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Original price was: $1.55.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
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A great song of encouragement to stay right with God because Jesus is coming soon! Writer: Arranger: Difficulty: Moderately Easy
Original price was: $1.55.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
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This song is a melodic reminder that although He was rejected by the world, Christ is still the solid Rock on which we stand. Words & Music: Brett Bedwell Arrangement by: Harold DeCou Difficulty: Easy
Original price was: $1.55.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
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3 in stock
The Simply Excellent format gives the option of performing each selection with an SAB choir or optional notes for the tenors. This format also limits top and bottom vocal ranges while keeping the creativity of different musical styles.
Bro. Dennis Stremming muscially takes us to the believer’s judgment before God. This anthem reminds us of the fact that Jesus is the only One that can provide eternal redemption for us and that He satisfied our sin debt once and for all.
Dennis Stremming is the author of the words and music, and Glenn Christianson composed the choral arrangement.$4.19
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In “Jesus Rose for You”, Charles Spurgeon delves into the truth of the Resurrection and its importance to the Christian faith, revealing to readers what it means to be raised with Christ.
Original price was: $1.55.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
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Jesus Took My Place – Choral Octavo Words & Music: Kevin Summerdorf Arrangement by: Michael Hill, Jr. Difficulty: Moderate
Original price was: $1.55.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
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Great for Palm Sunday or any Sunday! Writer: Nathan McClay Arranger: W. Elmo Mercer Difficulty: Moderately Easy
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The autobiography of John G. Paton contains everything necessary to make it a missionary classic.
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Hugh Martin on Jonah is both a commentary and a devotional classic.
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The story of Joseph as recorded in the book of Genesis is a vital part of salvation history. Through this one man God kept alive the family from which Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world would be born. It is a glorious story and the one that David Searle tells in his new book.
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F. B. Meyer has written a series of outstanding Bible biographies, and the very first one he prepared was this one on the life of Joseph. Joseph’s life has a special charm, not only because of its intrinsic beauty, but because of its vivid anticipations of the Life that lights all lives.
Original price was: $14.98.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
67% Off
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17 songs of Christmas.
Original price was: $1.55.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
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A powerful anthem with the original text set to new music, woven with the classical melody. Arranger: Steve and Jennifer Hall Difficulty: Moderate
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When asked why he never wrote a book, John ( Rabbi ) Duncan (1796-1870) replied, ‘I cannot write, I m just a talker.’ Duncan had a genius for expressing profound thoughts in brief epigrammatic sayings. What I have sought to do in these pages is take the aphorisms of his conversations, as recorded in several original sources and present them here in one book, believing that they will greatly enrich the hearts and minds of all who read them.
The amount of clear thought packed into these pages is altogether out of proportion to their number. Duncan’s sayings have a near unique combination of depth and brevity. He exemplified the standard he expected of other: ‘I would advise everyone to be very careful to use no more words than are necessary to express thought. Whenever a man becomes cloudy in his words, be sure that his thought has become shadowy too.’ On Duncan’s death, William Knight remarked, ‘With him has perished a breathing library of wisdom.’
Original price was: $1.55.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
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Arranged by Harold DeCou. SAB
Original price was: $1.55.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
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A song of exhortation to believers about the bottom line of the Chrstian life- just trust Jesus! Writer: Dennis Stremming Arranger: Glenn Christianson Difficulty: Moderately Easy
Original price was: $1.55.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
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This was the favorite hymn of Dr. Lee Roberson. Arrangement by: Harold DeCou Difficutly: Moderately Easy
Original price was: $15.95.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
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12 songs by the Committed Quartet
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Have you noticed more people say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas?” This book exposes the agenda of politically correct, anti-Christmas activists and what you can do to stop them. We trust these truths will make you consider what Christmas is really means and how you can keep Christ in Christmas.
Author David C Gibbs Jr & David C Gibbs III
Original price was: $3.50.$2.50Current price is: $2.50.
29% Off
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This full color comic teaches many major Bible stories, from Genesis to Revelation. And along with each story, scripture references show readers where they can find that story in their Bible. Many young people find the stories leave them hungering for more, which leads them to deeper Bible study.
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Does it seem to you that Satan is getting the upper hand in your life, your home, your church and in your nation? How can this be? “Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world;” right? Jesus warned us that we would face powerful devils that can only be overcome by prayer and fasting! This book explains the importance of fasting with prayers, how to do it effectively, and why it works. You need to read this book today!
2 in stock
KJV Holman Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible Black Genuine Leather
KJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible features many of the same helps as other editions twice its size, including a presentation page, concordance, end-of-verse references, words of Christ in red, four-color maps, ribbon marker, and more.
King James Bible
Black Genuine Leather
Original price was: $24.99.$20.00Current price is: $20.00.
20% Off
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Exclusive Email List Subscriber Special! LIFETIME GUARANTEE BY PUBLISHER!
Ships with FREE “Why We Use The King James Bible” Brochure!
The KJV Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible features large, easy-to-read 11-point type in a convenient trim size that is perfect for devotional reading, personal study, or use at church. The large print type also makes this Bible an ideal choice for ministry and preaching.
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Knots Untied is J. C. Ryle’s leading work in defense of the evangelicalism of the Church of England. When first published in 1874 it proved immensely popular, and by 1885 it was reprinted in a tenth edition.
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The stories in this book will not only acquaint you with Dr. Bob Bevington, but they will also remind you of the faithfulness of our God.
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Relationships are vital to the work of God. And the relationship between a pastor and a church member deserves special emphasis.
In God’s design, this relationship is one of unified partnership toward a common goal. It is a relationship of synergy and unity, leadership and accountability, faith and friendship.
In these pages, discover the roles of this relationship and how you can labor with your pastor in the work of the Lord.Original price was: $1.55.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
35% Off
6 in stock
An original song from Brother Mercer in his classic “Mercer style” that will stir your heart toward a deeper commitment to Christ. This song is built on the powerful Scripture in Proverbs 3. Writer: W. Elmo Mercer Arranger: W. Elmo Mercer Difficulty:
6 in stock (can be backordered)
Learning About Our Lord Through Luke Commentary Volume 3: Chapters 13-18 Alliterate expository outlines of the book of Luke with commentary
Dean Weaver has been preaching and writing for over 50 years. He is excellent at alliteration and he gives you some meat too. If you like John G. Butler’s books you will love Dean Weaver’s!
Dr. Weaver spent 8 years writing the entire commentary on Luke. It is an excellent alliterated work with insightful commentary. It is an essential addition to any library.
Dean Weaver
Paperback Commentar