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  • Original price was: $0.16.Current price is: $0.13.

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    He was afraid of everything. But God changed Gideon from a loser to a great leader.

    Author Jack Chick

  • Original price was: $0.15.Current price is: $0.13.

    13% Off

    94 in stock (can be backordered)

    Financial pressures, world tension, crime… only Jesus can give you peace.

    Author Jack Chick

  • $6.00

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    Dr. Jerry E. Chaney’s sermon and study notes Volume 4

  • Original price was: $1.55.Current price is: $1.00.

    35% Off

    1 in stock


    The well-known rendition by May Taylor Roberts of the much anticipated rapture of the church. This song is also available in the Look and Live choral book. Words and Music: May Taylor Roberts Arr.: W. Elmo Mercer Difficulty: Moderately Easy

  • $3.00

    30 in stock (can be backordered)

    The Message of Malachi … Alliterated  Expository Outlines on the book of Malachi.

    Except for an occasional message on tithing the book of Malachi is a neglected book. Dean Weaver preached through the book on Sunday evening services. Malachi is a powerful and penetrating book on the religious practices that almost seem like he is writing about present situations.

    If you enjoy the alliteration of John G Butler then you will appreciate Dean M Weaver.

    Dean M Weaver

    Booklet with 24 pages

  • $12.95

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    A Handbook For Local Church Servant Leaders

  • $15.95

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    A beautiful full-length Bible study book is published for each 13-week series. Class members may desire to obtain this book for further reading.

  • $12.00

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    When an elite group of young people are asked to investigate the kidnapping of a teenager, the case appears cut and dried. But as the Straight-Up Club delves deeper into the mystery, their suspicions lead them to search beyond face value. Trying to piece together a connection with several clues overlooked by the authorities, the club uncovers far more than they ever anticipated in this page turning suspense novel that combines thrilling adventure and faith-building examples for all ages!

    Author Earl Martin and Jesse Muehlbauer

  • Original price was: $1.55.Current price is: $1.00.

    35% Off

    1 in stock

    A beautiful medley featuring the songs The Name of Jesus by W.C. Martin & Edmund S. Lorenz and I Love the Name of Jesus by Byron Foxx

    Arrangement: W. Elmo Mercer Difficulty: Moderate

  • Original price was: $1.55.Current price is: $1.00.

    35% Off

    1 in stock

    An easy to learn arrangement of this powerful musical reminder of the need of cleansing from our debt of sin. Words by: Mrs. C. D. Martin Music by: W. Stillman Martin Arrangement by: Glenn Christianson Difficulty: Moderately Easy

  • $12.00

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    What the Lord Jesus Said About His Second Coming

    Author Charlie Fouche

  • $15.95

    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    A beautiful full-length Bible study book is published for each 13-week series. Class members may desire to obtain this book for further reading.

  • $4.95

    4 in stock (can be backordered)

    The Study Guide is to be used by each student in the Sunday School Class. it contains helpful summaries of each lesson and provides the student with a place to take notes while the lesson is being taught. Also provided are daily Bible readings and questions to help the student prepare for next week’s lesson.

  • $4.95

    7 in stock (can be backordered)

    The Study Guide is to be used by each student in the Sunday School Class. it contains helpful summaries of each lesson and provides the student with a place to take notes while the lesson is being taught. Also provided are daily Bible readings and questions to help the student prepare for next week’s lesson.

  • $15.95

    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    The parabolic teachings of the Lord are unequalled in all of literature. Dr. Sexton’s treatment of the greatest stories ever told is a simple yet profound explanation of Christ’s teachings. In each parable, the author emphasizes the central theme and applies God’s truth to the present-day reader. This 2 volume set is a must for any christian desiring to conform to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

  • $18.99

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    What you always wanted to know about being a pastor. Includes practical suggestions, helpful worksheets, bibliographies, and more.

  • Original price was: $0.15.Current price is: $0.13.

    13% Off

    40 in stock (can be backordered)

    A policeman explains to gang members how Jesus changed his life… and his destiny!

    Author Jack Chick

  • Original price was: $1.55.Current price is: $1.00.

    35% Off

    1 in stock

    A tremendous song using duet with choir. Beautiful orchestration! Writer: Cary Schmidt Arranger: Michael Hill Difficulty: Moderate

  • $8.99

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    This is not a devotional classic; it is a dangerous tale.

    One of the most widely read books of all time, this adventure reveals John Bunyan’s intense grasp of the Scriptures. Penned while in prison for refusing to compromise the gospel, The Pilgrim’s Progress is a guide for the journey from death to life. The times have changed, but the landmarks and adversaries are very much the same.

    The Pilgrim’s Progress is a call to the high stakes of every Christian’s journey. Don’t pick it up expecting quaint amusement; it is a story of the undeniable truth, great cost, and overwhelming joy of the gospel.

    Author John Bunyan

  • $26.99

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    From this world to that which is to come

  • $2.00

    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    Your seat in eternity, Will it be smoking or non-smoking?

  • $5.00

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    Author Johnny Jones

  • $4.50

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    This book is the definitive essay on the subject of the Lordship of Jesus Christ in every aspect of the Christian from Salvation to Death. It is written in an understandable manner and filled with Scriptural references to prove its Biblical basis. No preacher should be without this booklet.

    Author Johnny Jones

  • Original price was: $8.95.Current price is: $3.00.

    66% Off

    1 in stock

    Be inspired by this faithful woman who devoted her whole life to loving and serving God. Deepen your faith and find strength in prayer.

  • $10.00

    6 in stock (can be backordered)

    Written from the heart of those who have experienced the pain and despair of the prodigal, this book will be a help to any true child of God. Not just in learning how to pray for the prodigal, but with help in the area of how not to raise a prodigal.

    Author Bob Martin

  • $2.00

    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    Today many Christians have lost confidence in preaching and have replaced it with other things such as dialogue, films, dancing, and dramatic presentations. ‘Do we need preaching today?’ is a question often asked in many churches. John Cheeseman takes up this question and argues that the church must maintain the priority of preaching for both biblical and theological reasons. He then proceeds to offer helpful instruction and advice on the practical matters of preparing and delivering sermons, before finally turning his attention to the vitally important subject of the character of the preacher. This booklet is an excellent primer for all young men who believe that God may be calling them to become preachers of his Word.

  • $5.00

    131 in stock (can be backordered)

    Outlines on the Sovereignty of God

  • $5.00

    61 in stock (can be backordered)

    Well alliterated outlines and thoughts on the pastoral epistles.

  • $8.99

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    E.M. Bounds writes…”our only sure and solid foundation is the hope of heaven. The only solution to earth’s mysteries, the only righter of earth’s wrongs, and the only cure for worldliness, is heaven. All life, happiness, beauty, and glory are native to the home of God, and all this belongs to the heirs of God in heaven, what a glorious inheritance.”

  • Original price was: $2.25.Current price is: $1.25.

    44% Off

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    Alberto Series Part 7 – Learn how the papacy helped start Islam, only to have this new daughter rebel against her. You will understand the Arab’s place in Bible prophecy.