exquisite gift for brides and bridal parties. It can also be given to mark christenings, confirmations, or other special occasions as it contains a set of alternative gift certificates for each event.
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Theme: The Second Coming – 29 selections.
2 in stock
14 songs with script designed to steer your life in the paths of righteousness.
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Lynnette thinks the empty place in her heart is the result of circumstances: her mother has died and her father is distant. And she is sure he is sending her off to this Camp Sierra just to be rid of her. She decides to exist through the summer, aloof and untouched, as much a stranger when she leaves as when she arrives. But Lynnette’s daring nature and her reluctant friendship with Trevor draw her toward one astounding revelation after another and eventually open to her the deepest secret of all.
30 in stock (can be backordered)
“Can God” by Dr. Harold B. Sightler preaching CD. This classic message by this well known fundamental preacher will challenge and encourage you.
Fundamental Voices is a line of preaching CDs of great fundamental preachers. Every CD is professionally produced from original masters that were professionally recorded. Each CD is housed in a protective plastic case with informative cover and shrink wrapped.
2 in stock (can be backordered)
A discouraged person always overrates his problem. He always makes his problem look or seem bigger than it really is. That’s what causes discouragement, when we rate our problems above the abilities of God. it is not the problems that defeat us; it’s our attitude toward the problems.
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Can You Trust Just One Bible answers to the most common anti-KJV accusations
David W Daniels
Paperback 160 pages
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May the words penned on these pages help you or someone you love face the enemy and see a friend.
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The lovely Mrs. Frances Hoffman has picked “flowers” out of her life and given them to us to enjoy with her. Allow the fragrances to charm you, the beauty to entice you to meditate on Christ.
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Christian fiction for ages 6-10. Story of Pedro and Spud and their adventures.
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The raiding party took Carrie deep into the wilderness to a Cheyenne camp on the banks of a distant river. There Carrie met the Indian called the Keeper and began a life far different from any she had ever imagined.
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The balance . . .it isn’t easy to get it right. But that doesn’t mean we give up.
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Carolina’s Courage by award-winning author Elizabeth Yates is historical fiction set in America in the 1850s.
4 in stock
This book explains a mother’s role in the life of her child.
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Christian Fiction Ages 7-9. Dogs have been mysteriously disappearing from Mark’s small town, so the Crimebusters team gets right to work. But their clues lead nowhere, and their carefully planned stakeout turns into a nightmare. This case looks impossible . . . until Samson the cat shows up. Book 1 in the Crimebusters Series.
146 Pages
By Milly Howard$15.95
1 in stock
The Haven Heir’s first recording through Faith Music. Songs include: “My Name Is Lazarus”, “Standing On Holy Ground”, “I Believe It All” and 7 others.
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“Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” I Peter 5:7