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  • $2.50

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    Dr. Lloyd-Jones spent the greater part of the turbulent twentieth century in preaching the Word of God. The convictions with which he began his ministry remained with him, and in all this time the message was the same. He preached on the words, ‘For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified’ at the commencement of his ministry in 1926, and again, from the same pulpit, in February 1977. So the sermon contained in this booklet is a historic statement. But it is more. It is a persuasive presentation of the unchanging gospel which has brought salvation to people all over the world throughout the two millennium now ended, and which remains just as vitally relevant as the new millennium begins to unfold.

  • $2.00

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    Why did Christ die? What is the meaning of the cross? Most theories of the atonement are concerned only with its manward aspect but as Dr Lloyd-Jones demonstrates in this exposition of Romans 3.25-26 the cross was above everything else a vindication of the character of God. ‘This is an essential part of the glorious Gospel. One Calvary God was making a way of salvation so that you and I might be forgiven. But he had to do so in a way that you and I might be forgiven. But he had to do so in a way that will leave his character inviolate, that will leave his eternal consistency still absolute and unbroken. Once you begin to look at it like that, you see that this is the most tremendous, the most glorious, the most staggering thing in the universe and in the whole of history.’ This exposition is taken from the third volume of Dr Lloyd-Jones’ series on the Epistle of the Romans.

  • $28.00

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    There is new material here, including some pages where the author differs with his friend. But Murray seeks to follow Lloyd-Jones in seeing the glory of God as the end of all Christian life and thought.

  • $4.00

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    In this booklet, Iain Murray helps us to think through the message of the cross, to appreciate God’s love and justice in the death of Christ, and to grasp the truth afresh that ‘by Christ crucified the love of God and his willingness to save is to be made known to all people.’

  • $6.50

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    The controversial subjects of Easy- believism, Repentance and Lordship Salvation are covered in this booklet in a very concise but complete manner. Every preacher young and old needs to read this book. It will be the most controversial subject you will ever read on these subjects.

    Author Doug Sehorne

  • $3.60

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    Sunday school lessons on Salvation … Nothing is more important than the doctrine of  Salvation.

  • $6.95

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    Baptism is NOT essential for salvation! A study of nine New Testament “Water passages” shows why!

  • $3.50

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    Dealing with Salvation

    Stinnett Ballew

  • $9.95

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    Salvation Explained

  • $6.95

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    There is but ONE plan of salvation, and that every age was overshadowed by the focal point of history, which is the cross of Calvary.

  • $14.95

    7 in stock (can be backordered)

    Salvation is one thing that all Christians appreciate but few understand. This book explains in great detail all that God has done for us in Salvation.

  • $2.95

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    Your Debt, God’s Payment

  • $28.00

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    In Biblical Doctrines B.B. Warfield reveals his mastery of such subjects as the doctrines of the Trinity, the Person and Work of Christ, Redemption and Faith.

  • $17.00

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    The Death of Death in the Death of Christ is a polemical work, designed to show, among other things, that the doctrine of universal redemption is unscriptural and destructive of the gospel. Those who see no need for doctrinal exactness and have no time for theological debates which show up divisions between Evangelicals may well regret its reappearance. Some may find the very sound of Owen’s thesis so shocking that they will refuse to read his book at all. But there are signs today of a new upsurge of interest in the theology of the Bible: a new readiness to test tradition, to search the Scriptures and to think through the faith. It is to those who share this readiness that Owen’s treatise is offered, in the belief that it will help us in one of the most urgent tasks facing Evangelical Christendom today-the recovery of the gospel.

  • $10.00

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    John Bunyan brings together the fruit of his thinking on the grace of forgiveness!

  • $24.95

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    Clear presentation of the Salvation message

  • $12.99

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    Classic on life after salvation

  • $7.00

    4 in stock (can be backordered)

    So, you’ve trusted Jesus as your Savoiur. Is that the entire reason Jesus came and died on the cross? Is there more to salvation than just missing Hell? These questions and more are answered in this unique book.

    Paperback 151 Pages
    By Jack Hyles

  • $3.59

    1 in stock

    D. L. Moody’s personal anecdotes and stories illustrate the way of salvation. Whether you are struggling to know and accept Christ, or just want to deepen your own understanding of your faith, this engaging book will show you what it means to have faith in Christ.

    144 Pages