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This sixth adventure will cause the reader to realize that the King’s business must always be priority.
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Dr. Rice has written a Scripture-filled guidebook for every Christian who wants to obey Christ’s great command-to win souls. He illustrates his points with stories of people he himself won to Christ, showing how we too can be successful soul winners. Dr. Rice writes in a very easy-to-read and practical manner, using numerous illustrations from his own life and ministry.
Paperback 264 pages
By John Rice
Original price was: $12.99.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
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When gold was discovered out West during the ninteenth century, men rushed from all parts of the globe to stake their claims. Fortunes were made and lost, families uprooted and a continent shaped by men driver by dreams of gold.
Book 3 in the “Dreams of Gold Trilogy”
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Much of the savage crime wave in America today involves teenagers. There is a breakdown of the American home until in most areas one marriage in every three ends in divorce (many times on the part of young couples who have been married only a short while). It is obvious that something is terribly lacking in the instruction that teenagers are receiving about love, courtship and marriage!
The Good Ship Courtship is not a compilation of rules of behavior invented by society or some governmental agency. Dr. Pyle has gone directly to the Authority on the proper rules of conduct. He has diligently researched God’s Word to glean His first and last word on the matter of personal purity.
By Hugh Pyle
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A relevant approach to the seven churches in Revelation. This book presents a careful study of the historical background of each of the 7 churches and examines the solution recommended by the Apostle John.
By Denis Lyle
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Christian Living – Practical Notes on Malachi 3:16-18
Time comes to an end as the Great War rages across the kingdom of Terrestria and the evil warlord Argamor makes one last desperate attempt at seizing the throne of the powerful King Emmanuel. When the skies open and King Emmanuel comes riding down upon Terrestria upon a majestic white warhorse, there is no longer any doubt in Josiah’s mind as to the outcome of that final battle.
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The Greatest Fight in the World is a book for every pastor. It will stimulate and inspire an approach to the pastoral task which is orderly and intelligent, and which above all recognises and has confidence in the God from whom the strength to engage in battle comes.
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First Corinthians Chapter 13 The value of Love, The virtue of Love, The victory of Love
By W. Graham Scroggie
17 in stock
A step by step guide on how to win a soul to Christ by Dr. Jack Hyles.
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The greatest of These: Expository Sermons on I Corinthians 13 presents Jones’s insights into the highest of Christian virtues – sacrificial love. “Love is the grace which is better than the greatest of all the gifts. The Christian is out not for any second best, but for the best of all”
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Unlike most books for pastors, The Guide to Practical Pastoring give sample dialogues as models for hospital visitation, door-to-door evangelization, and comfort for the bereaved – instances where is is often difficult to find the right words.
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As smugglers, Tom Barton and his uncle Jack are used to breaking the law. With quick wits and secret cargo holds, they manage to avoid discovery and to make a comfortable living-until William Tyndale asks them to carry precious English Bibles along with their usual cargo.
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An impossibility is simply a platform from which God can work a miracle. God didn’t ask me to be great, just proclaim His greatness. I don’t need any special powers; I just need to be a pipeline for His power. I don’t need to be anything but available. When self is surrendered to the Savior, any my insufficiency is swallowed up in His all-sufficiency, then the miraculous can take place and God can do His life-changing work– even through me.
Paperback 171 pages.
By Cathy Corle$19.95
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Hendrickson Classic Biographies presents a one-volume abridgement of Wesley’s multi-volume journals. The Heart of John Wesley’s Journal presents a remarkable life, recorded and examined in real time by Wesley himself.
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Embracing God’s Provision for Life’s Journey
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The world can do nothing to a Christian who has no fear of man. – Brother Yun a Chinese Christian his story
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THE definitive treatise on our English Bible, one which every English-speaking Christian should have. Dr. Riplinger arms you with the answers.
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NEW UPDATED EDITION!!! Excellent DVD presentation on American Liberty by Pastor James Beller
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The great complaint of all who have the care of souls is the lack of whole-heartedness, of stedfastness, of perseverance and progress in the Christian life. What is the teaching that is needed to give the health & vigor needed that the Christian may be able to hold fast the beginning firm to the end? Our one need is, to know Jesus better.
552 Pages
By Andrew Murray
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“Anyone who knows God the Father, and God the Son, and does not know God the Holy Spirit, has not attained unto the Christian conception of God, nor to a fully Christian experience.” As an authority on the role of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life, Torrey’s teaching is clear and concise. He provides believers with biblical steps that will lead to the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
96 Pages
By Lance Wubbels
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Owen on the Holy Spirit, as this work has been known to generations of Christians, was written by the greatest theologian of the Puritan era. It is, without question, one of the truly great Christian books. Originally published in 1674 as Pneumatologia, or A Discourse Concerning the Holy Spirit, it is a massive work, taking up 650 pages in the Banner of Truth edition of Owen’s Works (volume 3).
It deals with the name, nature, personality, and operations of the Spirit, and urges the necessity of gospel holiness as distinct from mere human morality. The work is both doctrinal and pastoral in character. The very length and exhaustiveness of the original book could easily deter us from attempting to read it, but this abridged and modernized version, like the other Owen volumes in the Puritan Paperback series, will make Owen’s teaching more accessible to modern readers.
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The Holy Spirit … Complete and Unabridged work by R A Torrey
28 in stock
Excellent! A Scriptural Analysis exposing error and establishing truth on the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Stinnett Ballew
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Once upon a time in the town of Mansoul, a fierce battle raged to take control away from the rightful Prince. Who will be the conquering Prince? Diabolus or Emmanuel? And what can the inhabitants do to resist the attacks of the evil one? Through this powerful allegory, you will learn how to build up your defenses and prepare for war. Bunyan will illuminate your understanding and show you that, with Christ the Conqueror on your side, you have nothing to fear!
By John Bunyan
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A short devotional thought for every day of the month.
Original price was: $9.95.$8.95Current price is: $8.95.
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A Biblical study on the Home, Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage.
Stinnett Ballew