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Original price was: $12.95.$9.99Current price is: $9.99.
23% Off
3 in stock
D L Moody Soul Winner … When Jesus returned to heaven, He left us with a mission–continue His work of bringing lost souls home to the Father. Charles Spurgeon accepted this mission and personally escorted thousands of people into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
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Intermediate through lower advanced hymn arrangements for the church pianist.
1 in stock
The Economy Pocket New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs is an affordable, go-anywhere book. These stylish new editions are just right from graduations, promotions, Sunday school awards, first-time church visitors, door-to-door evangelism—and much more. Durable sewn pages and reinforced endpapers promise years of use.
•Gold stamped cover and spine
•Two-column text
•Presentation page
•Gilded page edgesOriginal price was: $69.98.$59.98Current price is: $59.98.
14% Off
1 in stock
>We think this is one of the best tools available to help
the Choir director. Published by Bible Truth Music
and Brother Byron Foxx. It comes in a 3 ring binder
with a CD rom along with several helpful booklets.$130.00
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KJV Cameo Reference Bible, Black Imitation Leather, Red-letter Text comes with a concordance and 15 colour maps. The text has pronunciation marks for names and the words of Christ on earth are printed in red. It is printed on India paper with gilt edges and has a presentation page and two ribbon markers. The decoratively stitched cover is made of soft black imitation leather.
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The Old Scofield® Study Bible, KJV, Standard Edition Bonded Leather
Authorized King James Version text
Introduction to each book of the Bible
English equivalents for Hebrew dates
16 pages of full color Oxford Bible Maps, money, weights and measures, with indexOriginal price was: $340.00.$325.00Current price is: $325.00.
4% Off
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This special Cambridge Bible, for those wanting a generous margin, offers the much admired Concord text in a superlative flexible black goatskin leather binding, edge-lined with Kidrel. It is printed on a smooth, opaque and resilient paper with art-gilt edges, and includes two ribbon markers to help find the reader’s place.
Original price was: $225.00.$199.99Current price is: $199.99.
11% Off
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Original price was: $29.95.$21.95Current price is: $21.95.
27% Off
61 in stock (can be backordered)
Classic Soulwinner’s KJV New Testament Black
New Testament for Soul Winning. Highly recommended by Fundamental Baptist Books!
Classic SoulWinner’s New Testament
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King James Study Bible 2nd edition. The most comprehensive King James Version study Bible published in 50 years
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History of the King James Bible in comic book form!
Original price was: $2.25.$1.25Current price is: $1.25.
44% Off
1 in stock (can be backordered)
Meet the Crusaders as they smuggle Bibles into forbidden territory and lead a spy to Christ. Compelling salvation message
Original price was: $2.25.$1.25Current price is: $1.25.
44% Off
1 in stock (can be backordered)
When Jody gets more than she bargained for in the occult, she learns that Jesus loves her and is the only One who can help her.
Original price was: $2.25.$1.25Current price is: $1.25.
44% Off
4 in stock (can be backordered)
An Indian boy pays a high price for his fascination with the occult. But the Crusaders cast out a demon, and lead the boy and his family to Jesus
Original price was: $2.25.$1.25Current price is: $1.25.
44% Off
2 in stock (can be backordered)
His face marred by racial violence, Kruma grew up full of hate. But when a strange man saves his life, he learns that God loves everyone, regardless of skin color.
Original price was: $2.25.$1.25Current price is: $1.25.
44% Off
2 in stock (can be backordered)
The Crusaders learn about the history of Noah’s Ark and of recent sightings.