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Written by Dr. Charles Keen, this book is about the current state of the Great Commission. Over 50% of the world has never heard the Gospel .
Forward by Dr. Don Sisk
This great book of fourteen sermons are full of encouragement to give our lives to the Great Commission. Dr. Don Sisk says, “Since pastors need to preach on missions and…missionaries should major on preaching about missions when they are in mission conferences, or doing their deputation or furlough, this book could be a great resource for sermons.Original price was: $1.55.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
35% Off
1 in stock
Beautiful song about the amazing grace of God. Writer: Kerry Baggett Arranger: Faye Lopez Difficulty: Moderate
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Dayton, a former Presbyterian-turned-Baptist, wrote this two volume set of books which argues for baptism by immersion.
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The revival of 1859 was real and lasting, every page of this remarkable account by Professor Gibson rings with a sense of reality and authenticity. Every chapter is not only informative, but heart warming and challenging and will stir within the reader a longing that God might revive us again. After 130 years there is a distinct possibility that the events of 1859 in Ulster may be forgotten by some, and unknown by others, but it is the sincere hope of the publishers that the re-printing of this book will bring before this generation the powerful workings of God over a century ago and stimulate in many hearts, especially in those of young people, a desire for such a Divine visitation in our time.
Author William Gibson
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The recorded spoken words of Christ in one volume taken from the authorized version.
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This book takes you on a journey through the past four centuries to behold the vast number of Christians that believed the King James Bible is the infallible, inspired, and preserved Word of God. Many of these Christians also warned future generations of the terrible consequences that would arise as a result of forsaking this Holy Bible – consequences that our age has seen come to pass. This book also exposes a web of occultists and false teachers – outside, as well as inside, Christian churches – that have worked to overthrow the faith of multitudes in the King James Bible.
Author Joey Faust
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This little booklet is packed with some powerful truths about how to respond to trials and difficulties.
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It is sad but true that most Christians have no idea what God’s will is for their lives. The devil has been deceiving mankind for thousands of years and he is still deceiving people today. The will of God for a Christian’s life is so important for living the victorious Christian life. It is the desire of the author that by reading the pages of this book, you will come to an understanding of what God’s will is for your life. May God bless you as you seek the will of God.
Author Corey Seulean
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The Way Into the Holiest is F.B. Meyer’s detailed exposition of the book of Hebrews. It brings to readers rich lessons contained within the epistle. Meyer believed that Christians consistently overemphasized the necessity of religious rituals, ultimately forgetting the surpassing power of salvation and sanctification. Meyer writes of the dignity of Christ and of His glory, reminding Christians of their duty to worship Him. “This Epistle bears no name of author, or designation of church. But it needs neither. In every sentence we can detect the Authorship of the Holy Ghost: and feel that it has a message not to one age, but to all; not to one community, but to the universal Church.” Frederick Brotherton Meyer was a Baptist pastor and evangelist in England, a contemporary and friend of D. L. Moody and A. C. Dixon. Meyer was involved in ministry and inner city mission work on both sides of the Atlantic, authored 40 religious books, numerous articles and was described as The Archbishop of the Free Churches.
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The Teacher’s Packet includes the full-length book, the Teacher’s Guide, and a Study Guide. Each Teacher’s Guide comes with a special key code so the teacher can log on to and preview these outstanding series by watching video lessons given by Bible teachers from Temple Baptist Church and by reading sample printed lessons in PDF format.
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The Study Guide is to be used by each student in the Sunday School Class. It contains helpful summaries of each lesson and provides the student with a place to take notes while the lesson is being taught. Also provided are daily Bible readings and questions to help the student prepare for next week’s lesson.
5 in stock (can be backordered)
A beautiful full-length Bible study book is published for each 13-week series. Class members may desire to obtain this book for further reading.
Original price was: $0.15.$0.13Current price is: $0.13.
13% Off
7 in stock (can be backordered)
They ignored the simple warning. After all, it looked like such fun. The result was deadly, just like ignoring the warnings that God gives us about sin.
Author Jack Chick
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The pastoral visitation of the sick and sorrowful is a spiritual exercise. Its purpose is to bring God’s Word to those in need in the prayerful hope of the Spirit’s blessing upon it. Such visitation is not the preserve of pastors only; it is the duty of the whole church, as our Lord reminded his disciples with the words, ‘I was sick, and ye visited me’ (Matt. 25:36).
