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John Knox tells the history of the Reformation in Scotland
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The author’s object in this book is to distinguish between true and false religion by showing the marks of a saving work of the Holy Spirit in men.
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A commentary on the Book of Matthew.
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How to have a romantic relationship with your spouse.
By Cathy Rice
3 in stock
How could God have authored this? I thought . . .If this was not God’s will, why was He allowing it to happen? When was He going to put His foot down? What about His promises?
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Set against a dark background during a period in the history of Israel, when every man was a law unto himself, and it looked as if God’s design for the nation had crashed to the ground, God’s purpose is revealed.
208 Pages
By Edward Boone$5.95
2 in stock
Is the Christian more accountable to God than the unsaved? Are there consequences in this life for sin? Is it possible for a believer to shorten his earthly life? Can one get out of God’s will and still come back to a place of usefulness in God’s service? God’s solution is revival. Dr. Rice presents Bible messages that reprove, rebuke and exhort the Christian to live consistently for God and to make a new start if you have gotten out of His will. This book shows Christians how to return to the road to victory! A stirring introduction was written for this book by the late evangelist, Hyman Appelman.
Paperback 253 Pages
By John RiceOriginal price was: $5.99.$4.00Current price is: $4.00.
33% Off
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This story of revenge and forgiveness, sickness and healing, and evil and grace traces the footsteps of Jesus of Nazareth-to the places He walked and the people He touched.
Original price was: $12.99.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
62% Off
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The powerful family saga of four Amish sisters whose way of life and faith in God are as enduring as Lancaster’s signature horse and buggy.
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“Seeker-sensitivity” sounds noble, but its roots are corrupt, and in today’s church it is coming at the expense of the truth!
Original price was: $9.95.$8.99Current price is: $8.99.
10% Off
4 in stock
Book 3 of the Terrestria Chronicles encourages the reader to be a witness for the King. An allegory of soulwinning.
1 in stock
The Christian life is not meant to be frustrating or impossible to live up to. There are essential truths that will keep your relationship with Christ fresh, dynamic, and fulfilling. Andrew Murray helps you to clear away your spiritual baggage and provides you with a simple, liberating outlook on the Christian life.
92 Pages
By Andrew Murray$6.95
24 in stock (can be backordered)
There is no fact in history more clearly established than the fact of the First Coming of Christ. But as His First Coming did not fulfill all the prophecies associated with His Coming, it is evident that there must be another Coming to completely fulfill them. The prophets themselves did not clearly perceive the difference between the Sufferings and Glory of Christ.
By Clarence Larkin
4 in stock
Daniel provides the clearest Old Testament picture of the second coming Christ. Here Dr. Rice plainly expounds the meaning of Daniel’s visions and what they have to tell us about the imminent return of Christ. He shows the order of events surrounding the second coming of Christ with no speculation nor theories, but what the Word plainly teaches. This book is excellent for class study; especially is it helpful in understanding the Book of Revelation. A companion booklet to this title is “Bible Lessons on the Book of Revelation,” also by Dr. Rice.
Booklet 43 Pages
By John Rice
1 in stock
This book is an encyclopedia of information on how to be a church music director, religious education director, assistant pastor, associate pastor, or any kind of “second man” on the staff of a local church.
270 pages, paperback.
By Wally Beebe$14.95
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All about the role, the relationships and the responsibilities of a staff member in a local church.
Original price was: $6.99.$4.00Current price is: $4.00.
43% Off
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Lucy has lived with her grandparents at Pheasant Cottage since she was a little girl, but she has dim memories of someone else. Who was it? What are her grandparents hiding from her? Lucy is determined to find the answers but it turns out to be harder than she expected.
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‘The power of religion and godliness lives, thrives, or dies, as closet prayer lives, thrives, or dies.’ This was the deeply held conviction of Thomas Brooks. As a pastor who knew his people well, he feared that many Christians did not understand the ‘necessity, excellency, and usefulness’ of private prayer, and that many lived in ‘too great a neglect of this indispensable duty.’
Focusing on our Lord’s words about ‘closet prayer’ in Matthew 6:6, Brooks supplies us with a masterful treatment of a vitally important aspect of the Christian’s life. His aim is intensely practical: ‘to preserve and keep up the power of religion and godliness both in men’s houses, hearts, and lives.’
6 in stock (can be backordered)
A fresh vision of Christ will cause you to soar over every obstacle as you become more like Him.
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In these pages, Murray discusses the fact that union with Christ allows you to become perfect in God’s sight. As you abide in God’s presence, you will blossom into perfection. Begin now to serve God with a perfect heart, and He will do in you all that He has done in Christ Jesus.
1 in stock
This book asks the question, ‘Does God Still Guide?’ It shows that the scripture itself promises divine, individual guidance to us. It will show that every detail of our lives is, to God, a necessary part of the whole. Here are instructions to heed.
By F. B. Meyer
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F. B. Meyer writes, “The grace of purity and self-control, of fervent prayer and understanding in the Scriptures, of love for men and zeal for God, of lowliness and meekness, of gentleness and goodness–all is in Christ; and if Christ is in us, all is ours also.”
1 in stock
Intercession is a solemn duty and a high privilege that contains wonderful power. It is a key element of God’s plan to extend His kingdom and to strengthen the lives of His children. Learn how to unlock the door between you and God, and enter into all the blessings that God has for you.
96 Pages
By Andrew Murray
3 in stock (can be backordered)
A study on the work of the Holy Spirit.
Louis Arnold
Paperback 64 Pages