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  • $9.95

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    This is an in-depth study on biblical repentance and a timely warning about unscriptural methods of presenting the gospel. The opening chapter, entitled “Fundamental Baptists and Quick Prayerism” traces the change in the doctrine of repentance among fundamental Baptists during the past 50 years.

    Author David Cloud

  • $15.99

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    An informative look at the beliefs and practices of Muslims that will help to equip the reader with knowledge to reach those that are following the religion of Islam.

  • $1.50

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    Six Indicators of a Revived Life

  • Original price was: $1.55.Current price is: $1.00.

    35% Off

    1 in stock

    TTBB Wonderful men’s arrangement of the great revival hymn. Arranger: Glenn Christianson Difficulty: Moderately Easy

  • $14.95

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    Recognizing and retraining wrong thinking

  • $23.00

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    This is the inspiring autobiography of Richard Hobson whose ministry, under the blessing of God, transformed the working-class district of Windsor in Liverpool.

  • $32.00

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    We might expect a lengthy book on only verses 1-4 of the eighth chapter of Romans to be wearisome and repetitive, but this is not the case. Thomas Jacomb (1622-87) tells us that he found by digging into this mine that it was full of rich matter. All the major truths of the gospel are here, in a remarkably readable manner, especially the practical subjects which the Puritans loved to expound.’Jacomb simply grips our heart and understanding’, says a reviewer.

  • Original price was: $0.15.Current price is: $0.13.

    13% Off

    12 in stock (can be backordered)

    Sergei is dying of cancer. The man in the bed next to him tries to win him to Jesus. A compelling story with a happy ending.

    Author Jack Chick

  • $3.95

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    Choosing Faith as Your Compass

  • $6.29

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    It was at a YMCA Convention in Indianapolis that the famous preacher D. L. Moody first heard Sankey and invited him to join him on what was to become one of the greatest evangelistic teams of all time, Moody & Sankey. This is the story of Ira David Sankey.

    Author Helen Rothwell

  • $17.00

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    The fourteen sermons contained in Saved By Grace Alone were preached in Westminster Chapel, London, on Sunday evenings between 15 April and 15 July 1956. They are a fine example of preaching evangelistically from a consecutive passage of the Old Testament.

  • $19.95

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    The vast majority of professing Christianity is preaching “another gospel, which is not another.” The Apostle Paul says, “they pervert the gospel of Christ.”

    The inclusive “gospel” of Ecumenicism and New Evangelicalism is sweeping through Christianity like a grass-fire. Will God’s children have the doctrinal foundations laid in their lives for the discernment necessary to see through this Satanic deception? Will they be able to wade through all the false teaching on “Grace” being taught by the radio and TV. preachers?

    Saved by Grace Alone will give people tools for the discernment they will need in today’s smorgasbord of theology.

    Author Lance Ketchum

  • $3.00

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    A Look At Biblical Holiness

  • $29.95

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    The Teacher’s Packet includes the full-length book, the Teacher’s Guide, and a Study Guide. Each Teacher’s Guide comes with a special key code so the teacher can log on to and preview these outstanding series by watching video lessons given by Bible teachers from Temple Baptist Church and by reading sample printed lessons in PDF format.

  • $10.00

    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    Whitefield was not only the greatest preacher and orator of the eighteenth century, he was also one of its most saintly characters, if not the saintliest of all. Certainly there was no more humble or lovable man amongst them. What can be more profitable, next to the Bible itself, than to read something of the life of such a man and to read his own words!

  • $2.00

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    Satan’s most harmful tool.

  • $9.95

    51 in stock (can be backordered)

    Sermons from the Sword with 25 chapters and 247 pages. The first chapter
    is entitled “Man on Fire”.

