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Peter, the young boy whom readers met in “Mountain Born”, is growing up. A teenager now, he struggles to earn his father’s trust as he handles the sugaring up in the sugar bush and faces the threat of rattlesnakes on the hill. Old Benj is there to help, but Peter must often work along, and as he does, he learns for himself that a job well done brings its own rewards.
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Ten carols of the season uniquely arranged for piano by Cary Schmidt.
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Spend an adventuresome summer with Jerry and his best friend, “Hurry.” You’ll dive into creeks, enter photo contests, and walk the aisle during a revival as these two boys learn more about life and Jesus while growing up one summer.
By Grace Rice Macmullen
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In his book, A Scottish Christian Heritage, Iain Murray describes how for 300 years the school of evangelical Christianity changed Scotland as a nation. Passing on the evangel of the Reformation, and growing stronger in persecution, it turned a people to the Bible, and finally gave many of its best sons and daughters to the ends of the earth. For fidelity, joyful perseverance in hardship, and improbably advance, the record remains a witness to the faith that overcomes the world.
The compelling interest of this account lies in the way it draws on contemporary records-many of these Christian leaders being authors as well as men of action. Murray’s narrative explores this rich heritage and underlines its remarkable relevance for our own day. While not a Scottish church history, this is a gripping introduction to the many glorious successes, and some of the painful failures of the church, from the days of John Knox to those of Horatius Bonar. Explaining this panoramic tapestry are the words of Knox’s own commentary, ‘God gave his Holy Spirit to simple men in great abundance’.
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This book provides a biblical foundation for making decisions about music, and it covers some practical musical issues as well. In addition to being an inspirational book to read, this book is sometimes used as the basis for teaching a series of lessons and as a classroom textbook.
Paperback 166 pages
By Mike Zachary$10.00
2 in stock
Two Jewish orphans living in a small village attempt to earn their livelihood in Roman occupied Jerusalem. Mala sews for the wives of wealthy Roman aristocrats and watches in dismay as her brother, Abandon, becomes deeply entrenched in a life of crime. Then, suddenly the whole village is rocked by the transformation of one of its residents…and the name that seems to be on everyone’s lips…
For Young Adult
By Alicia Petersen
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A Story of Grace is an expositional examination of the book of Ruth.
Journeying through Ruth … Rich and full of alliteration
R Craig Burcham
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This in-depth study of Revelation helps Christians better understand this important book while helping the reader avoid common errors in its interpretation.
Ken Blue
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A Dispensational study of the Book of Acts. It will guide the student of the Scriptures through this transitional book.
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This comprehensive study of the book of Job carefully navigates all 42 chapters, giving insightful commentary and explanation of each section.
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Have you ever wondered what the message of each N.T. Book really is? Not just the meaning of a phrase, a text or chapter, but the central message of the entire book? If so, this is the book for you. Dr. Alan Cairns is a Presbyterian and not all in this book is endorsed by us.
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This book goes through every Psalm, outlining each verse and referencing other correlating verses in the Bible.
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Volume eleven in the Fundamentals for Kids series. A delightful story about avoiding sin.
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Patch the Pirate 2022 New Release
It was the best of times, but now it’s the worst of times as two siblings let a rivalry spiral out of control. Their quarreling damages everything they love, and they learn that a house divided cannot stand. Can they forgive and reconcile to save their kingdom$8.95
11 in stock (can be backordered)
Straightforward, Scriptural, and sometimes shocking, The Teenage Years of Jesus Christ is a must read for any Christian who longs to please the Lord with his life.
Jerry Ross
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Does your youth group resemble a valley of dry bones or a vibrant army ready to march forward and conquer for Christ?
Jerry Ross
17 in stock (can be backordered)
Transitioning young men from boyhood to manhood. A guide on how to be a Godly man.
The 21 Tenets of Biblical Masculinity presented in this booklet brings scriptural clarity and sound conviction on a subject too long ignored.
Jerry Ross
12 in stock (can be backordered)
Transitioning girls into young ladies – A guide on how to be a Godly woman.
5 in stock (can be backordered)
Tough Choices that Will Make You Insanely Successful & Outrageously Happy
Jerry Ross
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A Peek into God’s Supernatural Realm
Jerry Ross
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Scriptural Secrets for Building Satisfying and Successful Teen Relationships
Train Teens
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The King James Bible Defended in Faith and History
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In this volume a whole year of Bible texts preach their own message. That message is outlined and expounded so that each verse is fastened on memory and heart.
By Ian Paisley