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"If lips and life do not agree, the testimony will not amount to much."
25 in stock
Thousands of scientific facts, disproving every basic area of evolutionary theory. A fascinating book that is easy to read. Full of facts most people are not aware of. Written so key points quickly jump out at you. 1,350 scientific quotations or references.
2 in stock
This story tells of Daniel in an exciting manner any child will enjoy. She brings the characters to life and emphasizes Daniel’s commitment to obey God.
Paperback 106 pages
By Elizabeth Rice Handford
Available on backorder
Fifteen key Bible doctrines are the focus of Dr. Macartney’s practical exposition of Scripture and the historic Christian faith.
2 in stock
This huge book by Dr. Roberson contains 57 chapters on the one thing without which we cannot please God-Faith. The faith Dr. Roberson teaches is not a weak or uncertain faith, but the kind that Jesus said would move mountains.
6 in stock
This book reminds every Christian of the real potential of falling and will exhort and encourage every man of God to draw near to Him and immerse himself in the Bible.
1 in stock
Many years ago, a lone mouse fled as rats burned her village. Wounded and footsore, she left her infant son in the care of the kind mice of Fleur Gardens. Then she vanished into the night.
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A history of the Baptists in Kentucky … The First Fifty Baptist Churches in Kentucky” provides a chronological history of the early Baptist churches located within the boundaries of the Bluegrass State. Regular Baptists and Separate Baptists
Original price was: $1.95.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
49% Off
5 in stock
“The Floating Zoo” powerfully illustrates the testimony of God’s love for you and your family too.
10 in stock
This picture book retells the story of Felton the Frog. It also includes a CD-ROM of the book, energetically sung by Bruce Frye.
1 in stock
One cold morning in January 1644 four-year-old Willy is abandoned on the porch of a parish church in London. The parish constable finds him, and Willy begins a journey no one would have believed possible for a foundling. At first Willy finds himself in situations that give him hope. But when circumstances abruptly change, he must rely on his natural ingenuity and his early training in order to survive.
352 Pages
Ages 12 & up
By Linda Hayner$1.95
4 in stock
Read “The Friendly Lions and learn with Matthew how Daniel preserved and how a king’s heart was turned to God.
3 in stock
Libby Handford retells the stroy of David, from his days as a shepherd boy, to fighting the giant, fleeing from Saul, and to reigning over Israel. This intense and exciting book will keep your children on the edge of their seats while they read.
Paperback 126 pages
By Elizabeth Rice Handford
1 in stock (can be backordered)
Charles Spurgeon reveals the secrets of developing a thankful heart. With this inward transformation, your life will overflow with joyful praise and gratitude.
3 in stock
W. B. Riley aggressively addresses the fact that gambling is a corrupting, ungodly influence and is trash that belongs on the rubbish heap.
Original price was: $7.99.$6.49Current price is: $6.49.
19% Off
2 in stock
The Gardener’s Gold Ring is a read-aloud picture book by Nancy Bopp, beautifully illustrated by Christina L. Mutchler.
Original price was: $2.25.$1.25Current price is: $1.25.
44% Off
4 in stock (can be backordered)
Thinking that no one loves her, Marsha tries suicide. Rescued by the Crusaders, she learns that Jesus loves her, and has a precious gift of love and life.
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Friendship is a gift from God. It began with God as He came to be the sinner’s friend.
Trust is the first requirement for making a friend. We must be willing to give ourselves freely. Faithfulness is required in keeping a friend. The way to have a friend is to be a friend.
Many tasks can be accomplished without friends, but none is as enjoyable as doing the same thing with friends.
4 in stock
The Glory of Aging is a life changing book for persons as they mature in age. Perfect book for those helping seniors or any work with people as they age.
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Owen’s teaching is well-suited to bring us to share in his longing to know Christ better, to see his glory more clearly and to serve him more faithfully
4 in stock (can be backordered)
An Introduction to the Puritans in Their Own Words
8 in stock (can be backordered)
In this message of strength and encouragement, Hannah Whitall Smith reminds us that there is peace available in the midst of a lost and dying world.
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North Valley Baptist Church sings The God of the Impossible
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Some Characteristic Marks of a Man Who is Going to Heaven
2 in stock
The Gold Mine is a rich collection of stories, poems and illustrations from one of America’s best preachers, Dr. Lee Roberson. Truly this is a “gold mine” of treasures for any Christian to read and enjoy. Every pastor will find these pages to be a rich place to dig for sermon material.
Paperback 238 Pages
By Lee RobersonOriginal price was: $9.95.$8.99Current price is: $8.99.
10% Off
1 in stock
A kingdom in peril. An impending invasion by the bloodthirsty Karnivans. A missing prince. And a young man with a top secret mission.Travel back in time to the days of noble knights and powerful warlords… daring quests and deadly dragons… the days of honor and valor and chivalry. TheGolden Dagger is the second book in the Tales from Terrestria, a companion series to the Terrestria Chronicles medieval allegory series.