  • $28.00

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    Spiritual leaders lead people to heaven. Here in Seven Leaders are accounts of seven such men, together with the distinctive features of their lives—in John Elias, the necessity of the power of the Holy Spirit; in Andrew Bonar, the reality of communion with Christ; in Archie Brown, the irresistibility of love; in Kenneth MacRae, the need for faithfulness to death; in Martyn Lloyd-Jones, theology and doctrine; in W. J. Grier, passing on the ‘sacred deposit’; and in John MacArthur, the governing authority of the word of God. An Old Testament miracle once took place at a burial. We are told that when the deceased was ‘let down and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived, and stood up on his feet’ (2 Kings 13:21). Through books, the past can be touched, and the consequence may be as much of God as when Martin Luther handled the old writings of Jan Huss. Records of faithful servants of Christ still speak and can bring new life today.

    Author Iain Murray

  • $2.00

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    The Christian and His Health

  • $5.39

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    Contains J.C. Ryle’s famous sermon on heaven as well as sermons by Moody, Spurgeon, Sunday, and McCheyne.

  • Original price was: $6.95.Current price is: $5.95.

    14% Off

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  • $1.95

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    In an area that can hold significantly grave consequences and yet is argued from conflicting viewpoints, there is one sure guide to making a wise choice-the Word of God. It is not surprising that a topic with as many ramifications as alcohol is directly and thoroughly addressed in Scripture-both in specific mentions and guiding principles. These pages present biblically reasoned arguments to encourage you to develop and strengthen convictions regarding abstinence from alcohol.

  • $3.00

    3 in stock (can be backordered)

    ‘What do you recommend on preaching?’ is a frequently asked question that can be answered in a variety of ways. There is always much to learn and there are many books to help us. But whatever else a preacher reads, J.C. Ryle’s little masterpiece Simplicity in Preaching is a ‘must read’. Ryle packs more experience and sanctified common sense into two dozen pages than many others manage in a lengthy treatise. And, like all of his work, this one illustrates the very simplicity he commends to others. Here indeed is a work whose value and usefulness is out of all proportion to its length.’ — SINCLAIR B. FERGUSON

    Author J. C. Ryle

  • Original price was: $0.16.Current price is: $0.13.

    19% Off

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    A detailed description of the 10 Commandments, and why Jesus is the only way to heaven.

    Author Jack Chick

  • Original price was: $1.55.Current price is: $1.00.

    35% Off

    3 in stock

    If Jesus had not come we would be lost in our sin with no hope. But, Since Jesus Came, I’ve been set free. My sins are canceled eternally! A victorious song of redemption. Writer: Byron Foxx Arranger: Glenn Christianson Difficulty: Moderately Easy

  • Original price was: $14.98.Current price is: $5.00.

    67% Off

    2 in stock

    Songs include: Alive! Opening Theme  • Welcome the King • Here Is Love • Alive! • Beulah Land • I Will Go • Only Jesus Saves • Sing a New Song • Lord, You’ve Been Faithful • Let Mount Zion Rejoice • My Creed 

  • $15.95

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    This original adventure emphasizes contentment, obedience, and responsibility in a sing-along format that will give your 2-to-8 year-olds hours of pleasant “sailing.”

    Selections include: When Jesus Has a Birthday • David • I Belong to the King • I Want to Be Faithful • Daniel • Obedience • Father, Lead Me • Jonah • Jesus Loves Me • His Name Is at the Top • Bedtime Lullaby • Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego • Grumblers • Responsibility • I Love America • Jesus Loves Me

  • Original price was: $1.55.Current price is: $1.00.

    35% Off

    3 in stock

    SING, O SING TTBB Choral Octavo Wonderful anthem of praise to the Lord, arranged for a TTBB men’s group.

  • Original price was: $1.55.Current price is: $1.00.

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    This is a moving choral arrangement of the old hymn of the same name. Arrangement: W. Elmo Mercer Difficulty: Moderately Easy

  • $23.00

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    This book outlines the thrilling story of the onward march of the Church of Christ from the earliest times to the end of the nineteenth century. It is not a dry-as-dust account of long-forgotten events and controversies, but rather a moving record of those who undertook the adventure of faith before us and. through their courage and steadfastness, left an example for the church in every age. Reading of the exploits of those who have gone before us, through times of prosperity and times of persecution, should stimulate, warn and encourage the church in our own age to persevere in the same path, and obtain the same everlasting reward.

    Author S. M. Houghton