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Where did the practices and beliefs of Roman Catholicism come from? In this scholarly classic, first published over eighty years ago, Alexander Hislop reveals that many Roman Catholic teachings did not originate with Christ or the Bible, but were adopted from ancient pagan Babylonian religion, and given Christian names.
11 in stock
C. H. Spurgeon is commonly called the Prince of Preachers, a title he rightly deserves. At the height of his ministry in the heart of London during the 19th century, his sermons were published in daily newspapers both in England and the U.S. Now 100 years later after his death, this book gives an indepth look at Spurgeon and incorporates many of his own writings in this book.
By Eric Hayden
2 in stock (can be backordered)
Scriptures are used to unveil Christ and to show Him as our only Savior, our only hope, our only message. Christ is clearly and constantly unveiled as God’s only remedy for men’s needs.
By Tom Hayes
1 in stock (can be backordered)
Being a Few Truths For the Times: Sermons in some cases, lectures in others, they all exhibit the robust evangelical doctrine and down-to earth application, characteristic of Ryle’s style. With a vibrant challenging note and an occasional flash of humour, reliable advice, grounded in Biblical principles, is offered to ministers and congregations, parents and children, young and old, converted and unconverted.
2 in stock (can be backordered)
A Collection Of Puritan Prayers. The prayers in The Valley of Vision are steeped in Scripture, yet never succumb to mere formula. They are theologically fresh and vibrant.
Arthur Bennett
1 in stock
The Music groups of South Haven Christian School. Features a Men’s Quartet, Ladies Ensemble, Recording Choir, Mixed Ensemble and Handchime Choir. South Haven Christian School
is a ministry of the South Haven Baptist Church Springfield, Tennessee. Songs include: The Value of One, Written In Red, What a Lovely Name, Be the One, He Wrote My Name and more.$10.00
4 in stock
There has always been great controversy over the virgin birth of Christ. I hope that in this work I have clarified and settled many of the problems that have arisen on the subject.
Original price was: $8.95.$8.00Current price is: $8.00.
11% Off
13 in stock (can be backordered)
25 in stock
Written by a spiritual giant of the 19th century church, the book contains much-needed advice and clear guidance on how we should visit the sick, and what we should say on our visits to them.
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This book focuses on the path to holiness and the relationship with Christ that allows us to become pure and clean and blameless before God — to be holy. May that become the fervent desire of your heart through these studies on holiness.
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What is more important than ministry? What is, in fact, the one thing that “puts God to work”? Prayer! E. M. Bounds includes sketches of the prayer lives of such dedicated Christians as David Brainerd, George Müller, and Jonathan Edwards. Learn how you can prepare yourself for effective participation in the highest calling Christ has given the church–to advance God’s kingdom through prayer.
2 in stock (can be backordered)
“Put on,” and “take unto you,” the whole armour of God are the two commands. The whole armour, not some, not your favorite piece of armour.
1 in stock
From the window hangs their only hope for survival. Would you have faith to believe the impossible?
Original price was: $0.16.$0.13Current price is: $0.13.
19% Off
99 in stock (can be backordered)
Almost all scripture, those with no Bible training will understand who Jesus is.
2 in stock (can be backordered)
‘This book is well worth reading, … the merits of the study are that it is biblical–usually there are plenty of references to support an assertion, and the book proceeds by exegesis of verses and passages; it is practical, the aim being so to expound the doctrine as to promote the experience; it is well set out with headings and sub-headings, so that the substance is not lost in vagueness, and the reader is not lost in complexity…’ — J.A. MOTYER
John Bunyan (author of Pilgrim’s Progress) is best known for his famous allegorical works. He was prepared to suffer the hardship of imprisonment, in order to expound these great works.
Available on backorder
The full edition of Edwards’ Works, in two volumes. Dr. D. M. Lloyd-Jones said ‘In my early days in the ministry there were no books which helped me more, both personally and in respect of my preaching, than this two-volume edition. Andrew Fuller was also helped by reading after Jonathan Edwards.
1 in stock (can be backordered)
A feast of rich teaching and exposition on the Bible.
1 in stock (can be backordered)
Currently Out of Print with Publisher and out of stock. We can provide volumes 3,4, 5 & 6 but have no date for when volume 1 & 2 will be available.
The Works of Thomas Brooks 6 Volume Set