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Original price was: $61.00.$39.95Current price is: $39.95.
35% Off
25 in stock
Outstanding text series includes 8 books!
Original price was: $19.95.$11.00Current price is: $11.00.
45% Off
1 in stock
Through stunning computer animation, interviews with leading scientists, and spectacular images of Earth and the cosmos, The Privileged Planet explores a startling connection between our capacity to survive and our ability to observe and understand the universe.
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A guide to follow
1 in stock
When Christian principles become socially unacceptable, and society moves to repress them–what will the Christian do? Witness the Soviet Union before glasnost–Fear of the KGB pervades society. Christian faith is stifled wherever it is discovered. However, some believers opt to remain unregistered. This story is about them.
1 in stock
“The Princess and the Goblin” is a delightful, meaningful tale of love, bravery, and the importance of faith. George MacDonald’s method of weaving truth into stories for children inspired such writers as C.S. Lewis.
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This book reverently and tastefully exposes why confession of sins to a man cannot be of God. You’ll see how this practice destroys both the priest and the person doing the confessing.
Original price was: $0.15.$0.13Current price is: $0.13.
0% Off
50 in stock (can be backordered)
The king had a present that he wanted to freely give to those in his kingdom who would receive it. God wants to give you a free gift…eternal life through His Son, Jesus.
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Published in the year that marks the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Jonathan Edwards’ death, this book successfully straddles the church’s and the academy’s interest in Edwards.
Dr Carrick demonstrates that Edwards was preaching and writing at a unique moment in history when the Puritan spirit and the spirit of the Enlightenment intersected; he traces the remarkable fall and rise of interest in the great American preacher-theologian in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; he interacts, both positively and critically, with the now complete Yale edition of Edwards’ Works and also with the ever burgeoning field of Edwards scholarship; and he cites extensively from Edwards’ sermons, treatises, and Miscellanies in order to demonstrate the power and the profundity of his preaching and thought.
3 in stock (can be backordered)
The Preacher and his preaching is a classic and a must have for every preacher of the gospel.
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Brother Lawrence was a man of humble beginnings who discovered the secret of living moment by moment with a sense of God’s presence. For nearly 300 years, this unparalleled classic has given both blessing and instruction to millions who can be content with nothing less than feeling God’s presence throughout each simple day.
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Devotional commentary on effective prayer that will enhance personal prayer lives and lead to a deeper understanding of prayer and who God is. This book is the tool needed to show how prayer life can produce results.
By G. Campbell Morgan
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In this classic exploration of the Scriptures, Andrew Murray leads the reader to a complete understanding of the significance and reality of the power of the shed blood of Christ.
Astounding results can take place in your life once you have learned about the power of the blood of Jesus and come to understand how to use it in coping with life’s difficult situations. This mighty weapon of spiritual warfare holds the secret to a victorious life.$12.99
1 in stock (can be backordered)
Experience a close relationship with God. Have God’s power in your Christian walk. Know God’s will for your life. Eliminate hindrances to prayer. Receive all that God has for you.
1 in stock
One of the classics of the modern church, this work on the power of the Holy Spirit is without equal. Written by a man with a personal knowledge of the subject, it is not a dry textbook but a heart-cry for the power of God.
Original price was: $9.99.$0.00Current price is: $0.00.
100% Off
33 in stock (can be backordered)
Another Gift exclusively for our email List Subscribers! Limit one per subscriber.
When prayer becomes mighty. When members of the early church cried out to God in urgent need, the place shook with the power of their supplication.
1 in stock
“THE POWER OF A CHANGED LIFE” by Bailey’s Grove Baptist Church. Some of the songs include: “The Power of a Changed Life”, “To Rescue a Sinner Like Me”, “Love Crucified, Arose” and 7 more.
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Charles Spurgeon shows you how to develop the characteristics that will bring big results in your prayer life.
4 in stock (can be backordered)
This book contains six studies on John chapter 11—one of the most remarkable chapters in all the New Testament. It deals with themes most useful and interesting to all professing believers.
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OUT OF STOCK – OUT OF PRINT! E. M. Bounds knew the secrets to a successful prayer life, and he knew that there is more to prayer than most people realize. The teachings he sets forth in this prayer manual will help you to take hold of the promises that God has given to those who truly pray.
175 Pages
3 in stock
A neat devotional book to warm your heart after a trying day.
1 in stock
Complete and unabridged–a classic. A book that we ought to cherish as one of the treasures of our spiritual heritage.
By John Bunyan
2 in stock (can be backordered)
The most complete expose’ on rock music yet. Discover the menacing role of rock music in the rising tide of narcotic use, sex crimes, and teenage suicide in America. “My prayer is that people will not stop with simply reading the book, but will use it to equip themselves for the battle that faces them in rescuing their children from the devices of the Devil, The Pied Piper of Rock Music.”
Paperback 224 Pages
By Dennis Corle$4.19
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The presence of the Holy spirit is crucial to the believer as well as the unbeliever. Simply put, we need the Holy Spirit to bring us to salvation and then to lead us continually from there. In this in-depth study, Torrey examines the character of the Holy Spirit and His role in the Christian’s life.
288 Pages
By R. A. TorreyOriginal price was: $10.99.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
55% Off
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“The Perfect Gift”, the fifth release in the popular Hannah of Fort Bridger series, is a dramatic story of heartbreak, hope, and faith played out on the romantic and exciting stage of the Old West.
4 in stock (can be backordered)
Primarily, this book was written to be used as a basic primer on Baptist history covering the history of the Baptists up to this present day. Some of our Baptist forefathers were lauded, but many of them knew the flames of persecution. This book, though not a footnoted, detailed treatise, will help both laymen and preachers understand the sacrifice and significance of our heritage.
8 in stock
Those who want the blessing of peace while living in a world that has none to offer will find timely insight and truthful instruction from the pen of “Preacher” Brown.
1 in stock
Pastor Kevin and Charlotte Birdsong’s boys first CD. Songs include: “The Patriot of the Lamb”, “God Saves Old Sinners”, “Daystar” and 7 more.
1 in stock
Pastor Kevin and Charlotte Birdsong’s boys first CD. Songs include: “The Patriot of the Lamb”, “God Saves Old Sinners”, “Daystar” and 7 more.