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4 in stock (can be backordered)
Most of these sermons were preached in the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London to over 6000 people. We count it a privilege to make these sermons available to print once again. We hope that they will continue to be a blessing and a help to all those who read them.
10 in stock (can be backordered)
The Duty In Deuteronomy Volume 1 – an outstanding Alliterated Commentary volume on the book of DEUTERONOMY Chapters 1-17.
We think this is one of the best commentary volumes available on this book.
Dean M Weaver
Paperback Commentary
1 in stock (can be backordered)
John Gano, God Servant/Washington’s chaplin
Author: Ted Alexander
2 in stock (can be backordered)
Most of these sermons were preached in the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London to over 6000 people. We count it a privilege to make these sermons available to print once again. We hope that they will continue to be a blessing and a help to all those who read them.
1 in stock (can be backordered)
John Leland, Key proponent in securing our first amendment.
Author: Ted Alexander
3 in stock (can be backordered)
Most of these sermons were preached in the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London to over 6000 people. We count it a privilege to make these sermons available to print once again. We hope that they will continue to be a blessing and a help to all those who read them.
2 in stock (can be backordered)
Shubal Stearns, the Apostle Paul to the back country
Author: Ted Alexander
5 in stock (can be backordered)
Most of these sermons were preached in the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London to over 6000 people. We count it a privilege to make these sermons available to print once again. We hope that they will continue to be a blessing and a help to all those who read them.
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A look at the distinctive English needed to convey the full meaning of the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures.
Author Phil Stringer
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16 Messages from 1st Peter. Expository, Alliterated, Devotional, Practical. These messages will convey the contextual message and meaning of this Epistle. Not dead commentary, but preaching as delivered from the heart of Pastor Doug Sehorne. A welcome edition to anyone’s library.
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This book deals not only with Baptist heritage and history, but also with Baptist distinctives and doctrine.
Phil Stringer
Paperback 267 pages
1 in stock
KJV Life Application Study Bible
1990 Gold Medallion Award winner!
The Life Application Study Bible is today’s #1 selling study Bible because it helps people see how the Scriptures are relevant to today’s issues. This edition of the Life Application Study Bible lets you enjoy the best-selling Life Application features with the time-honored King James Version.$2.00
7 in stock (can be backordered)
Have you ever stopped to think that Jesus invited us to study little things? A little prayer moved Him more than a long one did. “Lord Save Me”, “Lord Remember Me”, “What Would You Have Me Do?”. These moved His heart far more than the prayers of the Pharisee with their endless repetitions.
1 in stock
Holman KJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible Brown Goatskin in a box labeled Brown Genuine Leather. Brand New ordered from directly publisher and now out of print
Product Description
The KJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible features large, easy-to-read 11-point type in a convenient trim size that is perfect for devotional reading, personal study, or use at church. The large print type also makes this Bible an ideal choice for ministry and preaching.
Out of stock
“These sermons first appeared in some old periodicals back in the 1940’s, ’50’s and the ’60’s. A lady cut them out and gave them to Dr. Telford back in the early ’70’s. He immediately gave them to me, and I stored them away, forgetting all about them. Some 30 years later, I ran across the box that contained these messages while I was looking for some other material. Realizing that young pastors would benefit from these sermons, I decided to put some in print…I pray that the Lord will use these sermons to bless countless souls as they are used to bring glory to His name.”
Author Andrew Telford
2 in stock
2 CD Set of Preaching on The 2001 Famous Bus Lecture by Wally Beebe
4 in stock (can be backordered)
Prayer under the blessing of God leads to the new birth, strengthens faith, moves mountains, and promotes spiritual growth and contentment that rises above circumstances.
1 in stock
CD of Preaching on Challenging Times by Bill Wininger
1 in stock
As Sung by Ed Russ and the Old-Fashioned Quartet
Songs Included:
Good Christian Men, Rejoice/God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
The Little Drummer Boy
Away in a Manger/Silent Night
Beautiful Star of Bethlehem
Once in Royal David’s City
O Little Town of Bethlehem/O Come, All Ye Faithful
Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks/Go, Tell It on the Mountain$6.00
2 in stock
CD of Preaching on Homosexuality & The Bible by Steve Roberson
Available on backorder
Hannah Whitall Smith (1832-1911) did not have an easy life. Of her seven children, only three lived to adulthood. Her husband was unfaithful. And as a woman in ministry, she fought an uphill battle. In spite of, and perhaps because of, her difficult circumstances, she was able to advise Christians how to live a happy life through a close relationship with the perfect Parent, Savior, Protector, and Friend. Her words still ring true today for all Christians struggling to find joy.
The inspiring message of A Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life reveals the profound secret of true happiness. The wise counsel of this beloved author will nurture and strengthen your faith, your consecration, and your obedience to the will of God. You can be free of doubt, fear, insecurity, depression, temptation, failure, and much more.
2 in stock
CD of Preaching on Knowing Your Enemy by Jim Tedder
2 in stock (can be backordered)
Life’s demands are sometimes hard to bear. Meet them head-on with a “daring faith.” Hundreds of pearls of wisdom harvested from the 46 books written by Dr. Lee Roberson can be of extreme value. The practical, down-to-earth counsel of this giant of the faith is easily understood and applied to our daily lives. The Scriptures that accompany the quotations, and give them Biblical authenticity, were added by Lindsay Terry, the compiler.
Available on backorder
It is a great thing to begin the Christian life by believing good solid doctrine.
3 in stock
CD of Preaching on What Follows Disobedience by Bobby Roberson
4 in stock (can be backordered)
Attention Young Men! This book is designed with you in mind!
2 in stock (can be backordered)
The KJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible includes large, easy-to-read 11.25-point type in a convenient trim size that is perfect for devotional reading, personal study, or use at church. The large print type makes this Bible an ideal choice for ministry and preaching.
Original price was: $1.55.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
35% Off
1 in stock
This SSA arrangement is from the choral collection: Songs About Jesus- Choral Treasures from Charles Weigle. Writer: Charles Weigle & Gladys Muller Arranger: Debra G. Cook Difficulty: Moderate
5 in stock (can be backordered)
Make a promise to the new baby in your church family, and share God’s Word with them. There’s not a more thoughtful gift! This red-letter edition New Testament also includes Psalms and is perfect for presentation on baby dedication day. Gift-boxed with silver page edging.
New Testament Baby