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The Loveliness of Christ is a beautiful little gift book containing short extracts in which some of Rutherford’s most helpful thoughts are allowed to stand out in their unadorned wisdom and power.
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An expositional and devotional commentary of the Book of Psalms.
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The Making and History of the King James Bible
Laurence M Vance
Paperback 288 pages
9 in stock
In a world where motherhood has lost its true value, it is important to capture the biblical role that mothers should have in the family.
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OUT OF STOCK. OUT OF PRINT. The Matthew Henry Study Bible blends his inspirational notes with a full-featured KJV Bible, to enable readers to benefit from the simple piety and no-nonsense application of the biblical lessons that are the enduring legacy of his writings.
OUT OF STOCK. OUT OF PRINT. The Matthew Henry Study Bible blends his inspirational notes with a full-featured KJV Bible, to enable readers to benefit from the simple piety and no-nonsense application of the biblical lessons that are the enduring legacy of his writings.
1 in stock
The Mayflower Pilgrims; Roots of Puritan, Presbyterian, Congregationalist, and Baptist Heritage is the fascinating account of one of the greatest adventures of all time, recounted here in its entire breadth.
By David Beale
25 in stock
In clear, simple terms, and with constant appeal to Scripture, Peter Barnes gives an introduction to fundamental truths of the Faith.
1 in stock
Available in CD. This project is one of their most popular.
1 in stock
Available in CD. This project is one of their most popular.
12 in stock (can be backordered)
The Ministry and the Miraculous, The Feeding of the Five Thousand Alliterated throughout.
Dean M. Weaver
Paperback 119 pages
3 in stock
A practical guide for Music Directors, Pastors, Choir Members, and Musicians.
Original price was: $9.95.$8.99Current price is: $8.99.
10% Off
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The final book in the Kingdom Tales From Terrestria series!
Original price was: $0.15.$0.13Current price is: $0.13.
13% Off
23 in stock (can be backordered)
The nation that stops being thankful and forgets God is heading for judgment.
3 in stock (can be backordered)
This short pamphlet gives a concise treatise for how God will transition Israel and His children from its current state into the Kingdom of Heaven
25 in stock
Owen shows the need for Christians to engage in a life-long battle against the sinful tendencies that remain in them, despite their having been brought to faith and new life in Christ.
2 in stock (can be backordered)
A book for ladies who seek to serve the Lord. Filled with practical insights on how the Christian life coincides with everyday life for a Bible-believing woman. If you’re in need of a little encouragement or maybe even a little push in the right direction, then this book is for you.
82 pages
By Cathy Corle$10.00
8296 in stock
In the grand tradition of the great sleuths brought to life by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle comes another master. John Thorndyke is . . . cerebral, meticulous, British, . . .and underestimated.
1 in stock
A Christmas Musical by Glenn and Jan Christianson. The Mystery of Christmas combines several new songs with traditional carols. Written with the average church choir in mind, the performance time is 50-55 minutes.
1 in stock
This book is the sequel to “The Treasure of Pelican Cove”. A mystery book for kids.
2 in stock (can be backordered)
There are avenues of spiritual knowledge and experience opened to the Christian in this work which he probably never knew existed.
3 in stock (can be backordered)
A Layman’s Guide for Understanding the King James Bible Issue
Original price was: $14.95.$9.95Current price is: $9.95.
33% Off
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A topical textbook of the Bible is one of the chief requisites of all Christian workers. The pulpit ministry of preachers and the classwork of teachers is largely, if not overwhelmingly, topical. D. L. Moody said, “If there were only one book I could own other than my Bible, it would be the New Topical Textbook.” This valuable reference tool was assembled by Moody’s protégé, R. A. Torrey. It contains over 20,000 topics and subtopics and over 30,000 Scripture references. Also included is a Bible study guide written by R. A. Torrey.
Excellent Study tool along side a good Bible Dictionary.
Hardcover 318 Pages
3 in stock
Each spring for hundreds of years, the herons have returned to Chilham, England, but only now have they become important to Kent. Their departure this fall marks the beginning of a new life for his mother, who has closed her heart to love, and for Kent, who thinks of himself as Nobody.
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For over 37 years, Jack Chick has used cartoon art to create gospel tracts that make salvation easy to understand. As a result, untold numbers have received Jesus Christ. Here, he uses his cartoon format to illustrate basic Bible concepts for Christians. If you know someone who needs to grow spiritually, here’s help.
64 Pages
By Jack Chick