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  • $0.00

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  • $270.00

    Cambridge Concord Reference Black Goatskin Leather KJ566XRE Red Letter text a 128-page Bible dictionary, a concordance, a glossary and 15 color maps. It is printed on India paper with glorious art-gilt edges and two ribbon markers. Customers wishing to make a present of this exceptional Bible will appreciate the presentation page at the front.

  • $315.00

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Beautiful Goatskin wide-margin Bible.

  • Original price was: $340.00.Current price is: $325.00.

    4% Off

    Available on backorder

    This special Cambridge Bible, for those wanting a generous margin, offers the much admired Concord text in a superlative flexible black goatskin leather binding, edge-lined with Kidrel. It is printed on a smooth, opaque and resilient paper with art-gilt edges, and includes two ribbon markers to help find the reader’s place.

  • Original price was: $255.00.Current price is: $245.00.

    4% Off

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    A classic Cambridge Bible, the KJV Cameo Reference Edition combines legibility and elegance in a convenient format. Cambridge’s Cameo Bibles date from the 1920s, and have been a familiar form of the Scriptures for generations of readers. This edition is bound in high quality black goatskin, edge-lined for suppleness and strength, and presented with three ribbon markers.

  • $195.00

    Available on backorder

    Cambridge Clarion Reference Bible, Brown Calfskin Leather Bible includes 15 colour maps and – instead of a conventional concordance and dictionary – a Reader’s Companion which offers the key elements of those features in one place. It is printed on India paper with art-gilt edges and is bound with two ribbons in brown top grain calfskin leather.

  • $265.00

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    The King James Version Cambridge Bible!

  • $149.99

    Available on backorder

    The King James Version Cambridge Bible!

  • Original price was: $29.95.Current price is: $21.95.

    27% Off

    61 in stock (can be backordered)

    Classic Soulwinner’s KJV New Testament Black

    New Testament for Soul Winning. Highly recommended by Fundamental Baptist Books!

    Classic SoulWinner’s New Testament

  • Original price was: $29.95.Current price is: $22.00.

    27% Off

    37 in stock (can be backordered)

    New Testament for Soul Winning. Highly recommended by Fundamental Baptist Books!

    Classic Soul Winner’s New Testament

  • Original price was: $79.95.Current price is: $69.95.

    13% Off

    4 in stock (can be backordered)

    The Classic Note Bible with every other page a blank page for notes. Simply one of the best Note Taking Bibles available!

    Perfect for the Graduate or anyone wanting to have the note-taking feature in their Bible.

  • Original price was: $74.95.Current price is: $34.99.

    53% Off

    7 in stock (can be backordered)

    Scofield’s classic study system (1917 edition) accompanies the authoritative KJV to form this matchless resource. A clear, red letter typeface and convenient size add to the usefulness of the Classic Edition. Features include book introductions and outlines, a unique subject chain reference system, comprehensive indexes and concordance and accurate New Oxford Bible Maps.

  • Original price was: $79.99.Current price is: $39.99.

    50% Off

    5 in stock (can be backordered)

    Scofield’s classic study system (1917 edition) accompanies the authoritative KJV to form this matchless resource. A clear, red letter typeface and convenient size add to the usefulness of the Classic Edition. Features include book introductions and outlines, a unique subject chain reference system, comprehensive indexes and concordance and accurate New Oxford Bible Maps.

  • Original price was: $74.99.Current price is: $34.99.

    53% Off

    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    Scofield’s classic study system (1917 edition) accompanies the authoritative KJV to form this matchless resource. A clear, red letter typeface and convenient size add to the usefulness of the Classic Edition. Features include book introductions and outlines, a unique subject chain reference system, comprehensive indexes and concordance and accurate New Oxford Bible Maps.

  • Original price was: $79.99.Current price is: $39.99.

    50% Off

    4 in stock (can be backordered)

    Scofield’s classic study system (1917 edition) accompanies the authoritative KJV to form this matchless resource. A clear, red letter typeface and convenient size add to the usefulness of the Classic Edition. Features include book introductions and outlines, a unique subject chain reference system, comprehensive indexes and concordance and accurate New Oxford Bible Maps.

  • Original price was: $61.00.Current price is: $54.99.

    10% Off

    10 in stock (can be backordered)

    Scofield’s classic study system (1917 edition) accompanies the authoritative KJV to form this matchless resource. A clear, red letter typeface and convenient size add to the usefulness of the Classic Edition. Features include book introductions and outlines, a unique subject chain reference system, comprehensive indexes and concordance and accurate New Oxford Bible Maps.

  • Original price was: $210.00.Current price is: $199.99.

    5% Off

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Cambridge KJV Concord Reference Black Calfskin KJ564XRI Thumb Indexed Reference edition with all the references, concordances and extras with Words of Christ in Red

  • Original price was: $69.00.Current price is: $61.99.

    10% Off

    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    Scofield’s classic study system (1917 edition) accompanies the authoritative KJV to form this matchless resource. A clear, red letter typeface and convenient size add to the usefulness of the Classic Edition. Features include book introductions and outlines, a unique subject chain reference system, comprehensive indexes and concordance and accurate New Oxford Bible Maps.

  • Original price was: $61.00.Current price is: $54.99.

    10% Off

    4 in stock (can be backordered)

    Scofield’s classic study system (1917 edition) accompanies the authoritative KJV to form this matchless resource. A clear, red letter typeface and convenient size add to the usefulness of the Classic Edition. Features include book introductions and outlines, a unique subject chain reference system, comprehensive indexes and concordance and accurate New Oxford Bible Maps.

  • Original price was: $89.99.Current price is: $61.99.

    31% Off

    5 in stock (can be backordered)

    Scofield’s classic study system (1917 edition) accompanies the authoritative KJV to form this matchless resource. A clear, red letter typeface and convenient size add to the usefulness of the Classic Edition. Features include book introductions and outlines, a unique subject chain reference system, comprehensive indexes and concordance and accurate New Oxford Bible Maps.

  • Original price was: $34.99.Current price is: $32.99.

    6% Off

    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    The Scofield Study Bible has been the favorite of countless people for nearly a century. This edition will be of particular interest to travelers, hospital visitors, and evangelists. The book’s compact size makes it easy to slip into a purse or attache.

  • Original price was: $105.00.Current price is: $95.00.

    10% Off

    Available on backorder

    Excellent Cambridge Emerald Text KJV Bible with black letter

  • $95.00

    Out of stock

    Excellent handy size quality leather KJV Cambridge Bible

    Temporarily Out of stock with no availability date for return yet

    available in black letter text:

  • Original price was: $125.00.Current price is: $119.95.

    4% Off

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    Cambridge Large-Print Bible provides the text of the King James Version in a clear, large type. For those with impaired eyesight, or those who just require a comfortable reading size, this will be the ideal Bible. Bound in a beautiful French Morocco leather binding.

  • Original price was: $155.00.Current price is: $149.95.

    3% Off

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    Cambridge Pitt Minion Bibles are notable for their style and of readable text, in compact form and have been a feature of the Cambridge list for over 70 years. This Bible is bound in brown Goatskin leather and has gilt edges.

    Second Edition:
    *newly typeset
    *paragraph style
    *red-letter text

  • $50.00

    2 in stock

    Cambridge KJV Large Print Text handback Bible The Large-Print Bible provides the text of the King James Version in a clear, large type for those who require a comfortable reading size, this will be the ideal Bible. There are self-pronouncing marks in the text, which will help readers to pronounce difficult names and words when reading aloud. This Large-Print Bible is bound in hardback