How we should visit the sick, and what we should say on our visits to them are the important matters addressed in this most useful book. Written by a spiritual giant of the nineteenth-century church, the book contains much-needed advice and clear guidance. Bonar gathers together a great number of Bible verses that will prove eminently suitable for a wide range of individual cases. These selected scriptures are interspersed with the author’s own brief, spiritual, and helpful comments. Here then is a book that should be in the hands of every Christian visitor. It ought to be consulted prayerfully before embarking with God’s Word to the sick and sorrowful.
Original price was: $1.55.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
35% Off
2 in stock
From the Victory Is Won collection this song is a dynamic reminder of the victory and value of each of God”s children have through the Lord Jesus Christ! Great for revivals, missions conferences, or any evangelistic service. Writer: Eric Reploeg Arranger: Glenn Christianson Difficulty: Moderate
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Some things cannot be measured in dollars and cents. For instance, there is no way to put a price tag on a child’s heart and mind or to calculate the worth of a young person who is doing the will of God from the heart. In these pages, you will discover the value of Christian education and the incredible difference this investment makes in the life of a young person. This booklet identifies specific risks of public education and outlines how Christian education helps young people develop a heart for God and the mind of Christ.
Original price was: $0.15.$0.13Current price is: $0.13.
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Larry thought becoming a Mason would help him in business. But when he took the oath, he picked up something he didn’t plan on.
Author Jack Chick
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A Pastor steps into his church only to find that his Pulpit has been replaced by a Judge’s Bench. It is now time for him to face the Court as he is on Trial for allowing Biblical Doctrine to disappear from his Church. Will he be able to defend his decisions as he faces witnesses from the Present and the Past? This suspenseful thriller will have you gripping your seat and will cause you to put your doctrinal beliefs on trial: Guilty or Not Guilty?
1 in stock (can be backordered)
The Teacher’s Packet includes the full-length book, the Teacher’s Guide, and a Study Guide. Each Teacher’s Guide comes with a special key code so the teacher can log onto and preview these outstanding series by watching video lessons given by Bible teachers from Temple Baptist Church and by reading sample printed lessons in PDF format.
9 in stock (can be backordered)
The Study Guide is to be used by each student in the Sunday School Class. it contains helpful summaries of each lesson and provides the student with a place to take notes while the lesson is being taught. Also provided are daily Bible readings and questions to help the student prepare for next week’s lesson.
5 in stock (can be backordered)
A beautiful full-length Bible study book is published for each thirteen-week series. After reading and marking the Scripture passages which correspond to the lesson, the teacher will read the Bible lesson that corresponds with the lesson the Sunday School class is studying. As they read, students should mark key statements or paragraphs to review later. Class members may also desire to obtain this book for further reading.
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Following the Christians Down Through The Centuries or The History of Baptist Churches From the Time of Christ, Their Founder, to the Present Day
Original price was: $0.15.$0.13Current price is: $0.13.
13% Off
19 in stock (can be backordered)
When this burglar breaks into the home of a Christian, he wants to get saved too.
Author Jack Chick
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Richard Sibbes always sought to get under the superficial layer of his listeners’ behavior and deal with their hearts, affections and desires. In The Tender Heart, he explains that those who are tender-hearted do not simply desire salvation; they desire the Lord of salvation himself. Only when a person is brought to love the Lord with heart-felt sincerity will they begin to hate their sin truly instead of merely dreading the thought of God’s punishment of it.
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From the pen of the author of the Three-Fold Secret of the Holy Spirit comes this excellent series of studies on the Surrendered Life. Learn what it means to live the surrendered life, how to live the surrendered life and discover the many blessings you will receive from having lived a surrendered life.
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The Soul-Winner’s Handy Guide is prayerfully written for: The Sincere Inquirer of biblical Christianity who seeks to know why there has to be God and why Christianity is the only way to heaven; The Serious Christian who is looking for clear answers to give to the world the hope it is searching for; and The Soul-Winning Pastor who is burdened to provide his members a means by which they can engage the lost meaningfully and confidently.
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A Complete How-To-Do It Manual On Bus Ministry
Original price was: $1.55.$1.00Current price is: $1.00.
35% Off
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A gospel song, in octavo form, that is a descriptor of a life changed by the power of God and the newness it brings. Writer: Anthony Palla Arranger: W. Elmo Mercer and Debra Cook Difficulty: Moderate
Original price was: $0.15.$0.13Current price is: $0.13.
13% Off
58 in stock (can be backordered)
When the Slugger learns he is about to die without Christ, he realizes that his money and fame are worthless. An exciting baseball story that delivers a powerful salvation message.
Author Jack Chick