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2 in stock
52 Devotions on the Bible. Includes a daily Bible reading schedule.
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OUT OF STOCK. OUT OF PRINT. Often times as Christians we are so concerned about the spiritual state of others, that we fail to see the areas in which we are spiritually lacking. If we will obey the Lord’s command to take heed to thyself, we will search our own heart first.
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OUT OF STOCK. OUT OF PRINT. Follow the lives of great Christians and discover some of the tragedies that led to our great hymns of the faith.
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OUT OF STOCK. OUT OF PRINT. All people pick up habits as children that they carry throughout their entire adult lives. Children who begin to have a faithful walk with the Lord will have a head start on those who wait until they are grown to develop a relationship with God.
Original price was: $15.95.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
69% Off
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From the youngest to the oldest camper, everyone likes to laugh! Fun time has been a tradition at The Wilds since the camp’s beginning in 1969, and fun music has always been a part of a good Fun time. This CD features songs as they are presented during most of our camps.
1 in stock
Sheriff J. D. Saddlesoap tolerates no trouble, and he’s a find-looking mustang besides. He faces down a passel of outlaws and solves a heap of problems to keep Dust River Gulch a dandy place for its citizens to live. Illustrated.
102 Pages
Ages 9-12
By Tim Davis$10.79
1 in stock
Have you ever felt mixed up, left out, let down and worthless? Have you ever felt that everything around you was black and dark and hopeless? Have you ever tried something, anything, everything in search of soul satisfaction? Joanna Maciantowicz was someone who had all those experiences. Raised in Communist Poland in trying times, Joanna had a difficult childhood. When the whole picture is complete, it is a telling tribute to the transforming power and hand of God.
By Noel Davidson
20 in stock (can be backordered)
Methods and techniques learned and used in over 56,000 sermons preached by Dr. Jack Hyles. Excellent resource for Pastors, Teachers and Christian Schools and Colleges
Jack Hyles
173 Pages
1 in stock (can be backordered)
Excellent book by the late Dr. Jack Hyles on the subject of teaching.
Jack Hyles
217 Pages
1 in stock
It is Christ who can help teenagers to make the right choices-to leave behind their past failures and disappointments and find their strength in His care.
1 in stock
Today’s teens often wonder if there is anyone who truly cares for them. This book answers the question with a resounding "YES!" God cares, and so do we. Reading this book will help keep your teens on the right track.
72 Pages
By Fletcher Brothers$9.95
7 in stock (can be backordered)
A guide for teens: finishing high school and making it in college.
1 in stock
10 songs by Sounds of Faith Trio: Ed & Debbie Russ and David Chamberlain
Original price was: $1.55.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
35% Off
1 in stock
Missions / Soul Winning Good missions song that works well for missions conferences. Writer: Byron Foxx Arranger: W. Elmo Mercer Difficulty: Moderately Easy
1 in stock
Moses, Paul, Samuel, Elijah, Peter, Isaiah, Abraham, Joseph, David, John. The master of biographical preaching, these sermons will deepen the reader’s appreciation of the lessons to be drawn from his examination of these great lives.
110 Pages
By Clarence Macartney$10.95
1 in stock (can be backordered)
These ten principles are practical, challenging, and cut right to the heart of living a biblical life.
1 in stock
Here is a series by Dr. Lee Roberson on the second coming based on I Thessalonians. Yes, the Lord’s return will be a happy time, but it will also be a time of weeping for those who are not properly prepared for His appearing.
Paperback 75 pages
3 in stock
If you are looking for an excellent book dealing with the subject of TV, this would be an excellent choice.
1 in stock
TEN YEARS OF GOING ON WITH A SONG by THE MCCURDY FAMILY, FUNDAMENTAL DIFFERENCE. This is another good release with songs such as Cannanland is Just In Sight, Then Came the Morning, Because He Lives and 9 more.
6 in stock (can be backordered)
The dictionary defines “classic” as that of the highest grade of quality. This great book in the Classic Series, is a collection of “classic” sermons by Dr. Terry L. Booher. This with the other “Classic” books will surely become a collectors series that every pastor and layman will want to have and read.
Original price was: $15.95.$9.95Current price is: $9.95.
38% Off
3 in stock (can be backordered)
17 Songs about Heaven that were produced in memory of loved ones gone on to be with the Lord
Original price was: $1.55.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
35% Off
1 in stock
A very Scriptural piece about the precious blood of Christ. Arranger: W. Elmo Mercer Difficulty: Moderate
2 in stock
Volume 6 in the FUNdamentals for Kids Series. In this story, Susan learns to be thankful.