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    Prayer from a regenerated, clean heart in the name of Christ and for the glory of God – God answers!

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    What is more important than ministry? What is, in fact, the one thing that “puts God to work”? Prayer! E. M. Bounds includes sketches of the prayer lives of such dedicated Christians as David Brainerd, George Müller, and Jonathan Edwards. Learn how you can prepare yourself for effective participation in the highest calling Christ has given the church–to advance God’s kingdom through prayer.

  • $16.00

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    A Collection Of Puritan Prayers. The prayers in The Valley of Vision are steeped in Scripture, yet never succumb to mere formula. They are theologically fresh and vibrant, yet they are rooted in confessionalism.

  • $10.00

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    ‘The power of religion and godliness lives, thrives, or dies, as closet prayer lives, thrives, or dies.’ This was the deeply held conviction of Thomas Brooks. As a pastor who knew his people well, he feared that many Christians did not understand the ‘necessity, excellency, and usefulness’ of private prayer, and that many lived in ‘too great a neglect of this indispensable duty.’

    Focusing on our Lord’s words about ‘closet prayer’ in Matthew 6:6, Brooks supplies us with a masterful treatment of a vitally important aspect of the Christian’s life. His aim is intensely practical: ‘to preserve and keep up the power of religion and godliness both in men’s houses, hearts, and lives.’

  • $8.99

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    Devotional commentary on effective prayer that will enhance personal prayer lives and lead to a deeper understanding of prayer and who God is. This book is the tool needed to show how prayer life can produce results.

  • $12.99

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    Experience a close relationship with God. Have God’s power in your Christian walk. Know God’s will for your life. Eliminate hindrances to prayer. Receive all that God has for you.

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    Another Gift exclusively for our email List Subscribers! Limit one per subscriber.

    When prayer becomes mighty. When members of the early church cried out to God in urgent need, the place shook with the power of their supplication.

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    Charles Spurgeon shows you how to develop the characteristics that will bring big results in your prayer life.

  • $17.00

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    The Pastor in Prayer will inspire those who lead public worship and all Christians with a fresh sense of the privilege of prayer, and a renewed desire to ‘come boldly to the throne of grace’, there to ‘obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need’.

  • $5.39

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    Moody gives accounts of answered prayers

  • $11.95

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    Prayer is the Powerhouse of the Church. No Christian is greater than his prayer Life. If Jesus prayed what makes us think we can afford not to?

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    Fasting is the most powerful spiritual discipline of all the Christian disciplines.

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    Why do some prayers move mountains and others, barely stones?

  • $9.99

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    Prayer is the one force that can turn your life into a testimony of God’s divine power and bring victory to your life. E. M. Bounds unfolds the exciting ways that God will move on your behalf and explains how you can obtain all that God has for you, know what to pray for, receive miracles, bring loved ones to Christ, turn problems into victories, and develop a deeper relationship with God. This book is your passport to answered prayer and a successful, changed life.

  • $4.19

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    Prayer brings us into vibrant contact with God. In these inspiring pages, you will uncover the prayer secrets of Paul, Jesus, Hudson Taylor, and George Mõller. As you come to know that nothing is impossible with our prayer-hearing God, you will see that He is waiting to abundantly answer you with showers of blessings.

  • $6.99

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    Watch the Lord work in your life as you lift up the people around you in prayer.

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    This book will strengthen your faith as you receive God’s promise of faithfulness–His promise to hear your prayers.

  • $2.00

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    The Personal Prayer Journal is a small booklet that can fit into the palm of most hands. It has a daily request page and is filled with blank pages for you to write your other prayer requests in. The booklet is thin enough to fit into most Bibles.

  • $9.00

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    Prayer is a wonderful gift made available to God’s people—one that every person can enjoy, especially as each prayer is answered. However, oftentimes, we hinder our requests from being met because we do not understand God’s thoughts on the subject. In Men Ought Always to Pray, Dr. Jack Trieber delineates the Biblical view on prayer and encourages every Christian to develop a closer relationship with Him.

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    “The intelligent child of God must be driven to say, ‘I must pray, pray, pray. I must put all my energy and all my heart into prayer. Whatever else I do, I must pray.'”

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    A series of practical lessons on the subject of prayer.

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    Do you know how?

  • $13.95

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    Prayer is undoubtedly the most important ministry for our churches, our homes, our marriages, our families, and our country. Why? Because prayer moves the heart of God, and only God can save a dying world or change the outcome of a situation. In Great Prayers in the Bible, Dr. Jack Trieber highlights powerful prayers found in Scripture and urges every Christian to develop a stronger relationship with Christ through the avenue of prayer.

  • $30.00

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    From the moment of his conversion Paul was a man of prayer. His many prayers scattered throughout his letters are among the richest sources in all of Scripture for getting a practical insight into the subject matter of God-honouring prayer.

  • Original price was: $14.00.Current price is: $12.95.

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    Lord, Teach us to Pray.

  • $8.99

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    Prayer was the vital component of George Müller’s 19th-century ministry to England’s orphans. In “Answers to Prayer,” Mueller reveals how powerful and spiritually rewarding prayer can be.

  • $27.00

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    Most evangelical Christians know of Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Bible, but few are as familiar with his A Method for Prayer, with Scripture Expressions Proper to Be Used under Each Head. This work consists almost entirely of Scripture, arranged under various headings, to help Christians to pray in harmony with the truth of God, revealed in his Word.

    First published three hundred years ago, it has been revised and updated by O. Palmer Robertson to allow the language of prayer to be expressed in today’s idiom. It is sent out in the confidence that God will continue to honour his own Word, as it is redirected back to him in the form of heartfelt prayer.

  • $13.95

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    This compilation of passages is designed to aid the student of the Word of God in recognizing the importance of prayer and other well-known verses from the Book of Psalms.

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    Where God has worked, the people have prayed. Hannah pleaded for a son and received Samuel. Elijah called on God and saw fire come down. Paul and Silas prayed and the prison shook.

    Why do some prayers move mountains and others, barely stones? In Prevailing Prayer, one of the greatest evangelists of all time explains the elements of biblical, powerful prayer. A treasure trove of stories and illustrations, it will renew your desire to pray and guide you in best practices.

    For those who wonder where the power is, who long to see new spiritual depths, who need reminding that God can change a life, Prevailing Prayer is inspiration to pray humbly and often—to seek by prayer to “move the Arm that moves the world.”

    Author D. L. Moody