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Original price was: $9.99.$7.99Current price is: $7.99.
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10 Songs for children.
Original price was: $9.99.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
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A collection of Gospel songs.
Original price was: $9.99.$7.99Current price is: $7.99.
20% Off
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10 Gospel Songs from “Psalm 23”.
Original price was: $5.95.$4.95Current price is: $4.95.
17% Off
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This booklet has been designed for use with Topical Studies in Proverbs. For every one of the book’s 101 chapters, the study guide has six questions and an extra assignment.
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Baptists that came to America for religious freedom did not initially find it here. They were persecuted severely because they did not believe in infant baptism; because they did believe in baptism by immersion; and because they stood for the Truth of the Word of God.
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An Exposition of First Peter by F B Meyer born in 1847. He was a popular Keswick speaker. All of his books are worth reading.
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Questions are answered that have been asked for many years about the history of the Baptist Church and its influence in religious liberty. Read the conclusions of historians on queries about Biblical baptism and the impact of the Reformation on the True Bible Believing Christians. Religious liberty was planted by Baptist hands and watered by Baptist blood.
Original price was: $12.99.$7.00Current price is: $7.00.
46% Off
1 in stock
Scorching sun, danger, and injury. Dick Ewing faced all of this and more when he became one of the first men to cross the vast expanse of the Sahara desert on a motorcycle and survive. In the process, he confronts a life and death struggle and a dramatic encounter with God. Dr. Moon interviews Dick as the adventure is re-enacted. Spanish Track included.
2 in stock (can be backordered)
In his constant warfare against the church the devil loves nothing better than to sow the seeds of discord and division. The Puritan Thomas Brooks lamented, ‘Our own woeful experience is too great a proof of this.’ How can we counter this devilish ploy? Brooks outlines a twelve-point action plan and teaches us that United We Stand, Divided We Fall is a fitting motto for every Christian soldier.
7 in stock (can be backordered)
How Like-Minded Men Can Avoid Unnecessary Division
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The teachers Pack includes the full-length book, the Teacher’s Guide, and a Study Guide. Each teachers guide comes with a special key code so the teacher can log on to Faithfor and preview these outstanding series by watching video lessons given by Bible teachers from Temple Baptist Church and by reading sample printed lessons in PDF format.
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Free Used Books Offer
What you will get – a packet of used books and pamphlets pulled from Bible Believing pastor’s library.
Original price was: $1.45.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
31% Off
1 in stock
Arranger: Larry Carrier Difficulty: Moderate
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We have sung their hymns, read their sermons, or heard others mention their rugged pioneer missionary careers. But how much do we know about these amazing men and women of our spiritual parentage.? Although you may have read a biography or autobiography of a few of them, where in one book can you become inspired and challenged by twenty life sketches of significant Christians? The personalities Warren Wiersbe shares with us include Katherine Luther, Fanny Crosby, William Borden, James Hudson Taylor, Frances Ridley Havergal, Andrew Bonar, Oswald Chambers, Christmas Evans, R. A. Torrey, Amy Carmichael, Jonathan Edwards, and others.
5 in stock (can be backordered)
A study on maintaining spiritual health.
Original price was: $12.99.$7.00Current price is: $7.00.
46% Off
2 in stock
Have you ever heard a fish that croaks? How about porpoise that moo? The ‘silent deep’ is not so silent after all. Take a trip beneath the sea to discover many strange facts about a little-known world. In Voice of the Deep, we see that a person needs not only new ears but a new life to fathom the mysteries of the spiritual realm.
2 in stock
A book to help with having a better prayer life.
Original price was: $1.45.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
31% Off
1 in stock
Waiting For The Master – Choral Octavo Words & Music: Anthony Palla Arrangement by: Glenn Christianson Difficulty: Moderately Easy
3 in stock (can be backordered)
Writing to encourage and help other believers, Joyce White reflects on the wonderful letter of II John. This personal study explores such topics as grace, mercy, peace and the importance of walking daily in God’s commandments.
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Learn to equip yourself with God’s full arsenal of weapons to defeat the enemy.
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Strong convictions and clarity of expression always mark Ryle’s writings. Nowhere is this more evident than in the addresses and articles brought together as Warnings to the Churches.
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This book is about worship. It’s about how absolutely important worship is and how, perhaps, it is the highest calling and occupation of the believer. But it’s not about excellence of musicianship in played and sung worship. It’s not about personalities or individuals, or specially gifted folks, or style, or technique. It’s not a ‘how to’ book, or a workbook, or a ‘here’s a service schedule that’s bound to work’ type of book. It’s about how God calls us all to be His worshippers and how, perhaps, every single one of us can, through a deeper understanding of worship, make an impact and a difference in the society in which we live.
Author Robin Mark
4 in stock (can be backordered)
A beautiful full-length Bible study book is published for each 13-week series. Class members may desire to obtain this book for further reading.
10 in stock (can be backordered)
The Study Guide is to be used by each student in the Sunday School Class. It contains helpful summaries of each lesson and provides the student with a place to take notes while the lesson is being taught. Also provided are daily Bible readings and questions to help the student prepare for next week’s lesson.
4 in stock (can be backordered)
Along the rocky coast of a New England whaling town a lighthouse shines brightly into the darkest night. Mobsters, busybodies, and poachers plot to put out the light once and for all. Can the crew of the Jolly Roger keep the light shining? Or will rumors of a Great Killer Whale keep them at bay. Grab your harpoon and find out in this whale-sized adventure!
Selections include: Whale of a Tale • Can’t Believe all the Blabber in Blubber • Look to the Lighthouse • I Prefer Me • Let Your Light Shine • Not by Works • MINE • A Kingdom Upside Down • Carry Me Tenderly • Light Has Come Into the World • Courtroom Chaos • Justified • At the Name of Jesus
Original price was: $9.99.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
50% Off
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12 beautiful selections from the What a Happy Day shape-note collection recorded by the BTM Gospel Choir. All sung in the classic shape-note style!
Original price was: $1.45.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
31% Off
1 in stock
A great song that is a reminder that there is no better friend than the Lord Jesus. Writer: Dennis Stremming Arranger: W. Elmo Mercer Difficulty: Moderately Easy