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Featuring passages drawn from the breadth of the Bible, these 100 puzzles will challenge and expand your knowledge of scripture.
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From the creative mind of W. Elmo Mercer, 17 artfully arranged Gospel songs. Each selection is designed in an offertory-length setting and is attainable for the growing pianist, as well as enjoyable for the advanced player.
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11 Piano arrangements written by Bible Truth Men.
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“In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety” 1 Timothy 2:9A
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Two music experts, Frank Garlock and Kurt Woetzel, use the teachings of Scripture and results of human communication research to destroy the myth that music is amoral. Well researched but easily understandable, Music in the Balance progresses logically through a wide range of important issues, from why we study music to the distinctive elements of Christ-honoring music.
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These fresh arrangements of familiar songs, are crafted especially for the late beginner pianist. Interesting yet playable, these arrangements are sure to be favorites for piano players and congregations alike.
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Ten victorious arrangements of hymns and gospel songs. Intermediate/Early Advance.
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Piano Arrangements by Glenn & Jan Christianson.
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17 Piano/Guitar/Vocal Arrangements. 9 x 12 perfect bound book
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Ten piano arrangements of familiar hymns for the solo pianist. Early Advanced.
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Ten solo piano stylings for Christmas by Harold DeCou.
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The piano accompaniments are written in a very easy style for use at home and at church.
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The piano accompaniments for this book are written in a very easy style for use at home and church.
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The piano accompaniments in this book are written in a very easy style for use at home and church.
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In The Witness of Your Wardrobe, Dr. and Mrs. John Bishop take on a subject that is very emotional for many Christians, and they do so with grace and Christian love.
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Wisdom from the book of Proverbs to live the Christian Life. A very useful book for those who desire Gods favor.
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If you are interested in preserving the moral integrity of Christian music, and can read with an open mind regarding the heated topic of rock music and the Christian, and will ask God for wisdom as you make your musical choices – we hope you will read a copy of this thought-provoking discussion of CCM.
Paperback 103 Pages
Shelly Garlock Hamilton
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If you have ever felt like giving up after working in your children’s or youth ministries, this book is for you! You will learn how to gain and hold the attention of today’s children, how to develop caring relationships with your students, and how to eliminate most of the discipline problems before they can start. Written in a uniquely entertaining fashion.
Paperback 215 Pages
By Ed Dunlop
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Bring your children’s ministry to life with the creative resources in this helpful book. The unusual ideas here will enhance any Sunday School, Children’s church, Vacation Bible School or kids’ club ministry. You’ll find yourself referring to this manual for children’s workers again and again!
Paperback 197 Pages
By Ed Dunlop$10.00
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Give the gift of Fundamental Baptist Books Materials! Gift certificates are great for gifts, special thank-yous, and achievement awards. Gift certificates are available on-line in $10, $25, $50, and $100 denominations. For other amounts, please call us at 1-812-867-9700.
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Give the gift of music! or give the gift of Fundamental Baptist Books Materials! Gift certificates are great for gifts, special thank-yous, and achievement awards. Gift certificates are available on-line in $10, $25, $50, and $100 denominations. For other amounts, please call us at 1-812-867-9700.
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Give the gift of Fundamental Baptist Books Materials! Gift certificates are great for gifts, special thank-yous, and achievement awards. Gift certificates are available on-line in $10, $25, $50, and $100 denominations. For other amounts, please call us at 1-812-867-9700.
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Give the gift of music! or give the gift of Fundamental Baptist Books Materials! Gift certificates are great for gifts, special thank-yous, and achievement awards. Gift certificates are available on-line in $10, $25, $50, and $100 denominations. For other amounts, please call us at 1-812-867-9700.
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Give the gift of Fundamental Baptist Books Materials! Gift certificates are great for gifts, special thank-yous, and achievement awards. Gift certificates are available on-line in $10, $25, $50, and $100 denominations. For other amounts, please call us at 1-812-867-9700.
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Give the gift of music! or give the gift of Fundamental Baptist Books Materials! Gift certificates are great for gifts, special thank-yous, and achievement awards. Gift certificates are available on-line in $10, $25, $50, and $100 denominations. For other amounts, please call us at 1-812-867-9700.
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Give the gift of Fundamental Baptist Books Materials! Gift certificates are great for gifts, special thank-yous, and achievement awards. Gift certificates are available on-line in $10, $25, $50, and $100 denominations. For other amounts, please call us at 1-812-867-9700.
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