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  • $5.95

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    This classic King James New Testament with Psalms is a favorite choice for briefcase, purse, or pocket.

  • $3.95

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    This is a scholarly comparison of the teachings of this rapidly growing cult with the truths of the Bible, Dr. Pyle carefully details the false doctrines of Mormons: baptism for the dead, polygamy, denial of the deity of Christ. This book will arm you to do battle with the aggressive missionaries of deceit.


    Paperback 79 Pages

  • $6.95

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    This book will clear up confusion and controversy on what constitutes modest and appropriate attire for women. Anyone who wants to follow the Bible will know exactly what to do after finishing reading Mrs. Handford’s book.

  • $15.00

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    The list of persecutors of the Baptists reads like a Who’ Who in world history. The study of Baptist history makes one vital truth clear: There will often be a terrible price to pay to stand for the truth. There are no promises that it will be easy to be faithful. The reason that we are seeing Baptists becoming interdenominational today is that they have lost touch with their heritage. This book deals not only with Baptist heritage and history, but also with Baptist distinctives and doctrine.

    Phil Stringer

    Paperback 267 pages

  • $10.99

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    Such a lie is among us-that lie is evolution! Today many laypeople, ministers, and Christian educators are powerless in their presentation of the gospel. They have rejected Genesis, the foundation of biblical doctrine. They have believed the 20th century origins myth-evolution.
    By Ken Ham

  • Original price was: $4.95.Current price is: $4.45.

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    5 in stock

    Three novels for children from a prolific children’s author-Dr. Hugh Pyle. These books are filled with stories of good and bad behavior, teaching Christian young people the right way to behave.

    Mr. Andrews’ jewelry store has been robbed, and Charlie, Nick and Pete run into an interstate gang of thieves as they try to solve the crime. If they had only known what was ahead of them in “The Crooked Cave Caper! Also included is “The Mill Corner’s Game” and “Runaway Mountain”.


    By Hugh Pyle


  • $19.95

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    The New Case Against the NIV, NASB, NKJV, NRSV, NAB, REB, RSV, CEV, TEV, GNB, LIVING, PHILLIPS, NEW JERUSALEM, & NEW CENTURY. This book is the result of an exhaustive six year collation of new bible versions, their underlying Greek manuscripts, editions, and editor. It objectively and methodically documents the hidden alliance between new versions and the New Age Movement’s One World Religion. Dr. G.A. Riplinger objectively and methodically documents the hidden alliance between new versions and the New Age Movement’s One World Religion.

  • $4.95

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    Mysteries have struck Fable Forest, and it’s up to Scamper Squirrel and his friends to solve them. Your children will delight in the antics of the animals and learn lessons about their own behavior at the same time.
    By Hugh Pyle

  • $14.95

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    Dr. G A Riplinger answers questions about contemporary Bible versions and translations.

  • $10.97

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    Riplinger’s detailed and scholarly responses – unanswerable by skeptics like Hunt, Cloud, James White, Hanagraaff, House, Morey, Passantino, Robert Thomas of Master’s Seminary and S.E. Schnaeter of Bob Jones University.
    By Gail Riplinger

  • $4.95

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    These delightful forest tales of the adventures of Scamper Squirrel and his friends will both entertain and educate your children in Bible values.
    By Hugh Pyle

  • $4.95

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    This true story of Dr. Tom Williams and his wife will strengthen and build your faith in God. As you read the miraculous way God has worked with them in answer to prayer, you will find yourself on your knees, asking God to work in your life as well.

    Paperback 102 Pages

  • $4.95

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    This is one of the most amazing stories of faith, love and courage ever told. Dr. Tom Williams testimony of the tragic illness and miraculous recovery of his wife is astounding. He truly loved her back to health.

  • $9.00

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    This book is an indepth look at the wisdom of God. Its pages are packed with exciting information and practical applications concerning the most valuable treasure in the universe. This book will revolutionize one’s perception of wisdom and give him an earnest desire to find it. Exploring Wisdom is structured to be an effective tool for Christian workers. It is an excellent reference for Bible studies, class lessons, and family devotions. Every chapter is carefully outlined and easily adapted to any teaching situation.

    Paperback 182 Pages
    By Eddie Galyean

  • Original price was: $4.97.Current price is: $4.00.

    20% Off

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    Follow Katherine’s unforgettable journey as her life unfolds from sweet sixteen to her grown-up later years.

    300 pages
    By Elizabeth Prentiss

  • $10.00

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    This book provides a biblical foundation for making decisions about music, and it covers some practical musical issues as well. In addition to being an inspirational book to read, this book is sometimes used as the basis for teaching a series of lessons and as a classroom textbook.

    Paperback 166 pages
    By Mike Zachary

  • $7.00

    25 in stock

    A guide to the Rapture and the Last Days. LIMITED STOCK.

  • $7.20

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    This book was primarily intended as a tool for assistant pastors, church staff members and Christian school teachers, but its principles apply to most anyone who is in a position of following another. Whether we be church members, church workers, or even employees in some business, we have certain responsibilities as followers to be a genuine help to our leaders. Leaders are not born. They are made, made by God’s grace and power. However, they are also strengthened and solidified by those who follow them.
    By Andy Harrell

  • $28.00

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    FOR KIDS! Learn American Baptist History!

  • $9.95

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    Updated & Expanded – A best seller for many years – This book does reinvent the idea of training, only the biblical principles concerning discipline.

    Paperback 172 pages

    By Michael & Debi Pearl

  • $13.95

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    More than ever before, teenagers are being confronted with sin in every area of their lives. Godly authority figures must be vigilant and protect the hearts and minds of young people under their care. Within the pages of this book, one will find numerous accounts of teenagers in the Bible along with powerful lessons that can be applied from them. Truths for Teens, by Dr. Jack Trieber, is both an excellent independent study guide for teens and a fine source of supplemental material for youth leaders, workers, and teachers.

    By Jack Trieber

  • $6.95

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    How to have a romantic relationship with your spouse.

    By Cathy Rice

  • $19.97

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    It is a storehouse of information on the background of the New Testament. This classic work successfully portrays the streets, the marketplaces, the religious conflicts, the people, and the places of Jesus’ earthly ministry.
    Hardcover 1136 pages
    By Alfred Edersheim

  • $6.95

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    Fundamentals For Kids Volume 3. Amusing, entertaining, colorful characters teach your children honor and obedience for Mom published by Revival Fires and written by Mrs Cathy Corle. Full Color
    16 pages