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A devotional commentary on the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. A return to Zion was indeed a forlorn hope. And yet, in three dramatic movements, God overruled their plight and brought them home.
By Samuel Carson
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Sunrise indicates the Biblical conception of what the second advent of our Lord will be. We are not looking for the Star in the east, but for the Sun of Righteousness to arise.
By G. Campbell Morgan
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Revival from God is given in answer to prayer. It must be asked and received directly from God Himself. This book explores prayer as the way to revival by looking at history and gives hope for the future.
Andrew Murray
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Two great books in one! You will be surprised to discover how relevant Joseph’s life is to the nitty-gritty of yours. You can learn and be inspired to go on for God just like he did. The story of Ruth begins with tragedy, but out of the womb of all tragedy there comes something beautiful, which, if the tragedy had never occurred, would never have been seen. Such is the case with Ruth.
By Derick Bingham
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Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, a Christian classic, tells the stories of brave men and women who were martyred for their faith in the fourteenth through sixteenth centuries.
By John Foxe
1 in stock
Meditations in Isaiah 53. Dr. Ironside said: “Few men have the winsomeness and tenderness, combined with sound scriptural teaching that characterises the ministry of my friend Dr. Robert L. Moyer. I recommend this volume.”
By Robert Moyer
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Studies in the Book of Revelation. Outstanding studies by a relatively unknown author!
We are not left to our imagination regarding the future. God who brought the world into being has revealed His plan and purpose for it, and it is with this, that this book is concerned.Samuel W. Jennings
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These 2001 one-liner quotes from Charles H. Spurgeon are as powerful today as when he spoke them. An excellent resource for pastors and laymen.
Compiled by George Burch
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Scriptures are used to unveil Christ and to show Him as our only Savior, our only hope, our only message. Christ is clearly and constantly unveiled as God’s only remedy for men’s needs.
By Tom Hayes
1 in stock
Dr. Ironside’s talks delivered in London in 1938 expound the scriptures which tell how the second Coming of Christ will affect the Jews, the Gentiles, and the Church.
By Harry Ironside
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Studies in the Book of Colossians. Maybe our faith is on trial. What was good for the Colossians in their hard times may be just the Word for us today.
By Victor Maxwell
1 in stock
Complete and unabridged–a classic. A book that we ought to cherish as one of the treasures of our spiritual heritage.
By John Bunyan
Original price was: $20.00.$9.95Current price is: $9.95.
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3 in stock
Power Bible CD is an easy-to-use Windows application for Christian Bible study. Version 5.9
These are BRAND NEW older version copies – Power Bible 5.9 while they supplies last…
1 in stock
The Mayflower Pilgrims; Roots of Puritan, Presbyterian, Congregationalist, and Baptist Heritage is the fascinating account of one of the greatest adventures of all time, recounted here in its entire breadth.
By David Beale
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Have you ever wondered what the message of each N.T. Book really is? Not just the meaning of a phrase, a text or chapter, but the central message of the entire book? If so, this is the book for you. Dr. Alan Cairns is a Presbyterian and not all in this book is endorsed by us.
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This book explains the timeless words of the Savior in the light of the gospel of saving grace. Only in this way can their message show how Christians’ lives are blessed, not blasted and withered by the pressures of modern life. The Lord’s way for His people to be happy in a world of misery.
By Alan Cairns
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This book will take you on a journey back to the early part of the 5th century. These writings provide such a vivid picture of Patrick himself that the force of his personality and the fervor of his faith still live today.
By J. M. Holmes
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The story of a Catholic nun’s search for truth and peace. When Wilma’s serving attitude and spirit led her to join the Sisters of Mercy, she thought she had found her niche in life, but soon the ideals were stripped away leaving her searching for answers.
By Wilma Sullivan With Pam Creason
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Eagles’ Wings contains the features you need most in a book of daily devotional Bible readings: A Bible text for each day; An easy to read study that will speak to your heart; A memorable quotation for each day’s study; and a yearly schedule of Bible reading.
Alan Cairns
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International Evangelist Harold Peasley examines and explains that the Gospel is the only reality worth evangelizing.
By H. J. Peasley
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A book about F. B. Meyer and what made him tick. What life lay behind the five million copies of his books that sold during his lifetime? What drew great multitudes of people to listen to this gentle spiritual giant? This book glows with touching and moving stories of a life lived to God’s glory.
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In this book we look at some of the agonizing and distressing issues people fact today: Rebellion is heart of Africa threatens missionaries; bomb tragedy in Omagh kills 29; earthquake in Japan destroys the heart of Kobe; bad news from the doctor is frightening, etc.
By Victor Maxwell
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This book looks back over the century at the development and in some cases the demise of Church Halls which made a lasting impression not only on local communities, but also impacted the world beyond our shores.
By Victor Maxwell
4 in stock
Discover the most effective role model for discipleship, as seen in Mark’s gospel.
By Victor Maxwell
11 in stock
C. H. Spurgeon is commonly called the Prince of Preachers, a title he rightly deserves. At the height of his ministry in the heart of London during the 19th century, his sermons were published in daily newspapers both in England and the U.S. Now 100 years later after his death, this book gives an indepth look at Spurgeon and incorporates many of his own writings in this book.
By Eric Hayden
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The thrilling account of the life and work of Ulster’s best-known evangelist, the Rev. William Patterson Nicholson. It was a sad day for the devil and a glorious one for the Kingdom of God when W.P. Nicholson was converted and called to do the work of an evangelist.
By Stanley Barnes
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The Covenanters, together with the Puritans, gained freedom in every realm of human living, thus winning and preserving Democracy, and the right to worship God with an open Bible interpreted by all. We owe our way of life, our Constitution and our institutions to them.
By Jock Purves
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This book explores The Power of the Holy Spirit; The outpouring of the Holy Spirit; The Great Teacher; The Comforter; The Pentecostal Wind & Fire; Indwelling & outflowing of the Holy Spirit; Abiding of the Spirit.
By Charles Spurgeon
1 in stock
This collection is unique in that most of them have been passed down from grandfather, to father, to himself, and each one illustrates some aspect of his spiritual pilgrimage. The author reminds us that God frequently raises up a man or woman for a particular time.
By Eric Hayden
1 in stock
Whether used by families as a devotional tool to be used during quiet time in the home or by pastors & students, these sermons will provide insight to Spurgeon, the man, and also lift up on high the Christ of the scriptures.
By Charles Spurgeon