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  • $6.95

    6 in stock

    Vol 21 in the FUNdamentals for Kids Series. This story helps children understand that Jesus willingly took our place and paid the penalty for our sins.

  • Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $4.00.

    20% Off

    8 in stock (can be backordered)

    Compiled largely from Billy Bray’s own Memoranda.

  • $12.95

    4 in stock (can be backordered)

    Eight of Sunday’s greatest sermons.

  • $19.95

    4 in stock

    The only Video we are aware of Billy Sunday. Good for Church, School or family viewing.

  • Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $2.00.

    60% Off

    Out of stock

    This is a story based on events in the life of Billy Sunday.

  • Original price was: $10.25.Current price is: $5.00.

    51% Off

    Out of stock

    This is a story based on events in the life of Billy Sunday.

  • $13.50

    1 in stock

    Over 100 million heard Billy Sunday preach and one million are said to have “hit the sawdust trail”–the term used to describe those coming forward to enquire further in the huge wooden tabernacle Billy had erected for his citywide campaigns. This book tells the story of the man and his works; and in most of it the man will speak his own message. For the explanation of the power it can only be said, “There was a man sent from God, whose name was – Billy Sunday.”

  • $0.00

    1 in stock

    Billy Sunday gave up his baseball career to become a powerful, compelling, and innovative preacher. Over the next 4 decades, Billy Sunday would lead more than 300 revivals, preaching to more than one hundred million people.

    203 Pages

    By Rachael Phillips


  • $6.95

    3 in stock

    A story about choosing the right friends.

  • $15.95

    25 in stock

    OUT OF STOCK. The Is My Song – Bless the LORD O My Soul – My America, Under God – Speak Peace to My Heart, and Many MORE!

  • $12.95

    Out of stock

    Talks on the Beatitudes–It is impossible to exhaust them. The maturing experience of Christian manhood is as unable to explore all their wealth of meaning as the open-eyed wonder of the young disciple.

    F B Meyers

  • Original price was: $1.55.Current price is: $1.00.

    35% Off

    1 in stock

    This is a dynamic arrangement of the classic gospel hymn. Arranger: Harold DeCou Difficulty: Moderate

  • $5.95

    6 in stock (can be backordered)

  • $8.00

    9 in stock (can be backordered)

    Your new daily devotional! A poem a day, keeps the Devil at bay.

  • $8.99

    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    Obedience is not the most popular word in our vocabulary. We live in a society that is constantly battling the system, fighting for what we want. We’re primarily concerned with how the rules inconvenience us, and we’re looking to see what we can get away with. Obedience is much more than following rules; it’s a state of the heart. By missing this truth, we miss the power of complete obedience.
    Discover how obedience to God’s plan will put you in the center of His will! Andrew Murray explores the love behind God’s demands and the grace that makes it possible for us to obey. The blessing of complete obedience is your intimate connection with a loving, protective heavenly Father who desires more than anything to give you a rich and fulfilling life.

    By Andrew Murray

  • $6.95

    Out of stock

    It is my prayer that you will read this book with an open mind and an open Bible. As Jesus said “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”.

  • $12.95

    Available on backorder

    An advanced course in spiritual warfare.

  • $9.00

    59 in stock (can be backordered)

    “Blowing the Whistle on the Wolves” by Dr. Larry Brown 2-CD Set. This classic message by this well known fundamental preacher will challenge and encourage you.

    Fundamental Voices is a line of preaching CDs of great fundamental preachers. Every CD is professionally produced from original masters that were professionally recorded. Each CD is housed in a protective plastic case with informative cover and shrink wrapped.

  • $12.00

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    Catch a glimpse into the heart and mind of Dr. Jack Hyles, Pastor of First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, home of America’s largest Sunday School. Dr. Hyles shares some of the deepest philosophies and principles of his life and ministry. This book is a treasure chest of spiritual truth.

    Paperback 192 Pages
    By Jack Hyles

  • $12.95

    7 in stock (can be backordered)

    The dictionary defines “classic” as that of the highest grade of quality. This great book in the Classic Series, is a collection of “classic” sermons by Dr. Bob Gray. This with the other “Classic” books will surely become a collectors series that every pastor and layman will want to have and read.

  • $10.25

    3 in stock

    A delightful, chubby bumble bee teaches children honest, important values like respect and helping a friend. These full-color illustrations carry the reader on a breezy ride, as Bombus finds himself far from home. (Ages 6-12)

    32 pages Hardback.
    By Elsie Larson

  • $6.45

    2 in stock

    A delightful story teaching about the bombardier beetles and other insects.

    Illustrated with 40 pages.

    By Hazel May Rue

  • Original price was: $0.15.Current price is: $0.13.

    13% Off

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    This takeoff on horror films reveals the truth about Halloween.

  • $20.00

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

  • $24.95

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    No Reserve. No Retreat. No Regrets.

  • $8.99

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    “The cross is the key to all situations as well as to all Scripture.”

  • $29.00

    25 in stock

    Sermons from John Chapter 1

  • $15.95

    1 in stock

    BOUNDLESS LOVE by THE BITER FAMILY is another new release. This CD has 12 songs such as Boundless Love, The Value of One, Who Am I, With His Blood and 8 more.