Spiritual Growth



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  • $8.99

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    Just after the Great Awakening had spread throughout New England, Jonathan Edwards felt called to publish an eyewitness account of the powerful movement of the Holy spirit upon people’s hearts. The same wonderful work of God can happen today in your heart, too!

  • $8.99

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    This simple work is written in such a way as to make God’s Word clear to anyone who will listen.

  • $29.00

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    Being a Few Truths For the Times: Sermons in some cases, lectures in others, they all exhibit the robust evangelical doctrine and down-to earth application, characteristic of Ryle’s style. With a vibrant challenging note and an occasional flash of humour, reliable advice, grounded in Biblical principles, is offered to ministers and congregations, parents and children, young and old, converted and unconverted.

  • $8.00

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    This book focuses on the path to holiness and the relationship with Christ that allows us to become pure and clean and blameless before God — to be holy. May that become the fervent desire of your heart through these studies on holiness.

  • $12.00

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    ‘This book is well worth reading, … the merits of the study are that it is biblical–usually there are plenty of references to support an assertion, and the book proceeds by exegesis of verses and passages; it is practical, the aim being so to expound the doctrine as to promote the experience; it is well set out with headings and sub-headings, so that the substance is not lost in vagueness, and the reader is not lost in complexity…’ — J.A. MOTYER

  • $6.25

    4 in stock

    This book is the testimony of a man who has walked consistently by the principles of God’s Word. Here he tells us simply of the day-to-day dealings of God in his life. He opens his heart and gives us his vivid memories of humorous, stirring, heartbreaking incidents that combine to produce a record of spiritual duty served continously in spite of opposition and suffering.

    Paperback 240 Pages
    By Monroe Parker

  • $14.95

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    Developing Unshakable Faith for Unpredictable Circumstances. How to trust God, when you’re in trouble.

  • $12.95

    3 in stock

    It helps if we can laugh! God’s not finished with us yet. The Christian life is a journey, not a destination. Here are thousands of reminders that will give new perspectives, many laughs and a vision for the future. It’s always nice to know we’re not alone. When life seems a little crazy, just pardon the mess, read a few pages and be reminded we’re all under construction. The thorough index makes it an easily accessible reference tool.

    Paperback 202 Pages
    By Viola Walden

  • $8.00

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    A Simple Guide for Gifted Believers. A guide to help you discover and hone your spiritual gifts.

  • $2.00

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    Tracing the theme of the work of the Spirit through the Book of Revelation, this booklet contains a series of ten beautiful and encouraging meditations on the ministry of the Spirit.

  • $9.99

    1 in stock

    This book will draw you to the joys of heaven and warn you of the reality of hell. Take a visionary pilgrimage to the glorious City of God and the wretched inferno of Satan. Find out how to equip yourself for spiritual warfare so that you can one day enjoy the indescribable pleasure of heaven.

    158 Pages
    By John Bunyan

  • $7.99

    5 in stock (can be backordered)

    The “busyness” of life can often creep up and overwhelm us. But rather than having to depend on our own strength, it is our Christian privilege to enter into God’s presence. As we do, He will supply answers to our problems and give direction for our lives. In Waiting on God, Andrew Murray shares thirty-one heartfelt meditations, one for each day of the month, to help renew our vision and quicken our desire to turn to the Lord for His quiet, peaceful strength. Discover how God’s loving presence can refresh the weary heart that learns to wait on Him.

  • $8.99

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    31 meditations to help you learn in practice and experience the blessed art of waiting only upon God.

    By Andrew Murray

  • $8.09

    1 in stock (can be backordered)

    This book looks at key milestones in the life of Christ, along with their crucial relevance and meaning for us today. When we view the life of Jesus Christ, we can only conclude that God has visited his people.

    By Timothy Cross

  • $5.00

    7 in stock (can be backordered)

    A practical and Biblical look at finding God’s purpose for your life. This booklet makes a great gift for teenagers and young adults as they seek God’s will for their lives.

  • $24.95

    1 in stock

    Who is God? Perhaps you were taught as a child that God is everywhere, that God is eternal, that God is just. But what do these facts mean, and where are they found in the Bible? This scholarly work outlines the attributes of God and gives scriptural support for each one.

    502 pages
    By R. A. Torrey

  • $9.95

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    This large print edition of In His Steps, a timeless classic by Charles Sheldon, tells the story of the Reverend Henry Maxwell and the changes that occurred when he challenged his church not to do anything for an entire year without first asking, “What would Jesus do?” Join the millions around the world whose lives have changed because they dared to ask this vital question.

    Charles M Sheldon


  • $2.95

    25 in stock

    Discover the Power of Biblical Thinking

  • $1.50

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    What’s the Answer? In so many instances, many different problems have the same roots. By thinking through the advice in this pamphlet, the reader learns of the great importance of having his spiritual foundations anchored.

  • $7.19

    2 in stock (can be backordered)

    This is a distinctly Christian response to cancer and its debilitating effects and will be a source of encouragement to cancer sufferers and others who endure different forms of suffering and pain. We are directed heavenward and encouraged to place our hope and confidence in God along by the author.

  • $11.69

    1 in stock

    Building upon ancient astronomical sources and upon current scientific data, the author displays how the constellations witness to the accuracy of biblical prophetic truths. Numerous celestial charts and diagrams are provided to lend vivid support to his conclusions. With the Psalmist, one discovers that “the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork,” thus encouraging Bible students to look upward for the coming of Christ.

    By E. W. Bullinger

  • $3.59

    1 in stock

    D. L. Moody’s personal anecdotes and stories illustrate the way of salvation. Whether you are struggling to know and accept Christ, or just want to deepen your own understanding of your faith, this engaging book will show you what it means to have faith in Christ.

    144 Pages

  • $4.95

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    Understanding the relationship between a Christian and his Pastor