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A Dictionary of Bible Types examines over 1,000 types, shadows, signs, symbols, pictures, figures, and patterns in the Bible great along side a good Bible Dictionary
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A Reference Guide to more than 700 Topics discussed by the Early Church Fathers.
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This 39 page pamphlet covers all eight dispensations, including scripture references and study material.
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Open the pages of this book along with your Bible, and discover a dozen diamonds of Daniel. An enlightening study that will help you see this riveting, prophetic book in a whole new way. Dr. Raymond Barber carefully extracts twelve dazzling truths that so fittingly apply to Christians today. Discover wonderful, fresh lessons in this intricately beautiful piece of Scripture!
Hardcover 213 Pages
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Building a lifetime love on biblical principles
Author: Paul Chappell
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See anew and afresh the love of God for His Family.
Author: Andrew Telford
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A Father’s Promise is the story of a Polish boy’s struggle for survival during World War II.
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“Buckle up your seat belts! There may be some turbulence ahead.”
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Building a Household of Faith on the Unchanging Principles of the Word of God
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A Study of the Origin, Identity, Heritage, and Integrity of the New Testament Church
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A “How To” Hand Book for Good Living -HIGHLY Recommended!
Most people have their own definition of a good man. This book has tried to let the Bible define him.
The study of a good man provides a pattern to become like him. Therefore, the alternate title is “A “How To” Hand Book for Good Living“
Dean M. Weaver
Paperback 274 pages
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A Great Cloud of Witnesses Volume 1 has 20 biographies
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A Great Cloud of Witnesses Volume 2 has 20 biographies
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This book traces the origins and development of theological liberalism and convincingly demonstrates what a dangerous and destructive thing it is to the Christian church.
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Get to know your God. Develop a heart that longs to love Him more. Make the Christian life what is was intended by God to be a relationship with Him! Delve into these pages with a hunger devour them with a thirst respond to them by developing a greater “Heart for God.”
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A Heart for the Home provides biblical help for marriage and child training. Many practical life experiences are coupled with scripture to make the book an enjoyable read. Every young couple should this book before marriage and every married couple should read it to help them enhance their home.
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A collection of short devotionals for Christian women. Each one features a verse for the day, a devotional, and gorgeous full color graphics. These devotionals are not dated so they can be read at ones own pace. Sure to be an encouragement to any Christian lady.
25 in stock
Jonathan Edwards sets out to survey the whole of the redemptive work of God in history.
Original price was: $1.55.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
35% Off
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Wonderful selection for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, family emphasis, and for weddings. A minimum purchase of 5 copies is required. Words: W. Elmo Mercer Arrangement: W. Elmo Mercer Difficulty: Easy
Music and words by W. Elmo Mercer
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A Journal About Jesus From John – Beholding and Believing in the Only Begotten – 36 Outlines from 21 chapters in the book of John.
Dean Weaver has been preaching and writing for over 50 years. He is excellent at alliteration and he gives you some meat too. If you like John G. Butler’s books you will love Dean Weaver’s!
It is an excellent alliterated work with insightful comments. It is an essential addition to any library.
Dean M Weaver
Paperback 158 pages
Original price was: $0.16.$0.13Current price is: $0.13.
19% Off
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Who loves you so much He gave you life and left heaven to die for you? It was Jesus!
By Jack Chick
Every married couple ought to read this book thoroughly to gain from the experienced insights of a pastor, Dr. Jack Hyles.
A sequel to Silk and Purple, this is a book of lessons particularly for wives and mothers from women in the New Testament.
Cindy Schaap
Paperback 191 pages.
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Solos by Alvin Martinez from North Valley Baptist Church features 10 arrangements which include “Five Rows Back”, “Who Am I”, “When The Savior Reached Down for Me”, “Jesus Passed By” and 6 more.