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For many Christians, prayer is nothing special, just something we’re supposed to do-go to church, tithe, read the Bible, pray. But prayer should be so much more than an item on our “to do” list.
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No Christian who reads any one of these papers will be left unaffected. ‘Believer in Christ, remember this! Whatever you do in religion, do it well. Be real. Be thorough. Be honest. Be true.’
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No Christian who reads any one of these papers will be left unaffected. ‘Believer in Christ, remember this! Whatever you do in religion, do it well. Be real. Be thorough. Be honest. Be true.’
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Dr. Rice’s burden was that all of God’s people learn the secrets of prayer and receive the blessings that it brings. His book “Prayer-Asking and Receiving” serves as a manual to instruct us in this matter.
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We shall do well to watch our habits of prayer with a holy watchfulness. Here is the pulse of our Christianity. Here is the true test of our state before God.
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The Scottish Psalter of 1595 was unique in that it contained a series of prayers on the Psalms. Regarded as ‘one of the little-known devotional treasures of the Scottish Church’ these prayers breathe the spirit of humble confidence in God in the midst of trouble and persecution. Presented here in slightly updated form as Prayers on the Psalms they are sure to suggest much matter for prayer in public, private, and family worship.
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All of us who hear preaching are aware that some of it gets through and that some of it does not. Why is this? What, if anything, can preachers do to communicate more effectively? And can this be done without degrading the glory of the gospel message, or detracting from it? This booklet will provide instruction, help, and encouragement to those who are wrestling with these questions.Author Stuart Olyott
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Where God has worked, the people have prayed. Hannah pleaded for a son and received Samuel. Elijah called on God and saw fire come down. Paul and Silas prayed and the prison shook.
Why do some prayers move mountains and others, barely stones? In Prevailing Prayer, one of the greatest evangelists of all time explains the elements of biblical, powerful prayer. A treasure trove of stories and illustrations, it will renew your desire to pray and guide you in best practices.
For those who wonder where the power is, who long to see new spiritual depths, who need reminding that God can change a life, Prevailing Prayer is inspiration to pray humbly and often—to seek by prayer to “move the Arm that moves the world.”
Author D. L. Moody
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Dr. Luis Ruiz thoughtfully deals with the issue of pride, using sensitivity and wisdom. This book will help you identify pride, its evil works and its consequences. It will instruct you on how to bring pride into submission using Scripture. It does not only present the dangers of an unbridled pride, but it also presents its antidote, HUMILITY, and the blessedness of it. Within each chapter, you will find truth-filled Scriptures and wise reflections that will move you to search within the depths of your heart. Human beings should be the least proud, yet are the most prone to arrogance.” “A proud heart… is sin” Pro. 21:4
Original price was: $12.99.$7.00Current price is: $7.00.
46% Off
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Many of man’s inventions were inspired by God’s original designs in nature. Explore the world of the trap-door spider and other creatures reflecting God’s genius. You’ll see how the Creator has claim not only on ideas and inventions, but also on human lives.
Original price was: $12.99.$7.00Current price is: $7.00.
46% Off
1 in stock
Did the Bible prophets speak by divine authority or from imagination? What are the chances that a person could “guess” the future? Professor Peter W. Stoner applies the principles of mathematical probability to prophecies concerning Babylon, Jerusalem, Tyre, and Petra and uncovers amazing facts concerning the authorship of the Bible. Spanish Track included.
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This compilation of passages is designed to aid the student of the Word of God in recognizing the importance of prayer and other well-known verses from the Book of Psalms.
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Dr. Jerry E. Chaney answers many questions concerning drinking.
Original price was: $6.95.$5.95Current price is: $5.95.
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This collection is composed of verses from Proverbs set to song.
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Writing at the end of 1842, Robert Murray M’Cheyne, tells his flock: ‘It has long been in my mind to prepare a scheme of Scripture reading, in which as many as were made willing by God might agree, so that the whole Bible might be read once by you in the year, and all might be feeding in the same portion of the green pasture at the same time.’ The Calendar gives four portions (usually four chapters) for each day of the year: two for family worship, morning and evening, and two for private reading, morning and evening. In this way, the entire Bible is read once and the New Testament and Psalms twice in the course of a year.
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Provides clear and helpful instruction for teen girls and young adults as they prepare for the future. God has a perfect will for every Christian young woman – Ready or Not illustrates the Bible truths necessary for knowing His will.
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Embrace the grace, endure the struggle, enjoy the relationship
Original price was: $9.95.$8.95Current price is: $8.95.
10% Off
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Rebekah The Chosen Bride
The relationship between Isaac and Rebekah abounds in spiritual lessons.
Original price was: $10.98.$5.95Current price is: $5.95.
46% Off
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How to fill your bus and keep it full
Ideas for the Bus Ministry … 10 chapters with 10 ideas for each chapter. 100 Ideas in all.
Last copy and out of print. Slight water damage but a new book.$12.95
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Redemption & Revival encompasses the entire cycle of man’s spiritual journey.
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Embodying the teachings of Christian liberty, Galatians would be used to combat the bondage of legalism.
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An alliterated expository study of the book of Philippians.
Paperback 209 Pages, 44 Chapters
Bob Sanders
Sonlight on…
Son Rise Publishing
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With brilliant clarity, Jonathan Sarfati, author of the best-selling Refuting Evolution (1 and 2) has produced a comprehensive and ringing refutation of the position of progressive creationist Hugh Ross, whose views are causing massive confusion about science and the Bible. This book is one of the most powerful biblical and scientific defenses of a straightforward view of Genesis creation ever written
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Excellent alliterated expository study of the books of Titus & Philemon.
Paperback 196 pages
Bob Sanders
Sonlight on…
Son Rise Publishing
Available on backorder
Features of Rejoice Hymns:
* 708 Songs – well-loved standards plus new favorites
* 32 last-stanza settings with congregation singing unison; colorful harmonization for keyboards
* Over 200 optional segues between songs
* clear, readable font size, printed on white paper$6.00
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The Puritans believed in the reality of devil and in his deadly antagonism to the souls of men. To keep us in our lost and condemned state he employs two devices against us: he persuades us that repentance is easy and believing in Christ is impossible. In Repent and Believe! Brooks masterfully uncovers Satan’s devices and skilfully prescribes the Bible’s remedies against them.