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Three Principles that will Transform your Family
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Book 2 in the Settlers of the Ohio Frontier Series.
A rare and compelling tale of a boy coming to manhood in the face of real danger. With solid history as a foundation, and great story telling to connect actual events, the book brings a real appreciation of what it took to settle the wilderness.
Original price was: $5.95.$3.00Current price is: $3.00.
50% Off
3 in stock
Young readers learn that God is in control and knows what is best for each of us.
4 in stock
A book of principles and thoughts that will be an encouragement to your heart as you seek to serve Jesus Christ.
Original price was: $14.95.$11.95Current price is: $11.95.
20% Off
5 in stock (can be backordered)
Ladies Devotional, “Be still, and know that I am God…” -Psalm 46:10
2 in stock
VGolume 15 in the FUNdamentals for Kids Series.
A full color storybook teaching children that you are better off facing a mama bear with her cubs than to get in with foolish people and take their advice.
Original price was: $12.95.$11.00Current price is: $11.00.
15% Off
1 in stock
For those who have already mastered the fundamentals of phonics, Beautiful Stories for Children is a perfect way to expand your child’s love for reading.
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This book was primarily intended as a tool for assistant pastors, church staff members and Christian school teachers, but its principles apply to most anyone who is in a position of following another. Whether we be church members, church workers, or even employees in some business, we have certain responsibilities as followers to be a genuine help to our leaders. Leaders are not born. They are made, made by God’s grace and power. However, they are also strengthened and solidified by those who follow them.
By Andy Harrell$15.95
1 in stock
Gordan & Kristina Alley from the Cornerstone Baptist Church of Greater Denver – Denver, Colorado. This is very nice Piano recording dedicated to Pastor Rodger and Ruth Alley. Songs include: Oh, How I Love Jesus, Like a River Glorious, Jesus Loves Me, There Is a Fountain, Leaning on the Everlasting Arms, I Have Decided To Follow Jesus, Soldier Medley, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Come Thou Fount, Shall We Gather at the River, Stand Up for Jesus, My Song to R.G., There Is Power in the Blood/Are You Washed in the Blood, Fantasia on the Theme of Jesus Loves Me.
1 in stock (can be backordered)
This book looks back over the century at the development and in some cases the demise of Church Halls which made a lasting impression not only on local communities, but also impacted the world beyond our shores.
By Victor Maxwell
2 in stock (can be backordered)
A Jewish man seeks revenge for the supposed death of his mother and sister
1 in stock
Let me tell you about my very best friend! He made everything, and is even getting a big mansion ready for me! His name is Jesus. Written especially for children.
By Jack Chick
1 in stock
This outstanding compilation of excerpts from the works of A W. Tozer includes favorites from The Knowledge of the Holy and The Divine Conquest. Tozer was gifted in expressing the deepest subjects of the Christian faith with clarity of thought and expression.
Paperback 296 pages
By A. W. Tozer$14.95
1 in stock
This true, up-to-date medical missionary story DVD presents God’s way of salvation clearly and dramatically.
Original price was: $10.99.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
55% Off
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In this seventh volume in the popular Hannah of Fort Bridger series, dispirited young pioneers learn that God cares about their heartaches and always, somehow, provides a mountaintop “Beyond the Valley”.
25 in stock
This looseleaf notebook is a unique tool to organize your devotional life.
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This book uses a collection of animal stories drawn from Scripture, to present important, basic Bible truths.
3 in stock
See how God wants us to have a strong home.
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99 messages on the major and minor characters of the Old and New Testaments
1 in stock
Bible Essentials provides you with powerful tools to unlock the most essential part of the Bible… God’s Word.