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Original price was: $15.95.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
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Beautiful Gospel Singing by the Clark Family
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“In Standing Room Only, Philip De Courcy takes his stand for the gospel alongside faithful men of all ages. Drawing from many sources, including the recent Catechism of the Catholic Church, the author shows how the Roman Catholic Church has departed from biblical truth. The product of De Courcy’s extensive teaching and preaching ministry, the reader will find in this book a passionate and compelling argument. in an age of ecumenism and apostasy, it will prove to be a valuable resource for any Christian who has a love for the truth.” James G. McCarthy – author of The Gospel According to Rome
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This story is an autobiography of sorts, as Mrs. Scott tells the story of her falling in love with C.L. Scott, their marriage, his rise to Lt. Col. in the Air Force, & his subsequent death, as a pilot in World War II.
Original price was: $4.97.$4.00Current price is: $4.00.
20% Off
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Follow Katherine’s unforgettable journey as her life unfolds from sweet sixteen to her grown-up later years.
300 pages
By Elizabeth PrentissOriginal price was: $7.95.$6.95Current price is: $6.95.
13% Off
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An exciting book of short stories for the young reader that will keep their interest and at the same time teach them important Bible principles.
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One Lifetime, Limited Resources, Eternal Priorities
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Stories of Civil War Songs is the first published collection of the interesting and authentic backgrounds of the patriotic, sentimental and sacred songs that were written or gained prominence and popularity during the War of 1861-1865.
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Bible Studies on the Doctrine of Salvation
and Repentance.Eddie Galyean
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West Coast Baptist College group called Streams in the Desert Trio. This excellent recording features songs such as “We Shall See Jesus”, “The Fire”, “Midnight Cry” and 11 more. This extra long play CD
Streams In The Desert Trio
Original price was: $15.95.$9.95Current price is: $9.95.
38% Off
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West Coast College featuring the Lancaster Baptist Church Orchestra – beautiful music with 12 songs in all!
Streams in the Desert Trio
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Christ-honoring music performed by the West Coast Baptist College Streams in the Desert Trio.
Streams in the Desert Trio
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Another BLUE DENIM AND LACE. After the author’s famous book, BLUE DENIM AND LACE, was published, readers began asking for more. That is exactly what is found in STRENGTH AND BEAUTY– more of BLUE DENIM AND LACE.
Available on backorder
A monumental reference work containing the location of every word in the KJV, as well as noting the Greek and Hebrew words underlying the translation. Strong’s allows the reader to easily find all biblical occurrences of a word. Complete with Hebrew and Greek dictionaries at the back of this volume, organized by the Strong’s numbers, giving brief lexical definitions of each original word. The Strong’s numbering system is used and cross-referenced in many of the new study tools of today.
Hardcover 1685 pages + Maps!
By James Strong$10.00
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As one problem piles onto another, Stuart learns the value of true friends and-finally-accepts God’s love for himself.
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Designed for Christian teens, this 2009-2010 student planner features one-year’s worth of weeks at a glance and month at a glance pages.
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Thrilling to the heart to add depth to the reading of the Word of God.
Author: Andrew Telford
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Get a fresh look at Habakkuk and Job.
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Here is a gripping, powerful little book. It glows with a unique insight into the human experience of faith in Christ, in conflict with life’s manifold sorrows. A paraplegic, veteran foreign missionary bares his soul in a candid frankness that is reverently daring, scripturally sound and sweetly comforting. Features testimony of Charles H. Spurgeon
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Sunrise indicates the Biblical conception of what the second advent of our Lord will be. We are not looking for the Star in the east, but for the Sun of Righteousness to arise.
By G. Campbell Morgan
Original price was: $11.70.$5.00Current price is: $5.00.
57% Off
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When I was twelve, I made a naive, yet desperate pact with God to keep my ailing mother alive. It was the first time I’d ventured something so brazen-making a contract with the Almightly . . .
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Christian fiction Ages 9-12. Suzannah bristled. She faced him, blazing with anger. “You gambled it away,didn’t you? It wasn’t enough that you lost your parents’ home in a card game! You had to go and–” He cut her short saying, “We’re leaving tonight; the house is sold. A carriage will be here soon–get your things ready.” And so begins Suzannah’s journey westward.
130 Pages
By Elaine Schulte$8.09
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The Covenanters, together with the Puritans, gained freedom in every realm of human living, thus winning and preserving Democracy, and the right to worship God with an open Bible interpreted by all. We owe our way of life, our Constitution and our institutions to them.
By Jock Purves
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Michael and Meredith, who live in England, accompany their adventurous Uncle Tony on a trip to the Swiss Alps. They can’t ignore the challenge of a nearby mountain peak, the Wildhorn!
160 Pages
By Elizabeth Yates$12.95
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The demand for a second book after the first one was received was overwhelming, so here it is! Addressing 120 subjects and containing thousands of items, it is even larger and better than Volume I. The same helpful index features are found here as well to make the book easy to use again and again.
Paperback 232 Pages
By Viola Walden$49.95
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