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Scripture is clear: “God is not the author of confusion.” But in our day, there is a great deal of confusion regarding the spiritual gift of speaking in tongues.
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In these pages you will discover the history, the true definition and the clear-cut belief of someone who believes the basic, central teachings of the Bible.
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This material is extracted from ‘Knowing the Times‘, a selection of addresses by Dr. Lloyd-Jones during the years 1942-1977, also published by the Banner of Truth Trust.
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Johnny Jones has done an excellent job in presenting the doctrine of Repentance from a completely scriptural point of view. Lots of scripture has been used in proving that Repentance is turning from sin, rather than the modern day heresy of just turning from unbelief. Additional Appendix is included titled, Repentance: What Saith the Scripture? by Evangelist Doug Sehorne. This book is worth the small price and is a real necessity to every preacher’s library.
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Keller’s fiftieth book in fifty years of writing pinpoints twenty-one ways to embrace deeper meaning and joy in our daily lives, beginning with knowing God firsthand.
Author W. Phillip Keller
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This orderly, systematic and thorough handbook is ideal for use as a reference work or in devotional study.
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The average person has 10,000 thoughts every day. There isn’t a human on planet Earth that wouldn’t admit to struggling with some of them!
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The average person has 10,000 thoughts every day. There isn’t a human on planet Earth that wouldn’t admit to struggling with some of them!
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Biblical insights for the real world
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The Gospel is displayed throughout the Holy Bible and no one can intelligently deny it.
Original price was: $1.55.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
35% Off
1 in stock
Missions / Soul Winning Solo with choir. Beautiful piece asking the question who will tell the lost that Jesus loves them. Writer: Kerry Baggett Arranger: Glenn Christianson Difficulty: Moderate
Original price was: $1.45.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
31% Off
1 in stock
Exciting piece by the legendary song-writing evangelist Charles Weigle. Writer: Charles Weigle Arranger: Glenn Christianson Difficulty: Moderate
Original price was: $1.45.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
31% Off
1 in stock
Solo with choir. Words & Music: Robert Harkness Arranger: W. Elmo Mercer Difficulty: Moderately Easy
41 in stock (can be backordered)
This brochure summarizes in a very readable fashion the essence of the book “Touch Not the Unclean Thing”. It is an excellent bite-sized summary of the King James Bible issue.
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Faith Cook has drawn on unpublished and little-known sources to produce this comprehensive new biography.
1 in stock
Based on the novel by Bob Jones Jr., this story of shipwreck and intrigue, of love and redemption, traces the life of Joel, a promising young man who turns outlaw to free his people from Roman tyranny. As Barrabas, Joel becomes the murderer and robber the mob chooses to release in place of Christ.
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False Prophets in the Church
Author Thomas Hill
Original price was: $15.95.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
69% Off
4 in stock
Wonderful Grace of Jesus – Piano Duets
By Glenn & Jan Christianson
Recorded by Glenn Christianson & Byron FoxxOriginal price was: $1.45.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
31% Off
3 in stock
Stately song of worship to our great Lord! Arranger: Harold DeCou
Difficulty: Moderate
Original price was: $15.95.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
69% Off
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The Hamiltons have produced a choral collection of 10 songs that communicate the great themes of the Gospel: salvation, hope, rejoicing, worship. Each uplifting arrangement in the collection will glorify Christ alone as Worthy of Praise!
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The King James Bible is a true and direct translation from the original languages. But isn’t it too hard to read in the 21st century? Shouldn’t we have something easier? Why do we need a 17th century Book to tell us how to live our lives?
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A book of poems written by Lynda Martin
Original price was: $1.45.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
31% Off
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Choral Octavo Words and Music: Jane Cox
Arrangement by: W. Elmo Mercer
Difficulty: Moderately Easy
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The controversial subjects of Easy- believism, Repentance and Lordship Salvation are covered in this booklet in a very concise but complete manner. Every preacher young and old needs to read this book. It will be the most controversial subject you will ever read on these subjects.
Author Doug Sehorne