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YOU GET 4 CLASSIC CHARLES SPURGEON BOOKS. We select the titles but if you have one that you want, send us an email and if we can we will make it part of the 4 book package you receive.
3 in stock
I wanted to see what God did with this common man who was totally yield to his Lord Jesus Christ.
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This activity book contains 26 large format tear-out sheets that young children will enjoy coloring in and completing.
3 in stock
This book is designed to inspire young writers with various type of structured writing activities.
1 in stock (can be backordered)
This hardback book deals with the foremost doctrinal and experimental truths of the Christian Faith.
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A brief overview of Baptist missions history by David Cummins
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What does it look like to live a life fully committed to God and his kingdom? Despite having different callings in ministry, Charles Spurgeon, George Müller, and Hudson Taylor all stand as titans of faithfulness — trusting in the sovereignty of God in the midst of affliction, hardship, and loss — and their examples of steadfast confidence in God continue to motivate and inspire God’s people, even today. The seventh book in John Piper’s popular The Swans Are Not Silent series, A Camaraderie of Confidence highlights how the amazing lives and legendary ministries of these three men continue to illustrate what it means to hold fast to the promises of God.
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13 Men who changed the world (OUT OF STOCK and OUT OF PRINT)
Michael Sisson
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Volume 18 in the FUNdamentals for Kids Series. Children can be “A champion for God” like David was.
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In a country church two male workers are accused of committing horrible crimes against children while running Sunday School bus routes. How does a pastor keep his ministry from being destroyed? This is an astonishing story of the North Sharon Baptist Church, a country church whose commitment to Christ and to the lost in its community saw victory through a vicious scandal.
Hardcover 166 Pages
By Bill Wininger$9.95
3 in stock
The most meaningful meeting Jesus ever had with His disciples was that night in the Upper Room when He instituted the Lord’s Supper. With a piece of bread and a cup of wine He graphically illustrated the truths of His passion. The Lord’s Supper pictorially represents the story of redemption from beginning to end.
Original price was: $4.95.$4.50Current price is: $4.50.
9% Off
11 in stock (can be backordered)
Bible Studies for children that hold their attention
Original price was: $4.95.$4.50Current price is: $4.50.
9% Off
11 in stock (can be backordered)
Bible studies for children that hold their attention.
Original price was: $4.95.$4.50Current price is: $4.50.
9% Off
12 in stock (can be backordered)
Bible studies for children that hold their attention!
Original price was: $4.95.$4.50Current price is: $4.50.
9% Off
11 in stock (can be backordered)
Bible studies for children that hold their attention!
Original price was: $4.95.$4.50Current price is: $4.50.
9% Off
11 in stock (can be backordered)
Easy-to-understand, easy-to-follow devotionals take children through an entire book of the Bible.
Original price was: $4.95.$4.50Current price is: $4.50.
9% Off
11 in stock (can be backordered)
Each of theses easy-to-understand, easy-to-follow devotionals take children through an entire book of the Bible.
Original price was: $29.70.$27.00Current price is: $27.00.
9% Off
6 in stock (can be backordered)
Buy the 6 Book Set and save! – Easy-to-understand, easy-to-follow devotionals take children through an entire book of the Bible.
1 in stock (can be backordered)
A Daily Word
366 Scriptural Devotions for Growing Christians
3 in stock
The Peabody Series, named after the small town of Peabody, Wisconsin, is an adventure series for Christian young people in middle school. Each novel presents a new adventure told by one of the members of the local youth group.
2 in stock (can be backordered)
In Graham Miller’s autobiography, A Day’s March Nearer Home, we discover why there is seldom a day of national mourning appointed for an evangelical, as happened in Vanuatu upon his death of Graham Miller in 2008.
1 in stock (can be backordered)
What should a Christian do with cards? This booklet will teach you about cards and how they have ruined many lives and hindered people from coming to Christ.
Original price was: $0.16.$0.13Current price is: $0.13.
19% Off
35 in stock (can be backordered)
When a youth finds Christ, he becomes a nightmare for the demons trying to stop him.