Books About Music


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    If you are interested in preserving the moral integrity of Christian music, and can read with an open mind regarding the heated topic of rock music and the Christian, and will ask God for wisdom as you make your musical choices – we hope you will read a copy of this thought-provoking discussion of CCM.

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    Rock music’s impact on worship and evangelism.

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    The principles of Godly music.

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    Dr. Lindsay Terry has made a lifelong study of the stories behind the songs that have blessed us all. In Heart-Warming Hymn Stories he gives us sixty of them.

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    Dr. Ed Reese is a man on the move for the Lord. His books are a gift of information and inspiration to all of us. In addition to his Hymn Histories, you will deeply appreciate his other books.

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    Two music experts, Frank Garlock and Kurt Woetzel, use the teachings of Scripture and results of human communication research to destroy the myth that music is amoral. Well researched but easily understandable, Music in the Balance progresses logically through a wide range of important issues, from why we study music to the distinctive elements of Christ-honoring music.

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    The old gospel song invited listeners to turn their radios on and hear the . . . music in the air.

  • $8.09

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    Since the early days of the Woodvale, their singing has enjoyed an enthusiastic acceptance by Christians. This book will take you on a trip down nostalgia lane where you will meet again many of the well known personalities from the last 5 decades of evangelical life in Ulster.

  • $10.00

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    The role of music in the Christian life. This book explains about the Philosophy of Music, Commonly asked questions and Musical standards.